Selasa, 26 Jun 2012




Posted: 26 Jun 2012 03:39 AM PDT



Posted: 25 Jun 2012 09:07 AM PDT

Keputusan peribadi saya untuk menarik diri dari jawatan di Pejabat Penasihat Ekonomi Selangor telah diperbesarkan oleh media Umno bahawa kononnya ia petanda wujud keretakan di dalam pentadbiran Kerajaan Selangor yang ditunjangi KEADILAN.

Saya telah menjelaskan seawal minggu lepas bahawa ia keputusan peribadi yang telah lama saya rancang demi menumpukan perhatian sepenuhnya kepada usaha KEADILAN dan Pakatan Rakyat menumbangkan Umno/Barisan Nasional.

Saya mula-mula menyatakan hasrat untuk menarik diri dari pentadbiran Kerajaan Selangor dalam bulan Oktober 2011 semasa KEADILAN mula menumpukan perhatian serius membongkarkan penyelewengan NFC. Memandangkan tarikh pilihanraya umum belum jelas ketika itu, saya diminta menangguhkan hasrat itu.

Kini, pembubaran Dewan Rakyat perlulah dibuat dalam tempoh kurang dari satu tahun. Dengan kepastian ini, saya yakin masa dan tenaga saya lebih baik ditumpukan kepada usaha merancang kempen KEADILAN dan menyusun strategi menghadapi pilihanraya. Apatah lagi apabila pentadbiran Kerajaan Selangor di bawah kepimpinan YAB Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim adalah utuh dan telah mempamerkan pencapaian cemerlang setakat ini.

Oleh yang demikian, saya sekali lagi menegaskan bahawa perletakan jawatan ini adalah satu tindakan biasa yang juga dilandaskan pada asas moral kerana seorang ahli politik tidak wajar dibayar gaji dari wang rakyat apabila tumpuannya cenderong kepada aktiviti politik partinya.

Malang sekali, konsep kebertanggungjawaban sebegini tidak wujud di dalam Umno/Barisan Nasional.

Saban hari, Umno/Barisan Nasional menggunakan jawatan dan kemudahan kerajaan yang ditanggung oleh rakyat untuk membayar pimpinan dan aktivis mereka; sedangkan keseluruhan masa digunakan untuk berkempen politik bagi parti mereka.

Contoh penyelewengan wang rakyat sebegini ialah kehadiran lantikan politik di jabatan-jabatan kerajaan dan syarikat berkaitan kerajaan sedangkan mereka bertugas untuk Umno/Barisan Nasional.
Malah, sebuah jabatan khas iaitu JASA ditubuhkan semata-mata untuk membayar gaji pimpinan dan aktivis Umno/Barisan Nasional yang kemudiannya digunakan sepenuhnya untuk berkempen politik.

Sudah menjadi budaya Umno/Barisan Nasional bahawa seorang pemimpin berebutkan jawatan politik untuk mendapat tempat di dalam kerajaan dan menikmati habuan lumayan sedang mereka tiada sumbangan kepada kerajaan.

Oleh sebab itulah, Umno/Barisan Nasional cepat-cepat memutar belitkan tindakan saya menarik diri dari Kerajaan Selangor kerana mereka berfikiran budaya politik di dalam KEADILAN sama seperti yang diamalkan mereka.

KEADILAN adalah sebuah parti reformasi. Budaya politik kami berbeza dan saya cukup tidak selesa menerima gaji dari tabung rakyat apabila tumpuan saya lebih kepada kerja politik. Selain mahu menumpukan sepenuhnya kepada usaha menumbangkan Umno/Barisan Nasional, saya juga mahu terus kekal dengan perjuangan reformasi yang memisahkan kerja politik dari dana rakyat.

Rakyat akan dapat menghakimi sendiri putar belit Umno/Barisan Nasional ini apabila saya makin lantang membongkarkan rasuah dan penyelewengan mereka.

Hari ini bermula siri pendedahan besar berhubung Projek LRT Ampang yang melibatkan Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak sendiri.

Esok saya akan mula duduk berbincang dengan Cik Faekah Hussin untuk meneliti semula fail-fail penyelewengan yang berlaku di Selangor semasa pentadbiran Umno dahulu, sebagai menyahut seruan pimpinan Umno agar saya membongkarkan penyelewengan yang berlaku di Selangor.

