Isnin, 2 April 2012



R Sivarasa - Ahli Parlimen Subang

Posted: 01 Apr 2012 11:38 PM PDT

R Sivarasa - Ahli Parlimen Subang

Pelancaran Bilik IT SRJK(T) Bkt Darah

Posted: 01 Apr 2012 10:25 PM PDT

Sivarasa telah dijemput untuk merasmikan Makmal Komputer di SRJK(T) Bukit Darah. Dalam program yang sama, pelajar-pelajar cemerlang UPSR 2011 telah pun menerima anugerah daripada Ahli Parlimen mereka.

Turut hadir adalah Penyelaras DUN Paya Jaras, Sdr Kharuddin Othman serta pimpinan PAS dan PKR Subang.

Sivarasa bersama Guru Besar dan Pelajar Pelajar Cemerlang

Sivarasa menerima cederahati daripada Pengerusi PIBG

Bersama Sdr Khairuddin memberi sumbangan

Program Kesihatan di Bandar Baru Sungei Buloh

Posted: 01 Apr 2012 10:15 PM PDT

Ahad 1hb April, Sivarasa bersama Sdr Khairuddin Othman telah hadir di Program Kesihatan anjuran Pakatan Rakyat Subang di Bandar Baru Sungei Buloh.

Penduduk penduduk tempatan berpeluang untuk mendapat pemeriksaan kesihatan percuma samping bersalaman dengan Ahli Parlimen dan pimpinan masyarakat setempat.

Sivarasa Supports Earth Hour Walk 2012

Posted: 01 Apr 2012 10:08 PM PDT

Seramai 70 anak-anak muda dan remaja telah bersama menyambut Earth Hour Walk 2012 di Kota Damansara. Mereka telah berjalan kaki sejauh 5.5km merentasi kawasan Kota Damansara membawa bersama mesej untuk memelihara bumi kami.

Selepas berjalan, mereka bersama menjamu selera dengan YB Sivarasa di Padang Kota sambil menikmati keindahan alam sekitar.

Pentas Program di Giza

Banner Sokongan - peserta menunggu untuk melintas jalan

Peserta menjamu selera di Padang Kota

Sivarasa bersama menjamu selera

Kek yang telah disediakan untuk semua
Program diteruskan di GIZA dimana peserta bersama pengunjung GIZA bersempatan dihibur oleh pasukan Gendang PPRT Sek 8, persembahan lawak dan persembahan nyanyian oleh Tenor Msia. Hadir bersama adalah YB Dr Nasir, ADUN Kota Damansara.

Dari jam 8:30mlm - 9:30mlm lampu di GIZA ditutup sebagai lambang menyokong pendirian untuk bersama memelihara bumi ini. Pada masa ini juga, anak-anak muda kami telah memberikan "flyer" Earth Hour dan juga Petanda Buku dan Pelekat-pelakat untuk berkongsi maklumat dengan para pengunjung tentang kepentingan bersama memelihara bumi kita.

Anwar Ibrahim

Posted: 01 Apr 2012 07:46 PM PDT

Anwar Ibrahim

Ezam, Nalla dan Umi Hafilda Sedang Membesarkan Kubur Untuk Najib

Posted: 01 Apr 2012 07:19 AM PDT


Semakin hampir tiba detik pilihanraya, serangan peribadi kepada Anwar semakin memuncak. Bekas pemimpin-pemimpin PKR sperti Ezam Mohd Nor, Anuar Shaari, Nallakaruppan, Zulkifli Nordin dan lain-lain nampaknya begitu rancak menyerang peribadi Anwar berkaitan isu seks dan moral. Umi Hafilda yang merupakan adik kepada Azmin Ali turut tumpang semangkuk menghangatkan lagi suasana dengan dakwaan yang jika dihalusi lebih bersifat masalah kekeluargaan semata-mata.

Mereka berjanji untuk berkempen ke seluruh negara bersama isu seks, liwat dan biseksual yang dikaitkan dengan Anwar itu. Di dada media dan kaca tv, mereka sudah muncul hampir setiap hari dengan isu yang sama seolah-olah itulah isu pokok dalam politik negara dan penentuan rakyat terhadap parti yang ingin diberikan kuasa.

Modal mereka hanyalah isu seks dan liwat yang dikaitkan dengan Anwar dan sudah pun menjadi pengetahuan umum sebenarnya sejak Anwar dipecat pada 1998 lagi. Mereka hanya mengulang-ulang cerita lama seolah-olah mereka mengetahui segala-galanya walaupun dalam dalam kes liwat pertama, Anwar sudah dibebaskan oleh mahkamah dan dalam kes liwat kedua, juga sudah dibebaskan di peringkat Mahkamah Tinggi. Ia kini sedang menunggu proses rayuan di Mahkamah Rayuan.

