Sabtu, 10 Disember 2011



Lim Lip Eng

Posted: 10 Dec 2011 07:04 AM PST

Lim Lip Eng

MOF: Hotline or Scam-line?

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 11:14 PM PST

Under the 2012 budget, the Federal Government had promised a one-off allocation of RM500 for households earning an income of under RM3000. This is intended to relieve the burden of inflation for these families.
On Thursday 8th December, the mainstream press published a hotline number for the public to call in order to see if they are eligible for the relief and how they can obtain it. However, Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng had received several complaints from the members of the public who called the hotline but were unable to get through to the operator.
"They complained to me that when they tried calling, they were told that all the operators were busy. However, after waiting for long periods of time they still could not get through," he said.
Lim has called the hotline personally and has instructed both of his assistants to call the hotline sixteen times at half hour intervals between 9am and 12pm today, but with no success.
Clearly frustrated, Lim was angry that the public would be so inconvenienced as a result of the non-responsive hotline. "If the Ministry of Finance was really genuine about helping the people, why did they set up a useless hotline?"
Lim called on the Federal government to stop misleading the people, and he hopes that this issue can be resolved quickly.

Lim Guan Eng

Posted: 10 Dec 2011 01:51 AM PST

Lim Guan Eng

6 Integrity Measures To End Money Politics And Address Transparency International’s Concerns About The Police Force That Can Cleanse Malaysia From Corruption, Cronyism And Abuse Of Power.(en/bm/cn)

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 10:55 PM PST

United Nations International Anti-Corruption Day on 9 December 2011 can only be celebrated meaningfully in Malaysia by ending money politics through 6 integrity measures. Malaysia performed dismally in the latest 2011 Transparency International (TI) Corruption Perception Index(CPI), dropping 4 spots to No. 60 out of 183 countries this year from No. 56 out of 178 last year.

Malaysia's 2011 CPI dropped for the third year running, slipping to 4.3 this year, leaving it in 60th place out of 183 countries compared with 37th place when Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi took over as prime minister in 2003. TI Malaysia Deputy President Mohammad Ali even noted that Malaysia's CPI has continued to decline as “elements of state" that facilitated ‘grand corruption’ were still prevalent.

Such a damning indictment by TI explains UMNO's attacks against DAP as anti-Malay and anti-Islam at the UMNO General Assembly filled will lies, hatred and vulgar language. No criticism is leveled at the expose by the 2010 Auditor-General Report of over-expenditure of RM3.7 billion by government departments. No questions are raised about the RM 250 million "cows and condos scandal" where money is used to buy luxury condos instead of rearing cows, and money released two years even before the agreement was signed by both parties.

Worse, TI's survey of 1,000 respondents also found that the police and political parties were seen as the most corrupt institutions in the country, with most Malaysians believing that corruption levels would remain the same in the next three years. DAP proposes 6 integrity measures to improve our anti-corruption rankings by first succeeding in ending money politics and combat corruption in the police.

One, there must be a ban on political parties involvement in business which can only lead to conflict of interest. How can politics mix with business as the former seeks to uphold public interests whereas the latter is to pursue private benefit and profit? How wealthy political parties that are involved in business have become can be seen by MCA giving money to its members every year.

Two, the ban on mixing politics with business must be followed by establishing an open tender system to check crony capitalism. An open tender system ensures that unjust contracts such as the Independent Power Producers and the toll concession operators do not benefit the few with tens of billions of ringgit in extraordinary profits at the expense of the 27 million ordinary citizens. The shocking losses in RM5 billion Perwaja scandal, Port Klang Free Trade Zone scandal and the RM52 billion bumis shares scandal all adds up to more than US$ 100 billion estimated to be lost by Malaysians from corrupt or financial malpractices.

Third, a right to non-confidential information must be protected under the Freedom of Information Act to ensure transparency.

Fourthly, there must be a declaration of personal assets by public officials holding positions of public trust.

Fifth, there must be full and unconditional implementation of the 125 recommendations proposed by the 2005 Royal Commission on the Enhancement of the Management and Operation of PDRM, especially the formation of the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commissionv(IPCMC). The IPCMC was intended to cut down abuses of police powers and police corruption. Failure to set up the IPCMC only shows the unwillingness of the BN government to deal with the negative public perception about the police.