Oleh kerana penyelewengan yang berlaku hanyalah semasa Umno memerintah, maka senanglah saya menumpukan sepenuh perhatian menyiasat penyelewengan ini seperti yang diminta mereka.

25 JUN 2012

Suara Sri Andalas

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 11:33 PM PDT

Suara Sri Andalas

Pasukan Khas Siasat Dakwaan SYABAS Loji Kurang Air

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 01:45 AM PDT

BATU CAVES 25 JUN : Satu pasukan khas yang terdiri daripada panel pakar akan dihantar ke loji rawatan air bagi menyiasat menyebaran kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (Syabas) berhubung tahap penurunan paras air di empangan Semenyih dan Langat sejak minggu lalu.

Menteri Besar , Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim berkata hal itu perlu disiasat kerana mendapati penggunaan dan pengurusan air di loji itu agak tidak konsisten daripada jumlah keluaran air.

"Mengapa terdapat kekurangan dalam loji rawatan itu? Loji rawatan mempunyai loji untuk menyimpan air jadi kenapa terdapat penurunan?.

"Jumlah air mentah di negeri antara ukuran yang boleh diukur ialah melalui jumlah air di empangan. Jumlah air itu kalau melimpah maknanya empangan itu mempunyai lebih daripada 100 peratus jumlah air.

"Jadi maknanya kalau itu berlaku jumlah air mentah di negeri ini bukan sahaja cukup tetapi ia juga melimpah.

"Oleh sebab itu pada kita, jumlah loji yang ada sesuai untuk jumlah air mentah yang kita ada," katanya selepas Majlis Sambutan 43 tahun Kampung Melayu Batu Caves Selatan di Dataran Hijau Al-Khadra, Balairaya JKKK, di sini.

Hadir sama, Ahli Parlimen Gombak, Azmin Ali, Adun Batu Caves, Amiruddin Shari, Pegawai Daerah dan Tanah Gombak Ahmad Zaharin Saad, YDP MDS Datuk Zainal Abidin Aala dan Pengurus Besar Yayasan Selangor Ilham Marzuki.

Abdul Khalid menambah sebanyak 100 meter padu air sepatutnya disalurkan, bagaimanapun 30 peratus daripada jumlah itu tidak disampaikan kepada pengguna.

"Mungkin air bocor di mana-mana sebab itu tidak sampai kepada pengguna. Jadi dua perkara itu mesti kita lakukan iaitu jumlah air terawat mesti dipertingkatkan dan 'non revenue water' itu mestilah berkurangan daripada 30 peratus kepada 15 peratus," katanya.

Lanjutan kepada laporan The Star, atas tajuk "There is no shortage of water in Selangor, says Luas" bertarikh 19 Jun, 2012.

Abdul Khalid turut bersetuju dengan kenyataan Exco Kesihatan, Pekerja Ladang, Kemiskinan dan Kerajaan Prihatin, Dr Xavier Jayakumar yang menyelar kenyataan Syabas itu.

Dr Xavier mengesa Syabas agar jangan terus bermain api dengan rakyat Selangor.

Malah katanya, Kerajaan Negeri Selangor tidak teragak-agak untuk mengambil alih semua loji-loji air yang dikendalikan oleh Syabas atau Puncak Niaga bagi menjamin rakyat Selangor terus mendapat bekalan air yang mencukupi untuk keperluan harian mereka.

Sumber: Selangorku

Peter Chin Perlu Tegas Struktur Semula Industri Air

Posted: 22 Jun 2012 02:00 AM PDT

SHAH ALAM 22 JUN : Kerajaan Negeri menyeru Menteri Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau dan Air, Datuk Seri Peter Chin Fah Kui supaya berhenti berlindung di sebalik kenyataan politik dan mengambil langkah tegas dalam rundingan penstrukturan semula industri air Selangor.

Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim berkata sebagai menteri yang diberi kuasa di bawah Akta Industri Pembekalan Air 2006 (WSIA), Peter sepatutnya mampu membantu Kerajaan Negeri mengambilalih perkhidmatan air.