Cerita seks dan liwat ini sudah diulang banyak kali walaupun hakikatnya rakyat menolak permainan menyerang peribadi secara keterlaluan itu. Lihatlah keputusan beberapa pilihanraya kecil sebelum ini dan arus sokongan rakyat di merata-rata tempat sekarang, jelas dapat dilihat bahawa isu ini tidak menjadi kudis kepada rakyat. Bahkan lagi disebut dan diulang cerita seks dan liwat itu, makin mencanak sokongan rakyat kepada Anwar.

Sesetengah rakyat tidak mempercayai isu seks dan liwat itu dan menganggapnya cubaan untuk membunuh karier politik Anwar yang direka sejak zaman Mahathir lagi. Sesetengah yang lain pula menganggapnya sebagai mainan politik longkang yang cuba dilakukan oleh BN untuk memenangi pilihanraya. BN dilihat seolah-olah sudah kering idea dan tiada modal lain untuk mendapatkan sokongan rakyat dan berhadapan dengan Anwar serta Pakatan Rakyat.

Jika diperhatikan gerak laku dan perangai bekas pemimpin PKR yang mengaitkan Anwar dengan pelbagai dakwaan berkaitan seks dan liwat itu, amat nyata bahawa bahawa mereka ingin menjadi hero dalam pilihanraya akan datang ini. Mereka ingin membunuh karektor Anwar dan mahu rakyat terus memilih BN semata-mata atas alasan Anwar seorang pemimpin yang tidak baik moralnya dan dikatakan gila seks.

Keghairahan mereka menonjolkan diri dalam media dan di sisi Najib telah menenggelamkan kewujudan pemimpin dalam UMNO sendiri. Peranan Ketua Bahagian dan Ahli Majlis Tertinggi UMNO seolah-olah tidak wujud dalam mempertahankan UMNO dan Najib. Sepanjang masa suara Najib lebih banyak disahut oleh mereka ini berbanding pemimpin dalam UMNO sendiri. Benarkan kata Tun Daim, Najib dalam persiapan menghadapi pilihanraya ini umpama jeneral tanpa askar.

Dalam masa yang sama, dengan menonjolkan isu seks dan liwat, penilaian rakyat cuba ditutup terhadap isu kenaikan harga barang, beban hidup yang meningkat, rasuah makin berleluasa, skandal lembu NFC, pelupusan hutang Tajudin Ramli sebanyak RM589 juta, hutang negara mencecah hampir 55 peratus KDNK negara, ekonomi yang tidak berkembang, urus tadbir negara yang lemah dan pelbagai isu lainnya yang menghenyak kehidupan rakyat seharian.

Apakah mungkin isu seks dan liwat itu mampu menjadikan rakyat buta hati dan melupakan isu lain seperti yang disebutkan diatas tadi?

Sudah bertahun-tahun terbukti bahawa isu seks, liwat dan biseksual yang dikaitkan dengan Anwar tidak memberi kesan apa-apa kepada kepada rakyat dan tindakan Ezam, Nalla, Umi Hafilda, Anuar Shaari serta rakan-rakan mereka yang lain terus membangkitkan isu itu tidak lain hanya umpama menambahbesarkan lagi kubur politik untuk Najib saja.

Anwar tidak akan ke mana-mana dek serangan itu tetapi sebaliknya Najib yang makin ditolak rakyat.

Najib yang kini bagaikan tercungap-cungap untuk mempertahankan kuasa, akan lebih ditolak rakyat dengan isu seks, liwat dan biseksual yang berterusan dibangkitkan ini kerana dalam masa yang sama beliau gagal menyelesaikan pelbagai isu dalam negara dan memberi jaminan tentang kehidupan yang lebih baik untuk rakyat.

Berbeza dengan Anwar dan Pakatan Rakyat, selain menjanjikan pengurusan ekonomi dan negara yang lebih baik, mereka juga menjanjikan penurunan harga minyak dalam tempoh 24 selepas menawan Putrajaya, kajian semula tarif letrik dan terbaru penghapusan hutang PTPTN pelajar serta jaminan memberi pendidikan percuma untuk rakyat.