Finally, the Elections Commission(EC) must be punished for failure to act or even failure to press for action by the relevant authorities on election bribery, especially failure to comply with the Election Offences Act 1954 imposing election spending limits of RM200,000 for every Parliamentary constituency and RM100,000 for evey state constituency. So blatant is this election spending limits rule violated that the Election Commission had admitted that RM 110 million was spent on election posters alone in the 2004 general elections.

With 219 parliamentary seats and 445 state seats contested in the 2004 general elections, the election spending limits is a maximum of RM 88.3 million. Clearly only BN can afford to spend RM110 million on election posters in the 2004 general elections. And yet despite this astonishing self-revelation and admission by BN, no action was taken by the EC.

These 6 integrity measures can begin to cleanse Malaysia of corruption, cronyism and abuse of power. A fundamental step to return power to the people is to punish those who undertake corrupt actions, reduce opportunities for corruption, implement a national integrity system through appropriate laws and institutions.

——- BM Translation ———
Kenyataan Akhbar Setiausaha Agung DAP dan Ahli Parlimen Bagan Lim Guan Eng di Kuala Lumpur pada 9.12.2011

6 Langkah-Langkah Integriti Untuk Menghentikan Politik Wang Dan Menyelesaikan Kebimbangan Transparency International Tentang Pihak Polis Serta Dapat Membersihkan Malaysia Daripada Rasuah, Kronisme Dan Penyalahgunaan Kuasa

Hari Anti-Rasuah Antarabangsa Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (UN) pada 9 Disember 2011 hanya boleh disambut dengan penuh bermakna jika kita mengambil 6 langkah-langkah integriti untuk menghentikan politik wang. Prestasi Malaysia telah merosot dalam laporan terkini Indeks Persepsi Rasuah (CPI) Transparency International 2011, di mana negara kita telah jatuh 4 kedudukan ke tangga ke-60 daripada 183 negara daripada tangga ke-56 daripada 178 negara tahun lepas.

CPI 2011 Malaysia telah menurun untuk tahun ketiga berturut-turut kepada 4.3 tahun ini dan tangga ke-60, berbanding tangga ke-37 semasa Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi mengambil alih pucuk pimpinan sebagai Perdana Menteri pada tahun 2033. Malah Timbalan Presiden TI Malaysia Mohammad Ali telah menyatakan bahawa CPI Malaysia terus merosot kerana "elemen-elemen kerajaan" yang memudahkan "rasuah besar" masih lagi berleluasa.

Dakwaan yang berat daripada TI ini menjelaskan sedikit sebanyak serangan UMNO yang penuh fitnah, kebencian dan maki hamun terhadap DAP sebagai anti-Melayu dan anti-Islam semasa Perhimpunan Agung UMNO. Tidak pula ada kritikan mengenai Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2010 yang telah mendedahkan jabatan-jabatan kerajaan yang telah terlebih belanja sebanyak RM3.7 bilion. Tidak pula disebut tentang skandal lembu dan kondo, di mana RM250 juta yang sepatutnya digunakan untuk tujuan penternakan lembu telah digunakan untuk pembelian kondo mewah, dan bagaimana duit itu boleh diberi dua tahun sebelum perjanjian ditandatangani oleh kedua-dua pihak.

Yang lebih teruknya, kaji selidik TI ke atas 1,000 orang responden juga mendapati bahawa pihak polis dan parti-parti politik dilihat sebagai institusi-institusi yang paling korup dalam negara. Juga dilaporkan bahawa kebanyakan warga Malaysia percaya tahap rasuah tidak akan berubah dalam masa 3 tahun akan datang.

Oleh itu, DAP mencadangkan 6 langkah-langkah integriti untuk menambahbaikkan kedudukan anti-rasuah kita dengan menghentikan politik wang dan membanteras rasuah dalam polis.

Pertama, parti-parti politik harus diharamkan daripada melibatkan diri dalam perniagaan, yang lazimnya membawa kepada konflik kepentingan. Bagaimana politik boleh bercampur dengan perniagaan, apabila politik itu bertujuan untuk menjaga kepentingan awam manakala tujuan perniagaan adalah untuk keuntungan peribadi? Contoh parti politik yang telah menjadi kaya melalui perniagaan boleh dilihat dalam kes MCA yang sekarang berupaya untuk memberi wang kepada ahli-ahlinya setiap tahun.

