Isnin, 3 November 2014

Barisan Nasional

Barisan Nasional


Posted: 03 Nov 2014 03:09 AM PST


Contohi dan ikutilah Brunei

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 05:03 PM PST

Sinar Harian, 3 November 2014

MINGGU lalu saya berada di Brunei, mengisi Majlis Ilmu 2014, undangan Jabatan Perdana Menteri Brunei, membentangkan kertas kerja bertajuk 'Manfaatkan Sains Martabatkan Islam'.

Majlis tersebut dirasmikan oleh Sultan Brunei, bertemakan sains dan teknologi pemangkin pembangunan dan meningkatkan kualiti hidup ummah.

Ucapan baginda sultan penuh dengan penegasan dalam melaksanakan Islam tanpa menolak kepentingan sains dan teknologi. Sains dan teknologi akan terus diperkasa menjadikan Brunei negara maju 2035.

Selepas perasmian, Mufti Brunei memberi ucaptama dan sultan turut berada sama dan begitu khusyuk mendengar. Saya tersangat ingin perkara itu berlaku di Malaysia.

Ucapan mufti begitu bernas dan tegas di hadapan pemimpin tertinggi negara itu. Sains dan teknologi mesti berpandukan iman dan takwa.

Secara tegas dan berani ucapan itu dituju kepada pemimpin negara. Soal syurga, neraka dan balasan akhirat dibangkitkan jika pemimpin tidak melaksanakan tanggungjawabnya.

Walaupun fokus utama mengenai kepentingan institusi sedekah, tetapi isinya tidak lari daripada mengingatkan pemimpin negara, secara terang dan berani. 

Apakah kita di sini ada keberanian seperti itu? Setakat yang saya lihat, tidak ramai kalangan kita yang berani menegur pemerintah, meskipun secara berhikmah. Yang banyak adalah ucapan memuji dan membodek pemimpin untuk kekal kuasa, dapat kuasa dan habuan yang lain.

Bilakah negara kita ingin mencontohi Brunei? Semua pemimpinnya mahukan Islam, dan yakin dengan hukum ALLAH yang mesti ditegakkan.

Saya akur, negara kita bukan Brunei. Bukan Islam hampir separuh. Tetapi, sekurang-kurangnya mulakanlah dengan melaksanakan cara hidup beragama, kalaupun tidak mahu nama Islam itu ditonjolkan.

Misalnya, budaya dan tatacara berada di dalam pesawat. Berada di dalam Royal Brunei Airlines (RBA), seolah-olah begitu yakin berada di udara, ALLAH bersama kita. Dimulakan dengan bacaan doa dan ucapan salam yang begitu indah.

Anak-anak kapal begitu bersopan dan manis sekali. Pakaiannya menutup aurat. Makanannya semua halal. Tidak ada arak dan benda haram yang lain.

RBA tetap penuh dengan penumpang tempatan dan asing. Brunei terus menjadi tumpuan pelancong. Tidak timbul soal laksanakan Islam, pelancong lari dari Brunei. Semakin ramai ada.

Inilah rahmat ALLAH yang mesti kita yakini. Apakah benar kata-kata jika arak tidak dihidangkan di dalam pesawat, pelancong akan lari.

Bukankah pelancong sudah bermandikan arak di negara mereka sendiri? Paling saya bimbang, yang suka arak bukan pelancong, tetapi kita.

Lagi pula, arak kita tidaklah sebaik arak mereka. Arak yang dihidangkan itu pun jenama negara mereka juga.

Kenapa kita takut untuk melaksanakan nilai-nilai murni dan adab sopan beragama di dalam sebuah negara yang kita isytihar sebagai negara Islam? Benar, negara Brunei adalah hampir seratus peratus Islam. Maka mudahlah bagi mereka melaksanakan hukum Islam.

Paling tidak pun mulakanlah dengan melaksanakan nilai-nilai agama. Saya amat yakin, semua nilai baik Islam sesuai dan akan diterima oleh agama lain. Pokoknya kita mesti ada keberanian.

Malangnya dalam perkara sekecil adab-adab di dalam pesawat pun kita tidak pernah berasa untuk melaksanakannya. Apakah pengajaran MH17 dan MH370 masih belum cukup lagi?

Ini belum termasuk isu-isu besar lain seperti zina, judi, hubungan sejenis, seks bebas, rasuah dan sebagainya. Saya tidak nafikan, hukuman itu telah ada.

Tetapi perlaksanaan masih tidak mencukupi. Kita terlalu takut kepada gerakan hak asasi manusia. Kenapa hak ALLAH tidak mahu dijaga? Bukankah orang bukan Islam juga mahu berkongsi ALLAH? Jadi, apa masalah melaksanakan hak ALLAH?

Contoh kecil lain, adab berpakaian sopan. Pergilah ke jabatan kerajaan yang selalu menjadi tumpuan, seperti Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara, imigresen, polis dan sebagainya.

Mesti ada notis ditampal mengatakan adab berpakaian bila berurusan. Peliknya, kita masih melayan pelanggan yang memakai seluar sejengkal panjangnya, sehingga sudah nampak....

Justeru, nasihat saya, sebelum bala ALLAH menimpa, mulakanlah dengan melaksanakan nilai-nilai murni agama. Usah pedulikan mereka yang tidak mahu masuk syurga. Mereka ini tajaan barat untuk menghancurkan umat Islam di negara kita.

Lakukanlah seperti apa yang Brunei lakukan. Baginda sultan tidak pernah ambil kisah apa masyarakat antarabangsa atau hak asasi manusia akan kata. Paling penting bagi baginda adalah mencari reda ALLAH dan mengelakkan azab-Nya yang amat pedih. Berhijrahlah sebelum terlambat.


Posted: 03 Nov 2014 03:01 AM PST


Sodomy II: Evidence of previous sexual encounters admissible, court hears

Posted: 03 Nov 2014 12:33 AM PST

The evidence given by Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan pertaining to alleged previous sexual encounters with Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is admissible, the prosecution told the Federal Court.

Lead prosecutor Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah argued that such evidence would reflect Mohd Saiful's state of mind and conduct before, during and after the sodomy incident.

He added that the evidence would be further helpful to understand the issue of credibility on the part of the complainant.

"It is relevant to explain why there were no injuries or signs of physical trauma on the intimate part of the complainant (Mohd Saiful).

"How come you have KY jelly (when Mohd Saiful went to see Anwar)? All this will only make sense if the complainant says that there were previous encounters. If you are used to the situation to a number of times, you will get prepared not to be injured," Shafee submitted, Monday.

The prosecutor added that such evidence was also relevant pursuant to Section 8 of the Evidence Act 1958 among others to explain the preferred sodomy charge.

Shafee further added that Anwar had failed to call about 10 alibi witnesses including the PKR leader's wife, when a notice of alibi had been issued by his solicitor earlier.
The prosecution will continue with submissions on Tuesday.

Anwar is appealing to set aside a five-year jail sentence for sodomising his former aide Mohd Saiful.
A five-member panel led by Chief Justice Arifin Zakaria resumed Monday to hear the prosecution's submissions.

The panel had spent last Tuesday to Thursday hearing from Anwar's defence team led by former Federal Court judge Datuk Seri Gopal Sri Ram.

On Jan 9, 2012, the High Court acquitted and discharged Anwar of sodomising Mohd Saiful, 27, on grounds that the court could not be 100% certain on the integrity of samples taken for DNA testing from the alleged victim.

The court had ruled that the samples could have been compromised before they reached the chemistry department for analysis.

However, on Mar 7 this year, the Court of Appeal overturned the High Court's judgment and found Anwar guilty of sodomising Mohd Saiful.

The Court of Appeal held that the trial judge had erred in his findings about the samples, which were based on the evidence of two expert witnesses called by the defence.

Sodomy II: Shafee challenges failure to cross-examine police over retrieval of items from Anwar's cell

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 06:26 PM PST

The prosecution began the fifth day of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's appeal in the Federal Court against a sodomy conviction by submitting on three items seized from Anwar's cell.

Lead prosecutor Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah questioned the defence's failure to cross-examine the police over the recovery of the "Good Morning" towel, mineral water bottle and toothbrush taken from the cell occupied by the Opposition leader, when he was detained overnight at the city police headquarters.

Shafee said there was no issue of conspiracy as the police officers merely testified as to what they had seen with regard to those three items and did not add more stories to implicate Anwar.

"It is easy to say that I saw him drinking the water from the mineral water bottle or I saw him wiping his face or blowing his nose using the towel. None of the officers said this," he argued.
The three items were used to obtain Anwar's DNA.

Anwar is appealing to set aside a five-year jail sentence for sodomising his former aide Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan.

A five-member panel led by Chief Justice Arifin Zakaria resumed Monday to hear the prosecution's submissions.

The panel had spent lat Tuesday to Thursday hearing from Anwar's defence team led by former Federal Court judge Datuk Seri Gopal Sri Ram.

On Jan 9, 2012, the High Court acquitted and discharged Anwar of sodomising Mohd Saiful, 27, on grounds that the court could not be 100% certain on the integrity of samples taken for DNA testing from the alleged victim.

The court had ruled that the samples could have been compromised before they reached the chemistry department for analysis.

However, on Mar 7 this year, the Court of Appeal overturned the High Court's judgment and found Anwar guilty of sodomising Mohd Saiful.

The Court of Appeal held that the trial judge had erred in his findings about the samples, which were based on the evidence of two expert witnesses called by the defence.

Panglima Perang Cyber

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 11:39 PM PST

Panglima Perang Cyber

Perangi ideologi ekstremis - Ustaz Zamihan di @501Awani

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 01:56 AM PST

Check out this video on YouTube:

Sent from my iPhone

Video Tendangan Penalti Piala Malaysia 2014 Pahang vs JDT

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 01:51 AM PST

Check out this video on YouTube:

Sent from my iPhone

The Unspinners

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 11:38 PM PST

The Unspinners

DNA Anwar dijumpa merata, DNA ke 3 hanya 1 lokus

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 10:33 PM PST

DNA ke 3 yang tidak diketahui itu adalah benda biasa. Tan Sri Shafee tidak tahu dan pelbagai kemungkinan. Maka saja dia katakan mungkin Saiful terkutik DNA itu dari duduk atas tandas atau apa-apa kemungkinan.