Tawaran-tawaran itu tentunya lebih menawan hati rakyat berbanding hidangan cerita seks, liwat, biseksual dan dakwaan Umi Hafilfa terhadap Anwar dan Azmin yang lebih merupakan masalah keluarga. Masalah keluarga sepatutnya diselesaikan dengan kaedah kekeluargaan dan tindakan Umi Hafilda menyeret masalah keluarganya ke dalam UMNO dan BN hanya akan menambahkan lagi beban Najib dalam pilihanraya ini.

Jika benar bekas-bekas pemimpin PKR ini ingin membantu Najib dan mahu melihat UMNO dan BN terus berkuasa, mereka sepatutnya bukan menjaja cerita seks dan liwat terhadap Anwar yang dikitar semula tetapi mendedahkan bagaimanakah strategi dan rahsia PKR menghadapi beberapa piliharaya sebelum ini sehingga mampu memenangi beberapa kawasan pilihanraya. Mereka juga boleh menceritakan bagaimana untuk mendekati generasi muda kerana luka yang ditinggalkan Ezam kepada Pemuda UMNO khususnya ketika zaman kebangkitan reformasi masih segar dalam ingatan sebahagian besar ahli UMNO sendiri.

Atau setidak-tidaknya memberi idea bagaimana untuk melawan janji penurunan harga minyak, letrik dan penghapusan hutang PTPTN yang dibawa oleh Anwar dan Pakatan Rakyat yang dilihat begitu berjaya menawan hati rakyat.

Menjaja cerita seks dan mengulang skrip lama terhadap Anwar hanya mendedahkan tembelang ingin muncul hero di sisi Najib tetapi tiada idea segar yang boleh diterima rakyat. Di dalam UMNO sendiri kaedah yang digunakan oleh bekas pemimpin PKR ini tidak begitu disenangi kerana didapati gagal menarik sokongan rakyat. Ceramah yang mereka buat juga selama ini hanya dihadiri oleh AJK UMNO Bahagian, AJK UMNO cawangan-cawangan serta kelompok yang dekat dengan pimpinan UMNO saja. Tidak ada rakyat biasa yang mahu hadir dan mendengar ceramah Ezam dan rakan-rakannya dan ahli UMNO juga tidak bertambah hanya kerana ceramah mereka. Lebih dari itu, tidak ada ahli PKR atau Pas yang keluar parti dan menyertai UMNO disebabkan oleh Ezam, Nalla, Anuar Shaari dan Umi Hafilda.

Mereka mungkin berjaya menjadi senator dan mengaut sedikit habuan ekonomi tetapi sumbangan terbesar ialah kejayaan membesarkan lagi kubur politik untuk Najib dalam PRU 13 ini.

Losing The Malay Vote: Comparison With Anwar is Najib’s Greatest Fear

Posted: 01 Apr 2012 12:01 AM PDT

Malaysia Chronicle

Embattled Prime Minister Najib Razak is under attack from all fronts. Not only is the most powerful ‘warlord’ in Umno – former premier Mahathir Mohamad – losing confidence in him to win the 13th general election, even the smaller chieftains as well as the disgraced ones such as former Selangor chief minister Khir Toyo are publicly giving their two cents worth on how to stave off Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim and his Pakatan Rakyat coalition.

For Najib – a clumsy and awkward politician – the solution is simple. Bombard Anwar. It does not seem to have occurred to him that Pakatan has grown beyond what it was when it went into the 2008 general elections – a loose pact of three parties, namely PKR, PAS and DAP. Be that as it may, Najib’s dependence on media sensationalism and a shady group of bought-over politicians has reaped some reward for the Pakatan, in that the tactic has boomeranged and whittled down Najib’s credibility even more.

Malaysians would choose Anwar

When Najib first took over as prime minister in 2009 and promised reforms, Malaysians were optimistic and gave him a chance. But nearly 4 years have passed, and Najib has been proven to be a fraud – espousing lofty ideals in public but doing the opposite in reality. In the end, he is seen as little more than just another weak Umno leader who needs to rely on race and religion to stir up support for himself.

On this basis, it is no wonder that try as he will, the near nightly TV appearances by dubious people such Senator S Nallakauppan, Senator Ezam Mohd Nor, Ummi Hafilda and former MIC Youth leader N Gobalakrishnan have only sparked cynicism about his caliber as a prime minister. Nonetheless, having paid out hefty fees, plus handing out several Senatorships, Najib feels it is ‘safer’ to continue with his “sex, sex, sex” campaign against Anwar. After all, it worked for Mahathir, so why not for him? But it only ‘worked’ for Mahathir because he threw Anwar into jail. Can Najib do the same to Anwar today? Will the political consequences be the same?

