Rabu, 11 Februari 2015



Suara Sri Andalas

Posted: 10 Feb 2015 11:20 PM PST

Suara Sri Andalas

Keputusan Penghakiman Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim Konspirasi Politik Melemahkan Kebangkitan Rakyat

Posted: 10 Feb 2015 11:07 PM PST

Keputusan mahkamah yang mengekalkan sabitan bersalah terhadap Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim dalam kes Fitnah Liwat 2 adalah sesuatu yang tidak mengejutkan. Ini sekali gus menguatkan lagi dakwaan institusi kehakiman tidak bebas serta tunduk kepada tuan politik mereka yang rakus mahu mempertahankan kuasa dalam apa jua cara sekalipun. 

Lihat sahaja penghakiman yang dibuat berdasarkan dapatan mahkamah yang mendapati Saiful Bukhari adalah seorang saksi yang berwibawa jelas bertentangan dan tidak konsisten dengan bukti-bukti yang dibentang dan dihujah pihak pembelaan.  Seolah-olah memejamkan mata, telinga dan hati, mereka melangkah keluar meninggalkan tempat duduk masing-masing apabila Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim berucap didalam kamar. Apakah ini satu standard kehakiman yang cuba ditunjukkan oleh institusi kehakiman di Malaysia? Ketika sejarah hitam Nelson Mandela diadili di mahkamah oleh hakim-hakim rejim apartheid kulit putih pun, mereka duduk mendengar Nelson Mandela berucap selama 2 jam 15 minit!

Penghakiman yang jelas konspirasi politik terancang ini bukan sahaja dikecam oleh rakyat terbanyak di Malaysia, malah seluruh dunia. Mereka mengutuk penghakiman ini dan menyatakan kebimbangan atas ketidakadilan yang berlaku keatas Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Jika ketidakadilan seperti ini boleh berlaku kepada individu seperti Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim, apatah lagi kepada rakyat biasa yang terbanyak.

Saya percaya konspirasi politik bertujuan mematikan kerjaya politik Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim ini tidak akan melemahkan kebangkitan rakyat malah menguatkan lagi semangat untuk berjuang menuntut keadilan.

Dengan kebangkitan rakyat ini, saya menyeru angota-anggota KEADILAN diseluruh negara dan rakan-rakan dalam Pakatan Rakyat bersatu menguatkan jentera parti dan memperkukuh permuafakatan untuk memastikan kerajaan zalim Barisan Nasional ini ditumbangkan dalam pilihanraya akan datang.


11 FEBRUARI 2015

Anwar Ibrahim

Posted: 10 Feb 2015 07:12 PM PST

Anwar Ibrahim

I will not be silenced, I will fight on and I will never surrender

Posted: 10 Feb 2015 05:48 AM PST

Statement by Anwar Ibrahim upon the judgement of the Federal Court on 10th February 2015.

I maintain my innocence of this foul charge – this incident never happened.

This is complete fabrication- coming from a political conspiracy to stop my political career.

You have not given proper consideration to the case presented by my counsel from day one – that this incident never happened at all.

I can go on and on but I see from your statement today that it will be fruitless – it appears as i have been condemned again as I was in the court of appeal. Only here we went through a facade of an 8 day hearing!

It is not a coincidence how the PM was able to release a full written statement on your decision barely minutes after you handed your judgment today, even before sentencing.

In bowing to the dictates of the political masters, you have become partners in crime for the murder of judicial independence and integrity. You have sold your souls to the devil, bartering your conscience for material gain and comfort and security of office.

You had the best opportunity to redeem yourselves – to right the wrongs of the past and put the judiciary on a clean slate and carve your names for posterity as true defenders of justice.

But instead you chose to remain on the dark side and drown your morals and your scruples in a sea of falsehood and subterfuge. Know you not that you are now wallowing in filth and foulness and the stench of your injustice will permeate through every nook and cranny of this so-called Palace of Justice and I do pity you all.

Yes, you have passed judgement on me – and I will, again for the third time, walk into prison but rest assured my head will be held high. The light shines on me.

But the shame is on you for you will be judged by history as the great cowards of humanity. Sitting on that high horse of judicial power, you have stooped so low to become the underlings of the political masters.

Students of law and professors of jurisprudence will scrutinise your
judgments and as they dissect your reasoning and your decision, your credibility and integrity will be torn to tatters. And you will be exposed as the fraudsters who don the robe of judicial power only to pervert the course of justice.

Do not forget that, as all of us will have to, you too will have to answer to your Maker. You will have to answer why you turned your backs on the principles that you had so solemnly sworn to uphold.

People who come into your court have to bow their heads and address you as 'My Lords' but don't you know that you too will have to answer to your Lord one day? By then you will need more than bowing and prostration to justify why you wilfully transgressed Allah's command as ordained in Surah an-Nisaa, verse 58:

"Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people, judge with justice. How excellent is that which Allah instructs you. Indeed, Allah is ever Hearing and Seeing."

Going to jail, i consider a sacrifice i make for the people of this country.

I have fought most of my life on behalf of the people of this country – for the people I am willing to go to jail or face any other consequence.

My struggle will continue, wherever I am sent and whatever is done to me.

To my friends and fellow Malaysians let me thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the support you have given me. And Allah is my witness. I pledge and I will not be silenced, I will fight on for freedom and justice and I will never surrender!

10 FEBRUARY 2015


Posted: 10 Feb 2015 11:11 AM PST



Posted: 10 Feb 2015 12:41 AM PST

PETALING JAYA, 9 FEB: Walaupun menghadapi risiko dipenjarakan, Ketua Pembangkang Anwar Ibrahim yakin perjuangan Pakatan Rakyat akan terus menyala tanpanya. "Pilihan untuk saya duduk diam ada, tapi saya tidak pilih itu. Saya tidak bersalah, saya akan terus lawan," tegas Anwar. Difahamkan Anwar Ibrahim telah mendapat tawaran Turki dan United Kingdom untuk tinggal di sana bagi mengelak dirinya dipenjarakan oleh institusi yang disifatkan negara itu mempunyai campur tangan kerajaan. "Mereka pujuk saya, tahukah anda kenapa? "Ini kerana mereka tahu institusi kita ada masalah," beritahu Anwar. Dalam ucapannya Anwar berkata, Malaysia sedang menghadapi masalah perkauman dan ketegangan agama yang meruncing di bawah pemerintahan setengah abad Barisan Nasional. "Adakah kita mahu Malaysia ada Taliban, ISIS dan Boko Haram yang guna agama untuk laksana kezaliman? "Hanya dengan keharmonian agama dan kaum saja dapat selamatkan Malaysia, semua agama (bertanggungjawab) selamatkan Malaysia dari korupsi UMNO," ujar beliau sambil dipersetujui hadirin. Justeru itu, Anwar berkata menjadi komitmen seluruh rakyat untuk ubah sistem bobrok di bawah UMNO. "Kalau harga perjuangan ini adalah penjara, saya bersedia dipenjarakan. "Ini sebenarnya hanya sedikit saja pengorbanan yang saya lakukan. "Tidak ada apa yang dapat halang saya walau kerajaan guna institusi untuk penjara saya dan pimpinan pembangkang yang lain. "Saya sanggup terima apa saja untuk sebuah kebebasan," katanya penuh semangat. Posted & copy by RAKYAT MARHAEN 

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