Rafizi mengambil peluang untuk mereka isu dan begitu juga peguam-peguam anwar.

CUba kita baca kembali apa yang Shafee katakan:

  Jam 1040: LFL: Shafee - unfair to say entire football team have been to Saiful s anus just because of presence of unidentified 3rd party DNA.

Shafee - 3rd party DNA in Saiful's rectum could also be explained by the fact that he sat on the toilet seat.


 10.40am: Shafee says Male Y is Anwar.

The peri-anal area of Saiful was obtained, where Male Y and another male contributor were found. Shafee says he will explain about the other male contributor later.

Shafee says chemist Noraidora Saedon testified that the DNA swab from the toothbrush  corroborated with that of Male Y.

Justice Arifin asks whether the unidentified male was only found in the peri-anal swab and Shafee replies in the affirmative.

He says the allele 18 was only in sperm extract in low rectal b9.

"What the chemist says appears in one locus (18 allele) and we ignored it," he adds.

 10.55am: Shafee says Anwar and Saiful's DNA were found on the latter's grey underwear.

The prosecutor says in the peri-anal swab from Saiful, Anwar and Saiful's DNA were present from "top to bottom".

He adds that Anwar's DNA was also found on the high rectal non-sperm extract.

"It is on every locus," he said.

Shafee explains the third person could have been as a result of Saiful sitting on a toilet seat.

11am: Shafee says there is no third person according to (chemist) Seah as it (the 18 allele) is considered a dropping.


Jelas sekali DNA pihak ke 3 itu hanya dijumpai di satu tempat (one locus) manakala DNA Anwar dijumpai di merata locus yang diuji.

Dalam ujikimia, memang biasa dalam analisa atau experimen akan terjumpa reading yang lain atau by product kimia dari tindak balas yang tak diharapkan.

Yang penting adakah ianya signifikan atau tidak.

Oleh itu ....sudahlah Rafizi!

Adakah Anwar ingatkan anak-anaknya solat?

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 10:00 PM PST

Hehehe ...

Apa lagi auta Nuor?????

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 09:40 PM PST

Sampai bila Nuor? Wasted your life and family ....

Setpol Azmin guna Porsche? Ada menyamar Setpol? Letih ...

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 09:30 PM PST

Setpol mana pulak ni? Mungkinkah ini Setpol Azmin? Azmin pakai Ferrari merah, Setpol guna  Porsche merah....

Kalau ada orang menyamar sebagai Setpol, ia juga mungkin Setpol pada Federal punya Menteri...

Hai susah nak menjawab ni ...

Kalau betul setpol menteri federal, macam mana Setpol jawab d bawah bila ditanya rakyat harga arang naik, subsidi minyak nak ditarikbalik, SPAD nak naikkan kos pengangkutan awam ...

Mungkin dia pandai jawab, dan diterima dna boleh ditangani politik tempat bossnya, maka lantaklah.

Porsche ni bukan Porsche baru, dah lama ... murah kot. Kalau mampu lantaklah ... mungkin dulu berniaga dengan jaya sebelum jadi Setpol.

Cuma tolonglah pikior sikit. Kamu orang politik akan sentiasa dipandang orang.

Bila orang bertanya tolong jawab. Jgn buat dunno bila dijadikan isu politik!!!!

LIVE from Putrajaya: Kenapa Anwar tak panggil alibi?

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 09:23 PM PST

Jam 1300: Mahkamah bersambung esuk pagi  ... sebelum itu Anwar dipersoalkan kenapa tak bawa alibi yang enam orang? Salah seorang adalah bekas Pengarah MIER Prof Arief

Takut lagi banyak bocor dalam pembelaannya?????


1.00pm: Shafee now submits on Anwar not calling the alibi witness.

"None of these witnesses are called to prove the alibi," he says.

Justice Arifin tells Shafee that he has another one and a half hour to submit tomorrow and then it is done.

Jam 1240: Judge asked Shafee why prosecution did not impeach Dr Osman when 3 cautioned statements were taken from him?

Shafee - no need to impeach as Dr Osman s testimony was totally discredited during cross examination by prosecution.

 Shafee - prosecution has discretion to call witnesses & need not call a witness who is unreliable.
Jam 1220: LFL: Dr Osman is a liar & the DPP would have lost his job if he had been called as a witness.


12.25pm: Shafee says when cross-examined by (then solicitor-general II) Yusof, Dr Osman had said the type written report was prepared on June 30, two days after examining Saiful.

He further reads Osman's cross-examination, over a statutory declaration which he made.

"The defence wanted us (prosecution) to call him. This is clearly a witness who was lying," he says.

Justice Arifin asks whether Osman was impeached, and Shafee says no.

Ram Karpal interjects saying there were three statements taken from Dr Osman.

Shafee says Dr Osman's statement was not added, and says it clearly shows the doctor included the (plastic object) after the meeting and added it for someone's benefit.

 12.45pm: Shafee says Yusof made the right decision in not calling Dr Osman.

Justice Arifin asks Shafee to produce Dr Osman's cautioned statements, but he cannot show it.

Ram earlier says police recorded three statements but when asked for assistance by Shafee to show them, Ram replies, "I would not do so."

Jam 1230:

LFL: Prosecution was right in not calling Dr Osman ie first Dr who saw Saiful because he was an incredible witness. Shafee now questioning Dr Osman's medical report why did not ask further regarding plastic that was inserted in Saiful's anus.

The plastic in Saiful's anus remark in Dr Osman's medical report was fabricated.


12.05pm: Shafee further submits on Saiful's credibility with regard to Pusrawi Hospital's Dr Mohd Osman's testimony.

Shafee says Saiful claimed that Dr Osman had lied when he wrote that a plastic object was inserted in the complainant's anus.

He says the doctor may have written what was there in a hurry.

"Doctors do not normally note down patient history," he adds.

Shafee further questions what was the plastic object, allegedly used, was it sharp, short, long etc"

"However, in Dr Osman's typed report there is no mention of plastic object," adds the prosecutor.

LFL: Shafee reading cross examination notes of Dr Osman - explaining about the plastic & whether Saiful said he was sodomised by a VIP.

 12.20pm: Shafee further reads Dr Osman's medical report on Saiful.

In the type-written report, he says, the doctor mentions that Saiful was sodomised by a VIP.

"This is crystal clear the kind of witness Dr Osman is. It is his imagination or he created it to benefit something else," he adds.

(On cross-examination then by solicitor-general II, Mohd Yusof Zainal Abiden, Dr Osman admitted he had written the report after seeing Saiful).

Jam 1205

LFL: Saiful brought KY jelly in order to protect himself. Saiful's detailed explanation of the alleged sodomy act proved that he did not invent the story. Saiful could be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.

Stockholm syndrome, or capture-bonding, is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending and identifying with them.  More in Wikipedia here

Jam 1140-1155:

LFL: Shafee - previous sexual encounters admissible to show a narration. Judges able to distinguish prejudicial effect.


11.40am: Shafee further submits on why Saiful's claim of previous incidents should be admitted in ourt.

"Previous episodes and encounters with the accused should be allowed as issue of credibility is at stake. This is important to understand the context," he says.

The prosecutor says there is no serious danger of pre-judicial evidence.

11.45am: Reading from Saiful's testimony, Shafee says the alleged victim could not stand it anymore.

He repeats the portion of Anwar ejaculating inside Saiful as before and that the latter felt pain every time the sexual act happened.

The prosecutor says to understand the context of the KY jelly being used, all this has to be taken into context.

"Why shower him with gifts like expensive suits, as this was given as he (Saiful) was dominated by the appellant.

"These gifts are necessary and the court should see Saiful's testimony on the context (of past incidents)."

 11.55am: Shafee notes that when Saiful says he 'tak rela' (unwilling), what he means is that he could not stand it anymore.

"Saiful says it was done without his (kerelaan) (involuntary). Saiful lodged the report after two days as a result of him being in a predicament," he says.

Saiful, he adds, could explain the way he was sodomised.

"It is not the first time it happened. It could have been 'rehearsed' before," he says.


Cuba pikior .. pelacur pun tak mahu dirogol

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 08:00 PM PST

Dulu Karpal kata apa? Tu pasal Jokowi no comment ... Kah kah kah

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 07:49 PM PST

LIVE from Putrajaya: DNA didubur bukti Anwar liwat Saiful

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 07:36 PM PST

Jam 1125: Mahkamah berehat

LFL: Shafee explaining how samples from Saiful were taken to minimise risk of contamination.

Shafee explaining why there is penetration despite no signs - sperm in Saiful's anus, use of KY jelly & no struggle.

 sperm in Saiful's anus is conclusive proof there was penetration

Jam 1040: LFL: Shafee - unfair to say entire football team have been to Saiful s anus just because of presence of unidentified 3rd party DNA.

Shafee - 3rd party DNA in Saiful's rectum could also be explained by the fact that he sat on the toilet seat.


 10.40am: Shafee says Male Y is Anwar.

The peri-anal area of Saiful was obtained, where Male Y and another male contributor were found. Shafee says he will explain about the other male contributor later.

Shafee says chemist Noraidora Saedon testified that the DNA swab from the toothbrush  corroborated with that of Male Y.

Justice Arifin asks whether the unidentified male was only found in the peri-anal swab and Shafee replies in the affirmative.

He says the allele 18 was only in sperm extract in low rectal b9.

"What the chemist says appears in one locus (18 allele) and we ignored it," he adds.

 10.55am: Shafee says Anwar and Saiful's DNA were found on the latter's grey underwear.

The prosecutor says in the peri-anal swab from Saiful, Anwar and Saiful's DNA were present from "top to bottom".

He adds that Anwar's DNA was also found on the high rectal non-sperm extract.

"It is on every locus," he said.

Shafee explains the third person could have been as a result of Saiful sitting on a toilet seat.

11am: Shafee says there is no third person according to (chemist) Seah as it (the 18 allele) is considered a dropping.

It appeared only once, he adds.

The judges take turns to ask about the conflicting DNA evidence.

"If you can read it, it is not degraded. You either can read or can't. This is an important point to remember," says Shafee.

 11.10am: Shafee appears to sidestep when Justice Arifin asks how the 18 allele could be there.