Conveniently, Najib also seems to have forgotten that the people are able to think for themselves or that they might wonder why is he pushing such an incredulous campaign? Why doesn’t he just take on Anwar in the public debate that the Opposition Leader has challenged him to over and over again?

The answers are obvious, of course. Najib could never take on Anwar and it is not just to do with oratorical skills. A debate would spark the very comparison that he is trying to avoid at all costs. Najib knows he is no match for the gifted Anwar. Even Mahathir picked Anwar over Najib to be his deputy prime minister when Anwar was still in Umno.

Therefore, to allow Malaysians who will surely glue themselves to the TV for such a debate, and allow them – especially the Malays – the opportunity to evaluate and – horrors of horror – compare the two men, Najib might as well throw in the towel straightaway.

Things are not working out for Najib

At 58, Najib is in an awkward position due mainly to his own inability to lead and to his indecisive character. This is why wife Rosmah Mansor has been so influential compared to the other wives of the previous premiers. As PKR Women’s chief Zuraida Kamaruddin has pointed out, if Najib cannot control his wife – whose wild spending sprees have disturbed the man in the street all the way up to Parliament – how can he be expected to control the nation.

Until now, he has failed to utter a squeak in response to the invitation from WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to team up with fugitive blogger Raja Petra and take on Anwar in a moderated debate. By stark comparison, Anwar agreed without fuss despite the unfairness of having to take on Najib and Raja Petra in a two-versus-one.

Perhaps, Najib expected Anwar to be as afraid as he is and to rebuff Assange. After all, two versus one is hardly fair. But Anwar upped the ante when he straightaway said yes, arguing that paramount was to give the people a chance to assess and evaluate for themselves the state of their nation and to decide who could better run their nation – Pakatan or BN?

So to continue to bombard Anwar on the “sex, sex, sex” theme is ‘safer’, Najib reckons. There are many reasons for him and his camp to believe they are on the right track. One factor is desperation.

Back to the wall

Najib is himself in a very vulnerable position right now, because so many issues and scandals are coming together at him, all at the same time. He simply can’t cope. Hence, the frequent overseas trips. Each time, the cabin door of the government’s plush jet closes, Najib heaves a sigh of relief and wipes his sweaty brow.

Everyone and everything seems to be closing in on him and he has no answers. No even as to when the 13th general election will be held. Initially the Opposition was accused of trying to rush GE-13, but why would they when the electoral reforms they have been demanding are nowhere ready?

No, the ones piling pressure on Najib to announce the GE-13 date are the Umno warlords themselves. The big ones like Mahathir and Daim can wait. Like the Opposition, they want to win and if it takes another year when the BN’s mandate officially expires in March 2013, so be it. But tell that to the smaller warlords, who can hardly wait to get their hands on the funds that Najib will allocate to each division to get their machinery ready for polls. These guys are baying like werewolves for the money, and in Umno tradition, one can safely expect that 90% will be siphoned over to their own accounts. Yes, the majority of Umno warlords want their ‘ringgit’ and now!

Malaysians dread another 5 years under Najib and Rosmah

As for Najib and Rosmah, they would prefer to forever hold on to Putrajaya, the official Seri Perdana residence, the overseas trips on taxpayers’ expense, the army of flunkies at their beck and call and so forth. In fact, their ideal would be – no general election at all, period!

But for the people, it is clear their patience has run out. The latest Christianization threat failed to stir the ruckus that similar episodes in the past had. This time, the Christians were not shy to lash out and without pulling punches. However, the rest of Malaysia watched with a weary eye.

Uppermost on their minds were the thoughts that if Najib was to be re-elected, they would have to live with another 5 years of such time-wasting rule. Can they bear another 5 years of Najib and Rosmah, another 5 years of manipulation and backseat driving by Mahathir and Daim, another 5 years of corruption and illicit outflows?

This is what Najib should face up to. These are the questions that are running through the people minds. But he does not feel the pulse of the nation. He never has.

Recent flops

Look at the Felda Global Ventures Holdings listing he is hammering through in June. It is unpopular to a large number of the Felda settlers but Najib only chooses to hear the calls of support from those who want it.

Same goes for the MAS-AirAsia share swap deal, which was condemned and heavily protested by MAS staff. Did Najib listen? But now that the national carrier has posted even worst results after the swap, he is trying to cajole the MAS staff, a large proportion of whom are Malays and may vote for the Pakatan out of disgust if he doesn’t take notice of their complaints. But just like everybody else in Malaysia, MAS staff will soon find out that Najib doesn’t mean what he says. The PM only intends to cluck his tongue and express some sympathy but until the deal is reversed, MAS staff should not hold their breath.