Kedua, pengharaman percampuran politik dengan perniagaan harus diikuti dengan kewujudan sistem tender terbuka untuk menghentikan kapitalisme kroni. Sistem tender terbuka akan memastikan kontrak yang tidak adil di mana Penjana Elektrik Bebas (IPP) dan syarikat-syarikat pengendali tol tidak akan mendapat keuntungan luarbiasa sebanyak berpuluhan ribu bilion ringgit sementara 27 juta rakyat dibebankan. Kerugian RM5 bilion dalam skandal Perwaja, skandal Port Klang Free Trade Zone dan skandal saham bumiputra RM52 bilion kesemuanya berjumlah lebih daripada USD 100 bilion, iaitu jangkaan kerugian rakyat Malaysia akibat daripada penyelewengan dan rasuah.

Ketiga, hak untuk maklumat tidak sulit hendaklah dilindungi di bawah Akta Maklumat Bebas untuk memastikan ketelusan.

Keempat, semua penjawat awam yang memegang amanah awam hendaklah membuat pengisytiharan aset mereka.

Kelima, 125 cadangan oleh Suruhanjaya DiRaja Penambahbaikan Perjalanan dan Pengurusan PDRM 2005 hendaklah dilaksanakan tanpa apa-apa syarat, terutama sekali penubuhan Suruhanjaya Bebas Aduan dan Salah Laku Polis (IPCMC). IPCMC ini bertujuan untuk mengurangkan rasuah dan penyalahgunaan kuasa polis. Kegagalan untuk menubuhkan IPCMC hanya menunjukkan ketidak sanggupan Kerajaan BN untuk menangani persepsi negatif awam tentang polis.

Terakhir, Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) hendaklah dihukum untuk kegagalannya untuk bertindak atau menuntut tindakan daripada pihak berkuasa ke atas rasuah pilihan raya, terutama sekali kegagalannya untuk mematuhi Akta Kesalahan Pilihan Raya 1954 yang mengenakan had perbelanjaan pilihan raya sebanyak RM200,000 untuk kawasan parlimen dan RM100,000 untuk kawasan dewan undangan negeri. Pelanggaran peraturan ini berlaku secara terang-terangan sampai SPR sendiri telah mengaku bahawa RM110 juta telah dibelanjakan untuk poster pilihan raya sahaja dalam Pilihan Raya Umum 2004.

Dengan 219 kawasan parlimen dan 445 kawasan DUN yang ditandingi dalam PRU 2004, had perbelanjaan pilihan raya sepatutnya RM88.3 juta. Adalah amat jelas bahawa hanya BN sahaja yang dapat membelanjakan sebanyak RM110 juta untuk poster pilihan raya dalam PRU tersebut. Meskipun demikian, tiada sebarang tindakan yang telah diambil oleh SPR.

6 langkah-langkah integriti ini boleh memulakan proses pembersihan Malaysia daripada rasuah, kronisme dan penyalahgunaan kuasa. Langkah-langkah asas seperti menghukum mereka yang mengamalkan rasuah, mengurangkan peluang rasuah, melaksanakan sistem integriti kebangsaan melalui undang-undang dan institusi-institusi yang sesuai adalah antara langkah-langkah yang dapat mengembalikan kuasa kepada rakyat.

—–Mandarin Translation——


透过6项廉正措施结束金钱政治, 认真看待国际透明组织就大马警员的评语,以洗净马来西亚的贪污、朋党及滥权臭名。



国际透明组织这样一个确凿的指控,说明了巫统在巫统大会向行动党展开的"反马来人"及"反伊斯兰教"攻击, 是充满谎言、仇恨和粗俗语言的。整个巫统大会丝豪未提及或批评2010年度总稽查司报告指政府部门超支37亿令吉的事。更没有人质问原本应用来养牛的2亿5千万令吉转用来购买豪华公寓的"牛及豪华公寓丑闻",以及正式签署合约的2年前就发出款项的事情。


第一, 必需禁止政党涉及商业活动,避免利益冲突。政商如何得以结为一体?政治是要维护公众利益,而商业则是要追求私人利益和利润。一个政党如何透过经商致富,看看马华,这是最佳例子。马华富裕到可以每年派钱给党员,就是一个政党透过经商致富的绝佳例子。





最后,选举委员会必需就他们的无能而受到处分。因为他们没有严格根据1954年选举犯罪法令来惩罚或施压采取行动对付有关方面在贿选,特别是无法符合1954年选举犯罪法令下,限定每个国会选区不得开支超过20万令吉以及州选区不可超过10万令吉的事而受对付。这么明目张胆的超支违规,连选委会自已都承认,在2004年大选,只是海报就花了 1亿1千万令吉。