He moves to another topic regarding the three HKL doctors's testimony that they followed the required guideline.

"They used a proctoscope and the possibility of contamination is less as all equipment were sterilised.

"The doctors could not say there was penetration. After they looked at the samples four centimetres into Saiful's anal they found there is penetration."

Justice Arifin asks whether Saiful's testimony of other incidents could be considered pre-judicial.

However, Shafee says the truth is relevant citing the Harun Idris case.

Jam 1010 - 1026: LFL: No prejudice for judge to look at subsequent evidence in main trial to reverse the finding in trial within a trial. Illegally obtained evidence is admissible if it was relevant.


10am: Shafee argues now on the admissibility of the evidence.

He says the late Karpal Singh had questioned Jude extensively during the initial trial.

He says there is no need for a 'trial within trial' to be held to admit the three pieces of evidence.

Shafee says while defence has countered that the evidence must be admitted in a trial within trial, he points out that it could also be admitted during the main trial.

"In the main trial, the counsel is required to question all, and Karpal did cross-examine Jude (again).

"There is no prejudice for the judge to admit the evidence," Shafee says

He adds that the judge at the time had ruled on the production of the original warrant of arrest, and had allowed the tendering of those items as evidence.

 10.13am: The prosecutor further submits case laws where entrapment evidence could be allowed in court.

"The court has no discretion to exclude it,' he submits.

The defence had earlier submitted that the evidence from the cell was done through trickery and deception.

 10.25am: Shafee says even if court admits the items were illegally obtained, it could still be accepted by the court as evidence.

He adds that the evidence from the lockup were those used by Anwar, as the police witnesses had testified.

Reading the lockup report, Shafee says the cell was clear and clean before Anwar arrived.

"If Anwar was brushing his teeth, Anwar could use the tap inside (the cell)" he adds, countering the defence claim that it was not possible.

 10.35am: These exhibits from the cell, he says, are admissible in fact and also in law.

Anwar, he adds, had refused to give his sample at Kuala Lumpur Hospital (HKL) even though there is evidence that a cotton bud had been inserted in his (Anwar's) anal region there.

"However, this cotton bud was not used as Anwar refused to give his sample though it could comprise of powerful evidence."

Now, Shafee moves on to Saiful's underwear, another piece of evidence admitted earlier.

Jam 1001: Adalah 20 orang yang baca yaasin. Nampaknya semua sekali ada dalam 35 orang yang kumpul depan POJ????

Wang sudah elek ka????

9.50am: Shafee moves on to the circumstances of Anwar's arrest.

The defence, the prosecutor says, is akin to asking if "the cow is jumping over the moon".

Shafee says Anwar would be the last person not to know what the offence under Section 377 is.

"The offence is a serious and seizable offence? It is carnal intercourse outside the order of nature and there is no need for a warrant of arrest."

"This is a valid arrest, and he was informed of the grounds at the police station. There is no infringement of his constitutional right."

Justice Suriyadi points out that the warrant of arrest states a different numbered condominium unit address and Shafee admits it was an error.

What is important, says Shafee, is that the complainant (Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan) was named.

Shafee argues it is not necessary for the grounds of arrest to remain the same, as it is up to the prosecutor.

Jam 0945:

LFL: Grounds of arrest were communicated to Anwar & his lawyer S.Nair at time of arrest.

9.45am: Shafee says the police testimony was neutral and there is clear fact that Anwar brought the bottle of mineral water and consumed it while in the lockup.

He adds that the evidence should not be considered illegally obtained evidence.

"Anwar was arrested when his car was stopped (when heading to his Bukit Segambut home). However, what is not in dispute was that the warrant of arrest was shown to Anwar at the IPK Kuala Lumpur."

"Anwar was communicated the grounds of his arrest and shown the charge."

Dari Mkini:
 9.25am: Shafee begins his submission. He informs there is a third bundle which he has submitted to the judges.

He is now submitting on the items seized from Anwar's cell on July 17, 2008.

The prosecutor says police had taken a strand of hair, the 'good morning' towel, toothbrush, water bottle to be used as evidence.

Anwar had placed these items on the half wall inside the cell.

Supt Amidon Anan, he says, took extra precaution when retrieving the items and sending it to the chemist via the investigating officer (IO, DSP Jude Blacious Pereira).

 9.33am: Shafee says while the defence had earlier raised the manner in which the recovery of the items had been made, he pointed out this was not raised during the Court of Appeal hearings.

He says the police were not cross-examined on the issue.

The prosecutor says a police officer had heard Anwar brushing his teeth, and this was not challenged by the defence team at the time.

"All this are not challenged. When Anwar left the lockup these items, which were previously in a plastic bag were all over the floor.

"This shows usage of these items by the appellant (Anwar)."

Last week the defence argued that there was no sink in Anwar's cell and therefore he could not have brushed his teeth.

The seized items were used to procure Anwar's DNA.

 9.38am: Shafee concludes there would have been no opportunity for fabrication of evidence.

He now reads the testimony where the police witnes (the officer on duty manning the cell) testify that he saw Anwar bring the mineral water bottle into the cell.

The police, he adds, allowed Anwar to bring the bottle.

Jude, the prosecutor says, also testified that when escorting Anwar to the lockup he saw Anwar bring a mineral water bottle.

"Jude says Anwar carried the 'Cactus' mineral water bottle. The item recovered from the cell (the next day) was also a Cactus mineral water bottle."

In the face of the evidence from the two police officers, Shafee says those items should be accepted as evidence.

"They were simply stating what they saw. There is no conspiracy," he adds.

The mineral water bottle, toothbrush and towel were tested for Anwar's DNA.

Jam 0920: Dari LIB Twitter:

Shafee submitting on chain of evidence - search of lockup where Anwar stayed overnight - toothbrush, Good Morning towel, water bottle.

Items were bundled, sent to IO to be forwarded to the chemist. sentries on duty were not cross examined during trial & it is too late bring up the matter now.

It is circumstantial evidence ie inference that Anwar had used the items in the lockup.

Maknanya Sangeet tak boleh buat andaian barang2 tak diguna di lokap pasal pembelaan tak buktikan dengan panggil pengawal lokap! 

Jam 0900: Abdullah Sani bakal dahului Yaasin. Hmmm ... ini orang yang halau bini dan kepala union yang auta pasal nak bela pegawai-pegawai kontrak PKNS. Apa cerita?

Jam 0805-0830 : Sekitar POJ agak lengang dengan wartawan, peguam dan pemerhati kedutaan mengambil diri.

Anwar sampai pukul 0830.

Ketika Saiful sampai ramai penyokong melaungkan hukum peliwat

Mkini tuduh hakim nak tutup apa?

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 05:34 PM PST

Bila Gopal Sri Ram terdedah, mereka nak serang balas melalui hakim ke? Baca SINI.


Selalu bila mereka serang hakim, adalah cerita sebaliknya.

Adakah mereka dah dapat pegang hakim?

Kononnya ada hakim dah Sri Ram pegang satu pasal penyokong kuatnya masa dalam kehakiman. Ada satu boleh dipengaruhi. Konon yang pengganti dipilih sebab tak berapa cekap hal jenayah, lebih undang-undang syarikat dll.

Ini hanya cerita khabar angin saja. Tak mahu tuduh. Hanya nak highlight mereka are up to something lalu Mkini tuduh to coverup.

Ada 14, ada hakim ... tu pun Shafee tak boleh?

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 05:20 PM PST

Takyah ABIM jaja Qardawi ... PAS tak sokong sesat kikiki

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 05:06 PM PST

Baca balik Unspinners di SINI

Sementara itu, budak ni apa nak jadi ....

Atas telekong, pertahan peliwat dan penzina? Bawah takpa?

Kesian Tuan Guru Mat Sabu

Tungkus lumus cytro pro liwat malam tadi sebar

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 04:32 PM PST

Semalaman cytro pro liwat tungkus lumus ajak orang ke mahkamah dan nak cetuskan reformasi 2.

Yahudi pun bantu sebab Anwar pertahan hsk Israel untuk selamatkan diri dari Palestin yang tak berkelengkapan senjata.

Marah Yahudi Obama tak layan Anwar ...

Masih guna orang asing ...

Hujah-hujah Shafee untuk diingat kembali

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 03:30 PM PST

Antara hujjah menarik perhatian kita dari Timbalan Pendakwa Raya, Tan Sri Dr. Muhammad Shafee Abdullah di pagi hari Jumaat, 31 Oktober 2014

(Hujjahnya akan disambung di sebelah pagi hari Isnin (petang Isnin tiada pendengaran)
kemudian diikuti hujjah penggulungan oleh ketua pembelaan Anwar iaitu Datuk Gopal Sri Ram pada pagi Selasa)

1. Anwar Ibrahim bukanlah individu biasa. Beliau seorang yang berkarismatik dan berupaya untuk mempengaruhi pemikiran seorang budak muda seperti Saiful. Selepas meliwat Saiful, Anwar berpesan kepada Saiful supaya jangan meninggalkan solat.

(Nota: Bukan saja saja Saiful, malah orang lain juga yang tidak mengenali siapa Anwar sebenarnya)

2. Saiful yang gagal menamatkan pengajian degreenya dilantik oleh Anwar sebagai Pembantu Peribadi dengan gai gaji lumayan, elaun yg tinggi dan pelbagai lagi kemudahan lebih daripada staf Anwar yg lain.

3. Saiful dibawa ke mana saja oleh Anwar. Singapura, Hong Kong dan lain-lain negara.

4. Anwar juga memberikan Saiful sut Brioni yang bernilai hampir Rm 24,000 (USD 7,700) yang pada mana sebahagian daripada mereka yang hadir ke mahkamah hari ini tidak pernah dengar pun jenama ini. Tetapi mengapa Anwar hendak menjaga dengan baik hubungan beliau dengan Saiful, soal Shafee.

5. Selepas Saiful menguruskan jadual perjalanan seharian, Anwar telah bertanya, "Can I f*ck you today?" Ini jelas menunjukkan keintiman perhubungan tersebut, ujar Shafee.
Saiful agak keberatan dan ini telah menimbulkan kemarahan Anwar di mana Saiful telah didominasi sepenuhnya (secara mental) oleh Anwar dan mereka ke bilik tidur utama untuk melakukan aktiviti liwat tersebut.