Another big flop was the My First House scheme that Najib was pinning his hopes on to win the votes of the young professionals, who had suddenly found themselves unable to buy property due to runaway prices that he – as Finance minister – failed to do anything about or to try and control. It was only last week that the central Bank Negara finally announced measures to release the pressure valve in the property market by making it tougher to borrow and speculate on real estate prices.

So, no, Najib did nothing to redeem himself as Finance minister. If he had, he could still have some legacy. But the economy was mostly stagnant to slowing during the past 4 years, and moving on auto-pilot. The gears have now shifted up a notch for a major slowdown as past warnings of a global squeeze start to filter into the local economy. With the Opposition hyperactive and not missing anything, Najib is no longer able to plunder from the cash-rich Employee Provident Fund as his predecessors used to. This means Umno will no longer be able to pass the buck from the left hand to the right hand and then pretend that the country has progressed when the movement was merely lateral and not forward at all.

Hence, sensationalism and “sex, sex, sex” to divert the Malays

So, no wonder Najib needs “sex, sex, sex” against Anwar. He has to use sensationalism to capture the Malays’ interest, like the poverty-stricken in India rely on Bollywood for respite against their harsh daily lives.

Malaysians and Christians must beware and brace for new onslaughts from the likes of extremist groups Perkasa and Hasan Ali’s Jati. In fact, on Monday, Hasan will finally be revealing a much-awaited video, which he claims proves that Christians are going all out to convert Muslims in Malaysia.

On the racial front, education is likely to be used as another tool of diversion to get the Malays upset and fearful of the Chinese. The May 13, 1969 racial riots will again be used to frighten the Chinese into submission and it is no accident that Najib planned the Umno 66th anniversary celebration to end on May 13, where he is expected to make a ‘special’ speech.

To Najib, it is a matter of life and death to keep knocking down Anwar. Why? He cannot afford to allow the Malays to focus on the reality and come to the realization that Anwar is really one of the most talented Malay leaders of recent times. There is a huge difference in their political styles, culture, education and economic programs.

In economics, Najib goes for the alphabet soup programs of GTP, ETP, EPP and so on. Anwar, voted best Finance minister by an international magazine, before Mahathir jailed him has stuck to his guns. It is simple for the 64-year-old Anwar. Just stick to priority for the poor, distribution of wealth and goodies on the basis of needs, keep the country open and make sure Malaysia is cleanly and transparently administered. The rest will fall in. Ii does appear simplistic compared to Najib’s glitzy acronyms. But as economist point out, the essentials must be put in place first and foremost.

Malays already wising up

Can Najib and Umno ever afford to stop smearing Anwar? Already the Malays – the core electorate – are starting to compare Anwar with Najib, Umno with Pakatan. Indeed, it is very easy for the Malays to swing to Anwar’s side. He used to be the darling of their community until Mahathir hatched the Sodomy I conspiracy against him. Even then, Mahathir had to resign and Umno was split down the line.

After Anwar was acquitted and decided to return to active politics, Najib knew he had to keep drumming up sexual accusations against Anwar to keep the seeds of doubts alive. Hence, Nalla, Ezam, Ummi and not to mention the Datuk T trio. But Najib is foolish. Or maybe he just doesn’t wish to admit that his plan – his one and only remaining bullet – is not working. Look at the Datuk T sex video which was played out daily in the mainstream newspapers and on TV. What did it do for Najib except consolidate the image that he and Umno know nothing but “sex, sex, sex”.

If Najib is smart, he would notice the cheer that was raised all around the nation and the world when Anwar was found not guilty of Sodomy II. And be afraid, very afraid.

Najib is the proverbial boy who cried wolf. From Saiful Bukhari Azlan, the Sodomy II complainant, to the Datuk T trio and thence to the Nalla-Ezam-Ummi group, his gutter strategies have failed and will continue to backfire – eating away at his own credibility.The good thing for Anwar and the Pakatan is that Najib is too foolish to even realize it.

Wee Choo Keong

Posted: 01 Apr 2012 03:50 PM PDT

Wee Choo Keong

Deputy Min of MOF replies in Parliament

Posted: 01 Apr 2012 07:49 AM PDT

The verbatim version of Hansard Report of 28-3-2012 when YB Senator Datuk Dr Awang Adek Hussein, Deputy Minister of Finance, was replying to all the questions raised during the Debate on the Royal Address in Parliament regarding the MAS-AirAsia share swap and CCF. Below were the replies from YB Senator Dr Awang Adek to the [...]

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