Jemputan DS Zahid Hamidi tidak dapat menyembunyikan hakikat bahawa kapal selam itu tidak dapat menyelam (BM/BI/BC)

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 10:59 PM PST

Jemputan Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Seri Zahid Haidi kepada saya untuk menyelam dalam kapal selam kelas Scorpene KD Tun Razak 21 bulan selepas saya menerima cabarannya tidak dapat menyembunyikan hakikat bahawa kapal selam itu tidak dapat menyelam semasa penyerahannya kepada TLDM dan juga tidak menjawab soalan-soalan tentang kos pembelian sebanyak RM3.68 bilion dan kontrak perkhidmatan atau "komisyen" sebanyak RM534 juta.

Untuk membuktikan bahawa kapal selam yang dibeli itu berupaya menyelam, Zahid telah mencabar saya dalam sidang Parlimen 17 Mac 2010 untuk menyelam dalam kapal tersebut. Walaupun Zahid meyakinkan saya bahawa kecacatan mekanikal dalam kapal selam pertama negara kita telah pun dibetulkan, saya tetap berkeras meminta agar Kerajaan menukarkan kapal selam itu dengan sebuah lagi yang baru. Walau bagaimanapun, Zahid menolak cadangan saya dan mencabar saya untuk menyelam dalam kapal selam tersebut.

Saya telah menerima cabaran itu dengan serta merta tetapi tidak menyangka bahawa saya terpaksa menunggu 21 bulan untuk merealisasikannya. Adakah pembetulan kecacatan teknikal itu mengambil masa begitu lama? Ini menimbulkan semula soalan-soalan mengenai kos pembelian kapal selam yang begitu mahal serta keraguan tentang kontrak perkhidmatan yang dianugerahkan kepada sebuah syarikat yang tidak ada sebarang rekod atau pengalaman dalam penyenggaraan kapal selam.

Kerajaan BN mesti sedar bahawa isu ini melibatkan bukan sahaja wang awam sebanyak RM4.214 bilion, tetapi juga keselamatan para pelayar TLDM. Kerajaan hendaklah memastikan bahawa semua sudut keselamatan dan penyenggaraan dikendalikan oleh sebuah syarikat yang berpengalaman dan mempunyai rekod prestasi yang terbukti.

Saya akan hadir ke LIMA di Langkawi untuk memenuhi cabaran yang dibuat oleh Zahid 21 bulan lalu. Pada masa yang sama, rakyat Malaysia masih lagi menunggu jawapan kepada soalan-soalan tentang kos pembelian yang tinggi dan penganugerahan kontrak perkhidmatan yang kini juga terlibat dalam kes saman di negara asing.


—BM Translation—-

Press Statement By Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng In Penang In Komtar, George Town On 8.12.2011

Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi's Invite That I Dive With The Scorpene-class KD Tun Razak 21 Months After Accepting His Challenge Neither Hides The Fact That The Submarine Could Not Dive Upon Delivery Nor Answer Questions About The Costly RM3.68 Billion Purchase And RM534 Million Service Contract Or "Commission".

Defence Minister Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi's invite that I dive with the Scorpene-class KD Tun Razak 21 months after accepting his challenge neither hides the fact that the submarine could not dive upon delivery nor answer questions about the costly RM3.68 billion purchase and RM534 million service contract or "commission" given to Perimekar Sdn Bhd.

Zahid had challenged me in Parliament on 17 March 2010 to go for a submarine ride to prove that the submarine could dive. Zahid had then reassured me that the mechanical defect on Malaysia's first submarine had been corrected but I had insisted that the Government return the vessel to the manufacturer to be replaced with a new one. After all if one buys a new car, and there is a defect, you take it back to the showroom and ask for a new one. However Zahid refused my suggestion and challenged me to take a dive with the submarine.

I had accepted immediately but did not realise that it would take 21 months for Zahid to fulfil his challenge. Does it mean it took that long to correct whatever technical defect that prevented the submarine from diving in the first place? This only revisits questions about the controversy of the high cost of purchasing the submarine and suspicions about awarding the service contract to a company that had no previous track record or experience in servicing and maintaining submarines.