6. Shafee berkata bahawa kejadian liwat itu telah berlaku di antara 3 petang sehingga 4.30 petang di Kondominium Damansara.

Hujah Shafee menyatakan bahawa Anwar meliwat Saiful tanpa kerelaan Saiful tetapi tidak bermaksud tanpa kebenaran. Ini adalah satu dilema psikologi dan moral apabila seorang individu yang dominan, majikan dan juga idola seperti Anwar Ibrahim mahu meliwat Saiful.
Perbuatan meliwat ini tidak ada kaitan dengan kebenaran kerana pada waktu ini Saiful telah tergamam dan tindakan tanpa melawannya itu dianggap tanda persetujuan oleh Anwar Ibrahim.

Liwat tersebut berlaku dengan tanpa kerelaan Saiful Bukhari. Maka dengan itu, Saiful bukanlah bersubahat dalam melakukan aktiviti liwat tersebut.

Atas bukti-bukti seperti ini, apa yang dikatakan oleh Saiful ada kebenarannya. Saiful takut kepada Anwar. Ini dapat dijelaskan dengan baik oleh gambar yang pihak peguambela sendiri bawa pada hari pertama yang menunjukkan Saiful masih menghidangkan air di rumah Anwar sehari selepas diliwat.
Muka Saiful bukanlah muka individu yang gembira ataupun ceria. Tetapi muka seseorang yang terpaksa berselindung di atas kejaidan trauma yang berlaku kepada dirinya sehari sebelum itu.

7. DNA 'Lelaki Y' yang ditemui di dalam dubur Saiful adalah sama dengan DNA yang diperoleh dari lokap Anwar Ibrahim. Anwar sama sekali tidak mahu sebarang benda (saliva, darah dsb.) diambil darinya untuk dibuat DNA profiling).

8. Bahan bukti yang didapati dari hospital seperti semen adalah intact dan tidak compromised sebagaimana yang telah disahkan oleh Mahkamah Rayuan sebelum ini.

P/S Hari ini baru 30% hujah dari pendakwa raya, tu pun dah beri panas telinga buat anwar ibrahim, hehe.. kita tunggu isnin nanti.


Terdesak sangat bila guna tekanan kuasa asing

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 06:27 AM PST

Rancangan di atas untuk serang kerajaan terbatal sebab Habibie sakit dan Anwar lagi "sakit". Namun benteng terakhir Anwar untuk mendapatkan sokongan asing

Dijangka banyaklah forum, seminar, dan konferensi antarabangsa baik dalam dan luar negara akan diguna sebagai platform untuk bela Anwar peliwat laknatullah.

Sebagaimana pernah dilaporkan Utusan Malaysia, benteng terakhir Anwar  nampaknya tinggal tekanan, desakan dan sokongan dari baik NGO dan juga individu asing.

Pihak pembangkang cuba gambarkan salah seorang bekas hakim Persekutuan Australia membela beliau.

Namun hakikatnya, pihak pemerhati asing yang sama melihat tidak ada masaalah dengan perbicaraan. Malah laporan itu kelihatan seperti satu SPIN.

Anwar memang  berusaha mengenakan tekanan terhadap kerajaan melalui pihak luar. Ia bermula dengan usaha Rafizi ke Australia yang nampaknya gagal untuk dapatkan sokongan rasmi melainkan dari penyokong kuat Anwar iaitu Senator gay Nicholas Xenophone.

Ekoran dari itu, Anwar cuba berpura-pura dia tak bekerjasama dengan asing.

Hakikatnya terlalu jelas untuk dinafikan nama-nama oraag asing yang telah disusun menurun strategi terakhir dan terdesaknya:

Kenyataan terbaru hari ini pula datang dari The Economist.

Siapa pula orang Malaysia yang bekerja atau pernah bekerja yang membantu?

Tidak ketinggalan, pelakun Hollywood pun dipinta bersuara untuk mengambil watak dalam wayang tinggi productionnya.

Economist terbaru hanya meluahkan rasa kecewa perkara sama berlaku. Mereka juga berkata sebelum ini supaya tak usah harapkan pada anwar lagi ...

Tanpa disedari Anwar, permainan persepsi batu sudah bermula.

Elok 14 tahun... 1 tahun 1 lawyer, tambah 1 tahun untuk 1 ex hakim ular

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 04:10 AM PST

Suka sama suka ka ... Rakus dan ganas paksa ka ... Wan Azizah paksa suruh liwat ka ... Saifullentik mata ka ....

Isunya Anwar tak nafi dan penafiannya dari dock adalah penafian kosong yang menggunakan cerita wayang tinggi konspirasi basi.

5 tahun tak cukup, 20 tahun lama ... elok 14 tahun untuk satu loyar 1 tahun. tambah 1 untuk pasal satu loyar yang diguna itu bekas hakim yang korup dan salahguna kuasa.

Baca kisah Gopal Sri Ram di SINI, SINI, SINI dan

Penafian, konspirasi dari KANDANG TERTUNDUH layak DITOLAK MAHKAMAH

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 12:00 AM PDT

Ianya tidak dilakukan bersumpah dan tidak boleh disoalperiksa untuk dikenalpasti kebenaran dan kesahihan.

Maka penafian dan cerita auta konspirasi Wayang Tinggi Anwar cuci taik di jamban Dewan oscar holywood pun tak layak diterima oleh Mahakamh sebagai bukti. Walaupun hakim boleh terima mungkin atas budi biacara mereka, atas asas apa untuk hakim nak terima bulat-bulat?

Ada kes melibatkan kes Mahkamah Tinggi menunjukkan kenyataan tanpa bersumpah dari dock atau kandang tertuduh (bukan kandang saksi) tidak diterima sebagai bukti oleh mahkamah.

Kami memetik dari ABITW:

.... Wong Heng Fatt v Public Prosecuto [1959] MLJ 20 and Ng Hoi Cheu & Anor v Public Prosecutor [1968] 1 MLJ 53.

In the case of Wong Heng Fatt, at p. 21, Smith J who heard the case held as follows:

"I do not consider that a statement by an accused from the dock is evidence in view of the provision of s4(1)(a) of the Oaths and Affirmations Ordinance 1949 the essential part of which reads "… oaths shall be taken by witnesses, that is to say, all persons who… give evidence… before the court…". Since the appellant was not sworn or affirmed he did not give evidence." (my emphasis added)
Section 4(1)(a) of the Oaths and Affirmations Ordinance 1949 is now replaced by Section 6(1)(a) of the Oaths and Affirmations Act 1949, which reads:
"(1) Subject to section 7, oaths shall be taken by the following persons –

 (a) witnesses, that is to say, all persons who may be lawfully examined, or give or be required to give evidence, by or before any court or person having, as mentioned in section 4, authority to examine such person or to receive evidence."

Satu lagi kes menyerahkan pada budibicara mahkamah... the case of Ng Hoi Cheu & Anor v Public Prosecutor [1968] 1 MLJ 53, Chang Min Tat J (as his Lordship then was) disagreed with the view of Smith J....

.... relying on Section 3 of the Evidence Act 1950 which defines "evidence" as, inter alia, "all statements which the court permits or requires to be made before it by witnesses in relation to matter of fact under inquiry: such statements are called oral evidence…".

Read more ABITW HERE

Dialog Dewasa Kritik Berasa

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 11:31 PM PST

Dialog Dewasa Kritik Berasa


Posted: 02 Nov 2014 11:24 PM PST

1. Dalam laporan bertaip itu, doktor menyebut bahawa Saiful diliwat oleh seorang VIP.
2. Shafee berkata Saiful mendakwa Dr Osman telah berbohong apabila beliau menulis bahawa objek plastik dimasukkan ke dalam dubur pengadu.
Shafee seterusnya mempersoalkan apakah objek plastik yang didakwa telah digunakan, adakah ia tajam, pendek, panjang dan sebagainya.
"Namun, dalam laporan bertaip Dr Osman, tidak ada menyebut objek plastik,"
3. Shafee menegaskan apabila Saiful berkata dia 'tak rela' , apa yang dimaksudkannya ialah dia tidak tahan lagi.
4. Saiful berkata ia dilakukan tanpa (kerelaannya). Saiful membuat laporan selepas dua hari disebabkan dia dalam keadaan tidak menentu, kata Shafee. Saiful menjelaskan cara dia diliwat. Beliau berkata, ini bukan kali pertama ia berlaku dan ia mungkin sudah di 'rehearsed' sebelum ini.
5. Testimoni Saiful menulis dia tidak boleh tahan lagi.
6. Ia mengulangi bahagian Anwar ejakulasi di dalam Saiful seperti sebelumnya dan Saiful merasa sakit setiap kali perbuatan seksual berlaku.
7. Shafee berkata, untuk memahami konteks KY jelly yang digunakan, semua ini harus diambil ke dalam konteks.
8. Katanya, mengapa Saiful diberi hadiah seperti pakaian yang mahal (Brioni), kerana ini diberi kerana dia (Saiful) telah didominasi oleh perayu.
Menurutnya, hadiah-hadiah ini perlu dan mahkamah harus melihat testimoni Saiful mengikut konteks (dari insiden masa lalu).
9. "Para doktor tidak boleh mengatakan berlaku penetrasi. Setelah mereka melihat sampel empat sentimeter ke dalam dubur Saiful, mereka mendapati ada penetrasi."
10. Shafee berkata DNA Anwar dan Saiful ditemui pada seluar dalam kelabu Saiful.
11. Katanya, dalam swab peri-anal dari Saiful, DNA Anwar dan Saiful terdapat dari "atas ke bawah". Beliau menambah bahawa DNA Anwar juga ditemui pada ekstrak bukan sperma pada rektum tinggi. Katanya, ia terdapat pada setiap locus.
12. Shafee menjelaskan bahawa orang ketiga boleh jadi hasil daripada Saiful duduk di atas tempat duduk tandas. Shafee berkata Lelaki Y adalah Anwar.
13. Shafee berkata ahli kimia Noraidora Saedon memberi keterangan bahawa swab DNA daripada berus gigi seragam dengan Lelaki Y. Hakim Arifin bertanya sama ada lelaki yang tidak dikenali itu ditemui pada swab peri-anal dan Shafee menjawab iya. Shafee berkata Lelaki Y adalah Anwar.
14. Anwar, tambahnya, telah menolak untuk memberikan sampel di Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) walaupun terdapat bukti bahawa putik kapas telah dimasukkan ke dalam kawasan dubur (Anwar).
15. "Bagaimanapun, putik kapas ini tidak digunakan kerana Anwar enggan memberikan sampelnya walaupun ia boleh merupakan bukti yang kuat."
16. Sekarang, Shafee menyentuh tentang seluar Saiful, satu lagi bahan bukti yang diterima sebelumnya.Ia adalah persetubuhan di luar tabie dan tidak perlukan waran tangkap.
Sumber : Pencatat Pro Pembangkang Dalam Mahkamah.



Posted: 02 Nov 2014 09:28 PM PST

Orang ramai di sekitar Mahkamah di Putrajaya hampir pengsan kerana terkejut melihat wajah sasterawan negara semakin teruk, buruk, kusam dan tidak terurus.


Posted: 02 Nov 2014 07:59 PM PST


Posted: 02 Nov 2014 07:47 PM PST


Posted: 02 Nov 2014 07:30 PM PST

Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim tidak bersetuju dengan tindakan mengharamkan badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) Sisters in Islam dan mengatakan pihak berkuasa agama seharusnya membenarkan perbezaan pandangan.
Anwar berkata, walaupun Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Selangor berhak untuk tidak bersetuju dengan SIS akan tetapi NGO itu tidak seharusnya diharamkan.
"Pendirian saya adalah seharusnya rakyat bersetuju untuk tidak bersetuju dan terus mengadakan perbincangan dan forum," kata Anwar kepada pemberita selepas memberikan ucapan di majlis makan malam persidangan demokrat Islam (Muslim democrats' conference) di Petaling Jaya malam ini.
"Tentang fatwa, saya ada keraguan. Mereka boleh tidak bersetuju akan tetapi saya rasa mereka tidak seharusnya mengharamkan perbincangan."
Anwar turut mempertahankan pendirian Menteri Besar Selangor Mohamed Azmin Ali mengenai fatwa tentang SIS dan berkata Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Bukit Antarabangsa itu hanya mengatakan beliau menghormati fatwa tersebut.
Azmin memberitahu pemberita pada majlis sama Majlis Agama Islam Selangor (Mais) akan bertemu dengan SIS berhubung fatwa mengharamkan NGO itu.
Azmin berkata, pertemuan tersebut membenarkan Mais mendengar penjelasan SIS mengenai organisasi mereka.
SIS minggu lalu memfailkan semakan kehakiman dan menamakan tiga responden, Jawatankuasa Fatwa‎ Negeri Selangor, Mais dan kerajaan Selangor kerana menuduh mereka mempromosikan liberalisme agama dan pluralisme yang bercanggah dengan Islam.
Fatwa Selangor pada Julai 2014 menggazetkan SIS dan mana-maana individu, pertubuhan atau institusi yang berpegang kepada fahaman "liberalisme" dan "pluralisme" agama sebagai sesat dan menyeleweng daripada ajaran Islam.
Selain itu, mana-mana terbitan yang berunsur pemikiran fahaman liberalisme dan pluralisme agama hendaklah diharamkan dan boleh dirampas.
Fatwa itu juga mengarahkan Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM) menyekat laman sosial yang bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam dan hukum syarak.
Manakala individu yang berpegang kepada fahaman liberalisme dan pluralisme agama hendaklah bertaubat dan kembali ke jalan Islam, menurut fatwa tersebut.
Pengarah Eksekutif SIS Ratna Othman berkata, pihaknya juga mahu mahkamah mengiktiraf NGO itu terjamin kedudukannya mengikut Perlembagaan.
"SIS mahu jaminan supaya hak kami perlu ‎dihormati mengikut Perlembagaan Persekutuan," katanya.
Fatwa itu digazetkan mengikut Bahagian III Enakmen Pentadbiran Agama Islam (Negeri Selangor) 2003 – The Malaysian Insider


Posted: 02 Nov 2014 05:38 PM PST

Pemimpin dan ahli Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) perlu berhenti mengganggu Tan Sri Dato' Seri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim (TSKI) meneruskan khidmat kepada rakyat sebagai Ahli Parlimen Bandar Tun Razak ( BTR ) dan ADUN Pelabuhan Klang.
Ini berikutan tohmahan terbaharu ahli PKR Cabang BTR yang nampaknya ghairah mahukan TSKI melepaskan kerusi Ahli Parlimen BTR. Saya menggesa pimpinan PKR di semua peringkat khususnya di BTR supaya menghentikan sikap rakus dan jahat mereka terhadap TSKI. Tidak cukupkah dengan tohmahan jahat selama ini, diikuti pula dengan pemecatan beliau dari parti hingga membawa kepada TSKI melepaskan jawatan MB Selangor?
Setelah hampir dua bulan disingkirkan, tidak ada satu pertuduhan dan buktipun yang mampu dimajukan sama ada oleh PKR mahaupun pihak berkuasa. Dalil puluhan muka surat yang dahulu kononnya mengandungi salahlaku TSKI kini terus dilupakan setelah TSKI tersingkir, dihina dan diaibkan. Kita masih ingat antara tuduhan ke atas TSKI adalah isu penstrukturan air yang dikatakan mempunyai agenda dengan UMNO serta projek KIDEX yang memberi konsesi kepada peguam UMNO.
Akhirnya, hari ini Menteri Besar baharu Selangor tanpa segan silu mengumumkan bahawa penstrukturan semula air hendaklah dipercepatkan dan menyalahkan kerajaan Persekutuaan yang dikatakan mahu melewat-lewatkan proses. Beliau turut mengumumkan projek KIDEX akan diteruskan kerana mampu memperbaiki keadaan lalulintas. Bukankah pemegang konsesi KIDEX masih peguam UMNO? Atau sudah bertukar dalam dua bulan ini? Atau mungkinkah peguam Umno tersebut telah isytihar menyokong PKR mahupun DAP? Sudahkah pihak berkepentingan dan mendapat ganjaran hasil penstrukturan air dikenalpasti sebagaimana arahan pimpinan tertinggi PKR? Berapa ratus juta yang berjaya dipunggah oleh kroni TSKI melalui proses penstrukturan tersebut? Rakyat kini terpinga-pinga bagaimana dalam sekelip mata isu besar yang digembar-gemburkan tersebut berkubur dan semua keputusan yang diambil TSKI semasa menjadi MB diakui secara senyap dan tanpa rasa malu oleh PKR.
Perlu juga ditekankan bahawa status TSKI selaku Ahli Parlimen Bebas adalah hasil dari kerakusan pimpinan PKR yang telah memecat beliau secara jahat, tidak berhemah dan keji. Tidak cukup dengan itu, kerajaan Selangor pimpinan PKR telah menghentikan peruntukan Ahli Dewan beliau di Pelabuhan Klang dan dua pegawai DUN dipecat walau masih mempunyai kontrak dengan kerajan negeri. Ini jelas menunjukkan kerajaan Selangor hari ini gagal melihat pentadbiran negeri hendaklah diasingkan dari perjalanan parti hatta terlalu fokus untuk mematikan karier politik TSKI.
Sekarang ada pihak pula yang mendesak beliau untuk melepaskan kerusi Parlimen BTR sedangkan TSKI yakin dapat meneruskan khidmat secera efektif walau sebagai Ahli Parlimen bebas. PKR sesungguhnya terhalang dari segi moral untuk mengkritik mahupun mengulas kedudukan TSKI yang kini Ahli Parlimen Bebas. Biar rakyat BTR yang menentukan kedudukan TSKI pada pilihanraya akan datang.
Setelah berehat selama 2 minggu bersama keluarga, TSKI telah turun ke kawasan BTR dan PK untuk berbincang dengan beberapa ketua komuniti di sana untuk meneruskan khidmat kepada rakyat yang telah memilih beliau melalui proses pilihanraya yang sah.
Alhamdulillah, ramai telah menawarkan khidmat bantuan dan kesediaan untuk bersama TSKI bagi memastikan kebajikan rakyat tidak terabai. Rakyat hari ini mampu melihat keikhlasan seseorang pemimpin dalam melakukan sesuatu mahupun tatkala mengungkapkan kata-kata. Di BTR, beliau telah pun membuka pusat khidmat rakyat; manakala di Pelabuhan Klang, pejabat baharu di Bukit Tinggi telah pun dibuka.
Tindakan PKR memecat TSKI tidak akan menghalang TSKI untuk terus bersama rakyat lantas telah mulai bergerak melalui badan bukan kerajaan (NGO). TSKI bersama beberapa teman mulai 15 November ini akan memulakan aktiviti "Sajian Rakyat" – satu NGO yang akan menyediakan makanan kepada komuniti setempat sebagai platform untuk bertemu dengan rakyat.
Ditegaskan bahawa TSKI komited untuk meneruskan pelbagai inisiatif dan aktiviti sebagai wakil rakyat dan PKR – satu parti yang kononnya memperjuangkan keadilan untuk semua – perlu berhenti dari amalan politik kebudak-budakan, tamak dan melampaui batas.


Posted: 02 Nov 2014 12:20 AM PDT

Anwar with Al Gore at the Generation Investment Management Group (GIM).

If you can still remember the justification given by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim when asked why he decided to stay permanently in the U.S. after his release from prison in 2004, the de facto PKR leader replied he wanted a 'constructive engagement', or that he wanted to 'narrow the divide between the Muslim world and the West.'

Nothwithstanding that, when Anwar's former private secretary, Muhamad Rahimi Osman made a revelation to AIDC Production recently, it was proven that Anwar's reply above was nothing more than a propaganda.
'Constructive Engagement' is mere political semantics used to cover his interests.

"Previously, I, too was enthralled by what I perceived as Anwar's greatness. However, when I came to know who the western 'personalities' were, most of whom were Jews, I realised then that there was nothing great about Anwar.
"The Jews used Anwar because it was Anwar who sucked up to them," said Rahimi when interviewed.

In the first segment of the interview with Rahimi, he showed several documents in the form of letters, among which was a letter from Anwar to the President of the World Bank, Robert Zoellick.