The BN government must realise that not only huge sums of public funds amounting to RM4.214 billion are involved but the safety of sailors are at stake to ensure that the highest standards or safety and security are maintained by experienced and expert service companies with a proven track record. I will go to LIMA in Langkawai and fulfil the challenge made by Zahid 21 months ago. But the public is still waiting for answers to the questions about the high cost of purchase and service contracts which are also subject to suits in a foreign country


—–Mandarin Translation—-




在2010年3月17日的国会会议上,扎希挑战我与他一起乘坐一趟潜水艇之旅,以证明有关的潜水艇真的可以潜水。扎希过后也向我保证,马来西亚首艘潜水艇的机械缺陷已被补救,但是我坚持认为,政府应该将这艘有缺陷的潜水艇退还给制造商,并换一艘新的潜水艇。毕竟,这就像买了一辆有缺陷的新车, 通常都会拿回车厂要求更换一辆全新的轿车。然而,扎希拒绝了我的建议,并挑战晚和他一起去乘坐潜水艇。




Lim Kit Siang

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 11:43 PM PST

Lim Kit Siang

Civil service as Umno’s fixed deposit or game buster

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 06:19 PM PST

— Dr. Lim Teck Ghee CPI 9th December 2011 Commentary The new civil service remuneration scheme recently announced by the government provides civil servants pay rises of between seven and 13 per cent. Coming just before the elections expected soon, it is clearly intended to influence the outcome of the elections. Umno leaders see members [...]

Russians fight Twitter and Facebook battles over Putin election

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 06:38 AM PST

Miriam Elder in Moscow Friday 9 December 2011 Protests against president’s party escalate across social media with flood of automated counterattacks and alleged hacking Protest against Vladimir Putin United party over elections have escalated across social media, including Twitter and Facebook, with a flood of automated counterattacks. Russians have flooded Facebook and Twitter as [...]

Charles Santiago

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 11:19 PM PST

Charles Santiago

Peaceful Assembly Bill comes under UN fire

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 01:12 AM PST

Source: Malaysiakini

A group of UN human rights experts has warned that the Peaceful Assembly Bill not only restricts the right to peaceful assembly, including street protests, but also conditional access for media to public gatherings.

UN Special Rapporteur Maina Kiai voiced "deep regret" that the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) or civil society was not meaningfully consulted in the drafting of the Bill.

In a statement released by the group, Maina (right) said the Bill contains a vague definition of assembly and also places broad restrictions and conditions on gatherings, which he described as giving "excessive authority" and power to law enforcement officials and the home minister.

"Many of these restrictions are not justifiable under international law. It also gives discretion to the police to make any form of recording of assemblies," said Maina who is the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association.

The Bill was tabled for its first reading by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department on Nov 21 and it was passed hastily, with some amendments, less than a fortnight ago, on Nov 29.

The Bill was passed amidst a walkout by the opposition MPs after debating it, and also a protest by more than 1,000 lawyers on the same day.

The Bill also includes a prohibition on non-citizens and citizens under the age of 21 to assemble peacefully.

Malaysia is a member of the UN Human Rights Council until 2013.

Alarmed by restrictions

Another Special Rapporteur, Margaret Sekaggya (left), said she is alarmed by the provision prohibiting citizens below 21 years of age to assemble.

"Political and social participation through peaceful protests are not only an educational experience for children, youth and students but also an investment for society as a whole," she exclaimed.

Frank La Rue, another Special Rapporteur on the right to freedom of expression, has urged the Malaysian government to seriously reconsider the adoption of the Bill.

"The ability of all individuals to express themselves freely, including in the form of peaceful assemblies, is a litmus test for the level of democracy in any country."

Fracois Crepeau (left), a Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, called for an urgent review of the Bill.

"Everyone has the right to freedom of assembly and association, without distinction of any kind, including nationality," said Crepeau.

All the experts cited report to the UN Human Rights Council, Geneva, in an independent and unpaid capacity.

Last July, the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights voiced concern over the apparent use of excessive force against protesters in the July 9 Bersih 2.0 rally.


Posted: 09 Dec 2011 01:02 PM PST


Penduduk gesa taska ditutup

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 07:02 AM PST

Childcare and education centres irritate neighbours

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 06:52 AM PST

Menteri Buta Gaji

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 05:59 AM PST

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Vale jetty can threaten security, says NGO | Free Malaysia Today

Posted: 09 Dec 2011 12:04 AM PST

DAP moots end to politics-business nexus

Posted: 08 Dec 2011 10:26 PM PST

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