"This is one example of the letters Anwar sent to Robert Zoellick, his foreign friend – the President of World Bank, " he said. (Refer to minute 1.20)
For that missive Anwar used the AccountAbility letterhead, an organisation based in London and the U.S. of which he was the Honorary President. The letter was sent on September 18, 2007.

A Jew, Zoellick is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), who was appointed by U.S. President George W. Bush as President of World Bank to replace Paul Wolfowitz who had to relinquish his post following the explosive sex scandal involving his Muslim girlfriend, Shaha Ali Riza.
AccountAbility was the orgnanisation whose patron was Al Gore, who in turn appointed his proxy, Simon Zadek, an Advisory Board Member of Generation Investment Management (GIM) as Honorary President.

Al Gore also appointed Anwar as Advisory Board Member of GIM and subsequently gave the chair of Honorary President of AccountAbility.
Anwar's appointment as Advisory Board Member of GIM raised many questions.

Owing to Al Gore's Jewish background, the company in which Anwar is involved (GIM) openly made investments in Israel.

Al Gore and GIM invested USD$10 million in GreenRoad, which has a a research facility at Yehuda, Beit Dagan in Israel and offices in Redmond Shores, California and No. 1, Eversholt Street, London.

The Content of Anwar's Letter to Zoellick
Anwar's letter dated September 18 2007 aimed to flatter Robert Zoellick, who had just been appointed President of World Bank. It's other purpose was to 'introduce his greatness' to be re-used at World Bank.
This means that the purpose of the letter was personal in nature – so that the World Bank would cooperate with him or his organisation, AccountAbility.
: James Wolfensohn with Anwar Ibrahim at Generation Investment Management

In the letter Anwar praised Jim Wolfensohn, the Jew who appointed him Chairman of the IMF and the World Bank Development Group Committee in 1997.

This proves that Anwar had been identified as a tool of the Jews since the 1990s, or maybe even since the 1980s, going by the testimony given by his personal assistant, Aasil Kazi Ahmad.

"When I was working in Washington DC from 2005 to 2006 I was invited by the former President of World Bank, Paul Wolfowitz to meet with the senior staff of World Bank. The purpose of the meeting was for me to understand the approaches used in management and accountability in each department of the bank," said Anwar to Zoellick.

According to Aasil Kazi Ahmad, Anwar's special officer for the U.S, Anwar's relationship with Wolfowitz started since the 1980s, when Wolfowitz, Zionist stalwart was the U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia.
Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) journalist Mike Billington said Wolfowitz was Anwar's godfather, benefactor as well as the source of the de factor PKR leader's posts and positions abroad.

When Anwar was in Sungai Buloh Prison, he wrote an article, which was smuggled out and sent to TIME magazine. In the article which was published on October 15 2001, Anwar criticised Osama bin Ladin and Saddam Hussein. He labeled both as terrorists in an attempt to get into Wolfowitz's good books, who at that time was the U.S. Secretary of Defence.

Anwar's tactic proved successfull. As soon as he was released from prison in 2004 and he immediately flew to Munich, Germany for alleged treatment for back pains, Wolfowitz wasted no time in visiting him. He also offered Anwar a special mission.

Soon after that Anwar went to the U.S. and upon arrival wasted no time to call on Wolfowitz at The Pentagon, where he was immediately bestowed much personal benefits from the Zionist personality, including appointment as visiting lecturer at John Hopkins University, where, incidentally, Wolfowitz was dean at one time.

Anwar turned a blind eye to the views put forth by his friends in Malaysia about his relationship with the Zionist, who was better known as the architect of the war on the Islamic world. To Anwar Wolfowitz was not the enemy, as from him he got much personal benefits.
Anwar Ibrahim with Paul Wolfowitz at Munich

In 2005 when Wolfowitz's contract as Defence Secretary ended, Anwar campaigned for him to be appointed World Bank President.

"Obviously I would be very happy if he (Wolfowitz) was appointed to the World Bank. He full heartedly committed himself in fighting for freedom, and he understood the issues of poverty, environment, life and health which are central in the agenda of the World Bank," Anwar told Bloomberg in Hong Kong on March 18 2005.

After Wolfowitz was appointed World Bank President, Anwar followed suit with an appointment as the bank's consultant, as well as chairman and President of Foundation for the Future.

Anwar's involvement in the scandal that plagued Wolfowitz attracted world attention.

"In his blog published in the website 'The Nation,' David Corn mentioned that last October 1, Anwar wrote to Wolfowitz's aide, Robin Cleveland asking him to help transfer Shaha Riza from the State Department to the Foundation for the Future.

Proof of Anwar's hand in the matter can be found in the letter documented in the World Bank investigation report, 'Ethics Committee Case No. 2 and President Papers.'

In July 2010, the Washington-based foundation called The Government Accountability Project (GAP) issued a detailed report on the involvement of Anwar Ibrahim, Paul Wolfowitz and Shaha Riza in the Foundation for the Future.

The report claimed that Anwar collaborated with his good friend, Paul Wolfowitz to decieve the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in relation to the funds of Foundation for the Future.

As a result of the scandal, Wolfowitz had to withdraw from the World Bank. His resignation meant that Anwar, too, had to leave his position as consultant with the bank and the Foundation for the Future.

As soon as Wolfowitz lost his authority at the World Bank, Anwar shifted his sights and began to lobby another Zionist, Zoellick, who had just staken over as head honcho there.

"Once again I congratulate you on your new appointment at the World Bank and hope we can meet the soonest possible, perhaps in conjunction with my visit to Washington DC in autumn."

"Meanwhile I am always honoured to render whatever assistance to you and all the staff to help realise the bank's mission," he told Zoellick.

Anwar's letter to Zoellick:
September 18, 2007
Mr. Robert Zoellick
World Bank Group
1818 H St. NW
Washington DC 20433

Dear Bob,

I would like to offer my congratulations to you on your return to Washington DC. When I first heard rumours of your ascension to Presidency of the World Bank I was certain that the Board of Directors would make the right decision in supporting your nomination.

Having worked with you for so many years I must say that I am pleased that the Bank's leadership has fallen into the hands of someone with your vision and your calibre of experience dealing with issues of trade and development, and your commitment to the underlying principles of accountability and good governance.

Your stewardship over the Bank comes at a time when the work of the international community and of multilateral institutions in promoting peace and combating poverty has come under great scrutiny. As you are well aware, there are many around the world who, in an era of increased global prosperity, have experienced none of the ostensible benefits of globalisation.
On the contrary, they have seen their access to markets curtailed and they have seen multinational corporations foster cosy relationships with tyrants and dictators who in turn amass great personal wealth at the expense of their people's human rights and livelihoods.

Over time these facts, overshadowed by some policies of the West, be they American and British support for the war in Iraq or the IMF's perceived and real role in the devastating impact of the Asian Financial crisis, tend to be viewed monolithically and without discrimination as compelling evidence of the West's duplicitous intentions.

While these suspicions are justified on some accounts, I have never given up my underlying belief in the World Bank's pivotal role in shaping and advancing the agenda of poverty eradication. I implore my audiences, friends and colleagues throughout Asia and the Middle East to re-examine their positions in light of the mandate of the Bank, its positive contributions in terms of development efforts and poverty alleviation, and the sincere dedication of its staff throughout the many decades that they have been engaged with the developing world.

Much of the credibility deficit that the World Bank suffers is a result of its encounter with and failure to adequately address issues of corruption, both within its own ranks and in its dealings with governments in the developing world, which are often among the most corrupt regimes in the world.

Former President Jim Wolfensohn courageously confronted this issue during his tenure and since then the Bank has gradually adopted more strident approaches to combating, and indeed punishing those who act with impunity and disregard for rule of law. In the last two years the anti-corruption agenda came to the forefront of the debate on poverty eradication and how to improve the Bank's effectiveness in providing development assistance to poor countries around the world.

While many criticized the bluntness of your immediate predecessor's approach to the issue of corruption, we cannot deny that certain Bank policies, in particular the withholding of lending, sent a strong and emphatic signal against the pervasive corrupt behaviour in Kenya and Congo, and excesses in relevant ministries in India, Bangladesh and Uzbekistan.

I certainly empathize with those who equate such a move with collective punishment that disproportionately impacts those whose very survival is contingent on the flow of aid. But perpetuating a status quo in which billions of dollars are lost every year to corruption is in many ways equally criminal and intolerable.

In light of this I recommend that the underlying thrust of the anti-corruption drive should remain high on the list of priorities as you set the Bank's agenda for the coming years.

When I was based in Washington DC in 2005 and 2006 I was invited by former president Paul Wolfowitz to meet with senior World Bank staff to better understand the overall approach to issues of governance and accountability the different segments within the Bank.

Although in general there was a consensus among the staff that the efforts were fragmented and lacked coordination, I was quite impressed by specific examples of research, policies and operations the Bank already pursues to strengthen governance and promote bottom-up accountability. The Kecamatan Development Project is a particularly impressive program because of its scale and overall success.

I was also very supportive of the "Legal Modernization Initiative" designed to strengthen informal institutions that promote justice for the poor, engage in human rights issues, and address deficiencies of the judicial system by providing assistance for judicial training and investment in legal information to promote greater public awareness of the rule of law.

I would urge you to continue high-level support for ad-hoc and formal initiatives within the Bank to ensure that a vibrant debate on combating corruption continues among staff at all levels. I believe these interactions are the foundation for developing a comprehensive strategy on governance and accountability.

In March of last year I accepted the position of Honorary President at the international policy think-tank, AccountAbility. AccountAbility's approach is one of promoting accountability innovations in addressing many of today's governance gaps, rather than focusing on a traditional compliance agenda. Our view is that just pushing for more compliance is more likely to deliver the unwanted outcome of more efficient underdevelopment.

This unique perspective has enabled AccountAbility to take a leadership role in working on diverse policy and business accountability issues, ranging from its innovative AA1000 Sustainability Assurance standard that is now used by businesses around the world, to its bi-annual "State of Responsible Competitiveness" report that measures progress across over a hundred countries in embedding responsible business practices in national-level competitiveness strategies and practices.

AccountAbility's innovative lens has led to wide ranging institutional engagements, from assisting companies like GE and Coca Cola in developing collaborative approaches to human rights, through to a current engagement with the Chinese Government exploring where support for international voluntary standards like the Equator Principles could fit their longer term trade interests. I have enclosed a copy of the most recent edition of the State of Responsible Competitiveness for your interest.

AccountAbility has engaged with the WBG in several ways. We are the convenor of the MFA Forum, a multi-stakeholder initiative involving the WB/IFC Foreign Investment Advisory Services focused on assisting countries in transitions linked to the end of the Multi-Fibre Arrangement.
In addition, we recently completed a phase of policy research on the effectiveness and implications of the Banks' growing portfolio of support to Collaborative Standards Initiatives such as the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative.

AccountAbility's focus on the nexus between economic development and competitiveness, business strategy and accountability, and building collaborative platforms has been a valuable resource to the many collaborative engagements that we have already been a part of and I do hope you remain open to ongoing collaboration with AccountAbility's work as it relates to the Bank's interests and agenda.

Should you wish to explore AccountAbility's work in more detail, I would suggest a meeting involving Simon Zadek, AccountAbility's Chief Executive.
Once again I congratulate you on your new position at the World Bank and look forward to meeting you soon, perhaps during my next visit to Washington DC in the fall. In the meantime I would be more than happy to provide any assistance to you and your staff in fulfilling the mission of the Bank.

Warm personal regards,

Anwar Ibrahim

Cc: Simon Zadek


Posted: 02 Nov 2014 11:02 PM PST


Shafee Abdullah Nafi Ada Konspirasi Politik Untuk Jatuhkan Anwar?

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 03:02 AM PST

Ketua pasukan pendakwaan, Tan Sri Dr. Muhammad Shafee Abdullah menafikan tuduhan Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim bahawa kes rayuan Liwat II ini mempunyai unsur konspirasi politik.

"Keseluruhan pembelaan utama perayu terdapat konspirasi politik. Sekurang-kurangnya dua peguamnya mengutarakan isu ini," kata Shafee sebaik Mahkamah Persekutuan mula bersidang.

Selasa lalu, Peguam Anwar N Surendran berkata, tuduhan terhadap anak guamnya dalam kes liwat membabitkan Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, 29, pada 2008 bermotifkan politik.

Anwar turut membuat dakwaan berkenaan dalam kenyataan setebal 32 muka surat dari kamar mahkamah.

Memetik kenyataan Anwar, Shafee berkata tuduhan berkenaan adalah umum dan tidak mempunyai syarat tertentu.

Shafee berkata Anwar sekali lagi membuat dakwaan konspirasi seperti yang dilakukan bekas perdana menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Shafee berkata beliau akan memeriksa dan menganalisis maksud konspirasi politik seperti didakwa pihak pembelaan.

Gembira nampak!!!

Tiada sesiapa yang meminta Anwar memberikan kenyataan bukan bersumpah, kata Shafee. Ahli Parlimen Permatang Pauh itu boleh memilih berdiam diri tetapi Anwar mahu menjelaskan mengapa beliau mahu membuat kenyataan itu.

Kenyataan bukan bersumpah dari kamar dikira sebagai keterangan yang tidak boleh diterima.

Surendran turut meminta mahkamah mempertimbangkan kenyataan bukan bersumpah anak guamnya semasa perbicaraan.

Mahkamah Tinggi dan Mahkamah Rayuan menolak kenyataan bukan bersumpah itu dan menyifatkannya penafian kosong pertuduhan.

Mahkamah Persekutuan hari ini mendengar hujah pihak pendakwaan dalam perbicaraan rayuan kes liwat Anwar yang masuk hari keempat hari ini.‎

Shafee mengetuai pendakwaan dalam menangkis beberapa perkara yang ditimbulkan peguambela Anwar sepanjang tiga hari lalu.

Suara Politik


Posted: 02 Nov 2014 09:11 PM PST


Posted: 02 Nov 2014 02:37 PM PST


Nora Danish rela dirogol?

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 01:01 AM PST

Boleh dikatakan setiap kali ada Nora Danish, pasti ada cerita menarik. Sama ada cerita itu enak didengar atau sebaliknya, Nora dilihat bijak mengendalikannya dengan baik.

Apabila Nora digandingkan semula dengan Farid Kamil dalam filem terbaru, Anak Jantan selepas tercetus kontroversi gandingan mereka dalam Pengantin Malam, ramai ingin tahu bagaimana persediaan Nora berhadapan situasi itu.

Sebelum itu timbul isu isteri Farid, pelakon Diana Danielle meluahkan rasa tidak puas hatinya di laman sosial melihat gambar mesra Farid dan Nora untuk promosi filem itu.

Walaupun diselesaikan dengan baik, Nora mengambil sikap profesional untuk menghormati semua pihak terutama mereka yang berkait rapat de-ngan pelakon lelaki gandingannya.

Kata Nora, tiada masalah bekerja dengan Farid kerana masing-masing tahu had-had tertentu yang perlu dihormati.

"Saya hormat semua artis. Kalau lihat sesi fotografi bersama baru-baru ini, sudah tidak ada adegan bersentuhan.

"Kalau ada lagi, saya cuba ambil langkah untuk mengelak. Perkara boleh elak, tak ada masalah pun," katanya.
Adegan leher Nora dijilat Bront dalam filem Anak Jantan timbul rasa gerun penonton. 
Dalam Anak Jantan, lakonan Nora mendapat perhatian apabila kali pertama berganding dengan Bront Palarae.

Apatah lagi dalam filem itu, Nora yang memegang watak Nara melakonkan watak digoda dan dirogol Bront yang memegang watak antagonis bernama Somchai.

Lebih mengejutkan, babak Bront dilihat seolah menjilat leher Nora secara paksa sehing-ga mana-mana penonton yang melihatnya akan berasa 'gerun'.

Nora akui babak kena rogol agak mencabar apatah lagi berlakon dengan Bront yang diakui pelakon hebat dan memberi persembahan terbaik dalam setiap filem lakonannya.

"Sebelum adegan itu berlaku, Bront sudah beritahu saya apa yang dia akan buat dan tanya adakah saya selesa dengan cara itu atau tidak.

"Pada awal, gugup juga tapi bila saya faham situasi, saya okay dan tiada masalah," katanya.

Kata Nora, kalau berlakon dengan pelakon hebat, tidak ada apa yang perlu ditambah baik kerana semuanya pasti akan berjalan lancar.

Selain cabaran dirogol dengan 'rakus' dalam salah satu babak Anak Jantan, Nora juga akui tercabar apabila perlu bercakap dalam loghat utara.

Sebagai pelakon yang tidak bercakap loghat utara sebagai komunikasi harian, Nora terpaksa mendapatkan bantuan Farid Kamil yang kebetulan berasal dari Kedah.

"Pada mulanya takut juga sebab kena cakap utara. Bila sampai set penggambaran, barulah saya belajar cakap loghat utara. Beberapa orang kru produksi dan Farid sendiri banyak membantu dari segi penggunaan ayat yang betul," katanya.

Nora juga baru saja selesai peng-gambaran drama Cikgu Timah Sekolah Bandar bersama Aaron Aziz untuk Astro First dan bakal memasuki set penggambaran satu lagi filem komedi.

Mengenai kontraknya bersama MIG Talent, Nora yang bersama syarikat itu sejak beberapa tahun lalu tidak menolak kemungkinan untuk menyambung semula apabila kontrak tahunannya tamat.

"Mungkin saya akan sambung semula. Lagi pun kontrak saya berdasarkan tahunan untuk filem dan saya tidak ada masalah.

"Setakat ini saya senang bekerja dengan mereka dan tiada aral untuk terus bekerja dengan penerbitan MIG Pictures pada masa akan datang," katanya.

Antara filem lakonannya bersama syarikat itu ialah Pengantin Malam, Bencinta, Aku Terima Nikahnya, Dua Kalimah, Lagenda Budak Hostel, Cuti-cuti Cinta dan Jangan Pandang Belakang Congkak 2.

- See more at:

Adun kesal, penyanyi wanita pamer aksi ghairah

Posted: 01 Nov 2014 10:00 PM PDT

MARANG - Adun Alor Limbat, Ariffin Deraman kesal dengan penganjuran dikir barat yang menampilkan penyanyi perempuan dalam aksi tarian mengghairahkan di Rawai, di sini, malam kelmarin.

Kata Ariffin, program seumpama itu akan meninggalkan kesan negatif kepada masyarakat, tambahan pula orang Islam masih berada di awal Muharam, yang sepatutnya dihayati dengan melakukan amalan makruf dan meninggalkan amalan mungkar.

"Saya kecewa kerana program seumpama ini diadakan di dalam kawasan Dun saya. Tatkala masyarakat perlu didedahkan dengan lebih banyak majlis ilmu, datang pula program berbentuk maksiat seperti ini yang seolah-olah mencabar hukum ALLAH SWT.

"Apa relevannya pihak berkuasa beri kelulusan permit bagi program seumpama ini? Yang kita tahu, terang-terangan program ini adalah program maksiat dengan aksi selebriti perempuan menari gelek dan berpakaian menjolok mata. Jadi, kita tidak akan teragak-agak untuk berbuat sesuatu sekiranya program seumpama ini diadakan lagi pada masa akan datang. Ini ketegasan dan prinsip kita," katanya.

Difahamkan, pertunjukan dikir barat yang menampilkan beberapa penyanyi wanita dengan aksi mengghairahkan itu berlangsung di lokasi tertutup di Rawai dengan mengenakan yuran RM6 untuk dewasa dan RM3 untuk kanak-kanak.

'Hati-hati saring hiburan'

Terdahulu, Pemuda Pas Marang turut kesal dan membantah penganjuran dikir barat seumpama itu kerana menampilkan penyanyi perempuan yang berpakaian seksi dengan aksi mengghairahkan.

Tambahan pula, Marang dikenali sebagai kawasan yang subur dengan ilmu, selain negara turut bergelut dengan pelbagai masalah sosial yang melanda umat Islam sekarang.

Setiausaha Pemuda Pas Marang, Mohamad Aswadi Mohamad dalam kenyataannya berkata, penganjuran itu menggambarkan sikap acuh tidak acuh kerajaan berkaitan program hiburan agak melampau membabitkan artis-artis yang tidak mengikut syariat.

Tambahan pula katanya, hiburan merupakan elemen berpengaruh dalam kalangan remaja dan hiburan bersifat mendidik akan mendorong golongan berkenaan mengembangkan sahsiah diri secara positif.

"Jika mereka terima pendedahan bersifat hedonistik (mementingkan keseronokan) semata-mata, ia akan mendorong golongan muda bertindak menurut nafsu, tambahan pula artis ditampilkan mengundang kelucahan.

"Jadi, kita harap pihak berkaitan lebih berhati-hati dalam menyaring sebarang kemasukan penganjuran hiburan kelak," katanya.

Pemuda Pas Marang juga meminta pihak berkuasa lebih peka dengan sensitiviti umat Islam, sementara kerajaan perlu lebih tegas dalam menyekat unsur yang boleh merosakkan akhlak generasi muda, manakala Majlis Daerah Marang pula menyenaraikan penganjur tidak mengikut syarat.

Senarai hitam jika tak ikut syarat

Sementara itu, jurucakap Majlis Daerah Marang, semalam, mengesahkan menerima permohonan penganjur bagi mengadakan pertunjukan berkenaan dengan syarat-syarat ditetapkan.

"Namun jika persembahan itu didapati lari daripada konsep dikir barat (seperti dimohon) termasuk jika 'terlebih' atau tidak ikut syarat, kita akan menyenaraihitamkan penganjur," katanya.

Namun, Sinar Harian gagal mengesan penganjur pertunjukan berkenaan.

Pengarah Mamat Khalid masih di ICU

Posted: 01 Nov 2014 07:01 PM PDT

KUALA LUMPUR: Pengarah filem Mamat Khalid hari ini (Sabtu) dilaporkan semakin stabil dan beransur pulih, namun masih ditahan di Unit Rawatan Rapi (ICU) untuk pemeriksaan lanjut.

Isterinya Hasnah Hassan ketika dihubungi Astro Gempak memberitahu, suaminya sudah sedarkan diri dan semakin stabil.

"Alhamdulillah, abang Mamat dah sedar…Dia sihat dan stabil. Tapi buat masa ini dia masih ditahan di wad ICU untuk rawatan susulan," katanya.

Menurut Hasnah, Mamat dibawa ke Hospital Assunta pada Jumaat selepas mengadu sakit dada.

"Pagi semalam, dia mengadu sakit dada dan meminta supaya dimasukkan ke hospital. Doktor yang memeriksanya mendapati tekanan darahnya tinggi.

"Dia kemudiannya dimasukkan ke ICU untuk tujuan pemantauan. Dalam dua hari ini pihak hospital akan terus memantau keadaannya," ujarnya.

Tambahnya lagi, faktor keletihan mungkin punca kesihatan Mamat terjejas kerana pengarah itu sibuk menyiapkan penggambaran drama di Taiping, selain terbabit penerbitan sebuah program realiti TV.

Dalam pada itu, Hasnah turut memohon maaf kerana Mamat Khalid tidak dapat hadir ke Malam Anugerah Festival Filem Malaysia ke-26 di Seremban, malam ini berikutan masalah kesihatan.

Mamat tercalon dalam kategori Pengarah Terbaik menerusi filem Rock Ooo.

Di kesempatan ini, Astro Gempak mendoakan agar Mamat Khalid segera pulih seperti sedia kala. -- Astro Gempak

Cucu Tok Selampit

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 12:35 PM PST

Cucu Tok Selampit

Kereta Rasmi Setpol PM @NajibRazak Porche Tu ... Dahsyat!!!

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 01:54 AM PDT

Tak tahulah sama ada Setiausaha Politik (Setpol) Perdana Menteri adalah seorang yang bijak atau tidak. Geng PAS dah mula main gambar ini. Dengan gaji sebagai Setpol baru CTS tahu boleh memakai kereta Porche rupanya. Sudahlah menggunakan kereta Porche, letak pula lambang rasmi Setpol PM dekat kereta. Bijak sungguh.

Beliau hendak membunuh karier Perdana Menteri DS Najib Tun Razak ka apa? Memang cerdik sungguh Setpol PM Bahagian Kewangan ini. Kalau tak silap Timbalan Ketua Bahagian Padang Terap. CTS fikir baik sahajalah. Mungkin beliau menabung dari kecil. Sepatut buat macam adik seorang Menteri tu. Selepas kantoi kereta mewah kemalangan, cakap saja, kawan kasi pinjam. Apa susah. Guna proxy saja.

Kemaskini 5:50 p.m.:

Tidak sampai satu jam artikel ini dikeluarkan, ada yang minta CTS keluarkan kenyataan dari empunya diri seperti di bawah. CTS tak ada kepentingan apa-apa. Cuma kesiankan Perdana Menteri dengan kerenah orang di sekelilingnya. Baca penjelasan di bawah:
Kereta tu tahun 2003...harga murah ja...x sampai rn100....jual keta merz kay 77. Ini jawab dia. Orang kampung bukan tahu. Lebih baik jelaskan. Habis cerita. Tolong jawab. Itu Porche lama. Lagi murah dari Honda Accord.

Apa Yang Tersirat

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 12:28 PM PST

Apa Yang Tersirat

Sodomi II: Bangangnya Mantan Hakim Australia

Posted: 02 Nov 2014 02:12 AM PST

SILA BACA LAPORAN MALAYSIAKINI DISINI Yang Bertajuk Sodomi: Mengapa Anwar sahaja yang kena? sedangkan sudah melambak, didakwa dan masuk penjara dan disebat, bezanya tidak menjadi perhatian surat khabar antarabangsa, kerana melibat individu yang bukan berprofile tinggi. 

Kalaulah Anwar tidak mengwar-warkan di seluruh dunia, bahawa kegemerannya itu apabila diketahui, maka beliau politikkan sambil menuduh ianya suatu konspirasi; sedangkan tindakan itu adalah tindakan dirinya sendiri.

Sebelum ini, tiada siapapun mengenal nama Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, akan tetapi apabila mangsa membuat aduan dan meminta keadilan, maka barulah diketahui siapa mangsa itu.

Esok Mahkamah Persekutuan akan mendengar hujah pendakwaraya Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, dan selepas itu akan disusuli hujah pembela Anwar, sebelum 5 hakim membuat keputusan, samada mensabitkan Ketua Umum PKR itu atau membebaskannya. Kalau disabit, Pendakwaraya akan memohon hukuman tambahan daripada 5 tahun yang dijatuhkan Mahkamah Rayuan pada 7 Mac lalu, atas sebab seksyen yang dihadapi Ketua Pembangkang itu (377B) adalah seksyen yang membawa hukuman 20 tahun penjara dan sebatan.


Posted: 02 Nov 2014 10:44 AM PST



Posted: 02 Nov 2014 03:56 AM PST

Terdapat perbezaan ketara corak politik Pemuda BN dan Pemuda PR, kata Pengerusi Pemuda Barisan Nasional, Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar.

Khairy yang juga Menteri Belia dan Sukan berkata, perbezaan itu merujuk kepada perjuangan BN yang membawa suara anak muda dalam mendepani cabaran hidup, sementara PR pula membawa corak politik yang memperjuangkan individu.

"Kalau kita seminggu dua ini, Pemuda MCA, PPP ada himpunan. Dalam semua himpunan yang dibangkitkan adalah suara generasi anak muda.

"Sementara pemuda PR, akhir minggu ini, dia tidak cakap pasal pembangunan belia tetapi dia cakap pasal 'one man'.

"PR tidak bawa isu kos sara hidup anak muda, isu perumahan belia... tetapi mereka rempuh pagar pertahankan seorang individu, kumpul di mahkamah pertahankan (Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri) Anwar (Ibrahim) tetapi dalam BN kita tidak pertahan individu yang kita pertahankan adalah hak genarasi muda, inilah yang membezakan politik mereka dan  politik kita.

"Politik kita berteraskan kepada nilai dan generasi muda," katanya  ketika menyampaikan ucapan perasmian pada Perhimpunan Agung Pemuda PPP, di Hotel Dnasty di sini, hari ini.

Dalam pada itu, Khairy menambah, BN akan sentiasa bergerak dalam satu bumbung Pemuda bagi memperjuangkan hak anak muda.

"Kita akan bergerak dalam satu hati dalam memperjuangkan nasib anak-anak muda Malaysia.

"Kita akan bantu mereka, kita akan jadi jurucakap kepada generasi muda," katanya.


Posted: 02 Nov 2014 03:03 AM PST

Layak ke Guan Eng bercakap tentang tak tunai janji dan komitmen kepada rakyat ?? 
Bila ditanya Malaysiakini tentang Pakatan akan berpecah selepas ketiadaan Anwar , Guan Eng tiba-tiba menasihat kepada rakan2 nya dalam Pakatan bahawa mereka boleh berpecah jika ada yang tidak menunaikan janji kepada rakyat . 

Selama ini yang bercakap itu tunaikan janji ke ??  Selama 2 penggal memerintah P.Pinang apa mereka buat untuk mengatasi banjir di negeri ini ??
Malah dalam isu perumahan mampu milik hendak dibina agensi kerajaan Persekutuan seperti PERDA dan JKP turut berdepan halangan yang diberikan alasan  tak masuk akal . KLIK DI SINI
Ternyata Guan Eng di P.Pinang hanya  layak digelar  CM Tin KOSONG saja ..

Pakatan Rakyat memenangi dua penggal di Pulau Pinang, apakah rekod mereka dalam menangani banjir di negeri Pulau Mutiara Timur itu?
Banjir, banjir dan lebih banyak banjir!

Jikalau diberi satu penggal pun Guan Eng tidak dapat menyelesaikan masalah banjir di negeri yang kecil seperti Pulau Pinang, apakah dia pasti dapat selesaikan masalah banjir di negeri yang sebesar Pahang dalam masa satu penggal? 
Ini benar-benar lawak antarabangsa!," kata Presiden Pertubuhan Pasukan SEMUT, Malaysia, Datuk Huan Cheng Guan.
Katanya, apabila ada malapetaka dan bencana, Guan Eng selalu menuding jari kepada Kerajaan Persekutuan dan Barisan Nasional, seolah-olah BN dan Perdana Menteri bertanggungjawab ke atas segala-galanya.

"Dia lupakah kerajaan Pakatan turut diberi mandat oleh rakyat Pulau Pinang untuk mentadbir negeri dengan efisien dan efektif. klik di sini

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