"Kerajaan Negeri juga hairan mengapa menteri kerap meminta model yang baharu daripada Selangor sedangkan model yang terakhir yang dibentangkan selari dengan kehendak WSIA.

"Tambah pula, model holistik telah menjamin tarif air tidak akan dinaikkan pada tiga tahun pertama dan tidak lebih dari 12 peratus.

"Berbanding kenaikan 75 peratus dalam perjanjian konsesi yang ternyata memberi keuntungan kepada konsesi sementara rakyat pula menanggung kosnya," jelas Abdul Khalid dalam satu kenyataan medianya.

Beliau menambah, Kerajaan Negeri juga akan berusaha untuk menurunkan kadar Air Tidak Berhasil (NRW) yang tinggi di samping mencari sumber air alternatif sebagaimana yang dinyatakan dalam forum air dua minggu lalu.

"Ini membuktikan model Kerajaan Negeri adalah holistik kerana ia menyentuh semua perkara yang berkaitan dengan kecekapan perkhidmatan air," tegasnya.

Dalam kenyataan sama, beliau turut mempersoalkan sejauh mana kesediaan dan kemampuan Kerajaan Pusat untuk menyediakan dana tambahan sekiranya Projek Langat 2 masih tidak berjaya menurunkan peratusan NRW pada tahap sepatutnya.

"Menteri tersebut menyatakan kos untuk menurunkan peratusan Air Tidak berhasil (NRW) lebih mahal iaitu RM 7.2 billion berbanding pembinaan Langat 2 iaitu sebanyak RM 5 billion.

"Tetapi andai Langat 2 tidak berjaya menurunkan peratusan NRW pada tahap sepatutnya, adakah Kerajaan Pusat sanggup membelanjakan berbillion wang rakyat untuk membina terowong lain bagi merentasi Banjaran Titiwangsa?," soal beliau.

Abdul Khalid juga sekali lagi menyatakan kesediaan Kerajaan Negeri untuk berunding dan berbincang dengan Kerajaan Pusat serta agensi berkaitan bagi menyelesaikan penstrukturan ini.

Sumber: Selangorku

R Sivarasa - Ahli Parlimen Subang

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 11:30 PM PDT

R Sivarasa - Ahli Parlimen Subang


Posted: 25 Jun 2012 09:53 PM PDT


I note from his article published yesterday in the website Asia Sentinel that John Berthelsen, a well-known regional journalist has received what appear to be leaked documents from the on-going French investigation in Paris into corrupt payments made in connection with the purchase by Malaysia in 2002 of 2 Scorpene submarines.
French counsel for Suaram John Breham announced in Bangkok on 30th May 2012, amongst other revelations, that a top-secret document belonging to the Malaysian Navy relating to the Scorpene purchase had been seized from the Paris office of the French firm supplying the submarine DCNS.  He also  said that  the records also showed that the document came to DCNS from Terasasi Hong Kong a company owned by Razak Baginda and his father. Breham also suggested that money must have been paid to Terasasi by DCNS for that secret document.
Minister for Defence Datuk Zahid Hamidi has denied the transaction and said he will provide a full answer in Parliament today. It appears that he is referring to his answer to the adjournment speech to be made by YB Nurui Izzah at the close of proceedings today.
Upon receiving certain information relating to the documents exposed by John Berthelsen, we have verified that Document 151 in the French investigation file has a comment written by the investigators which in English reads as follows:
"In the file entitled 'Report of the December 2000 – June 2002 Phase III Part 2' appeared  the evaluation report of the French offer by the Royal Malaysian Navy dated 17 April 2001 followed by a table comparing the specifications of Scorpene and the wishes of the Malaysian Navy ( page 29 … ) with the technical assessments. The report concluded (page 30 ) that the offer was acceptable but an agreement must be reached on a few details notably the delivery." Datuk Zahid must therefore explain today instead of just making bare denials the following:
-          How did this top secret document get into the hands of Terasasi and then to DCNS?
-          Who are the persons responsible for selling top secret military documents
-          Is he going to instruct the police to commence investigation and summon Razak Baginda for questioning?

Sivarasa Rasiah
Ahli Parlimen Subang, Anggota Biro Politik dan Majlis Pimpinan Pusat Parti Keadilan Rakyat


Posted: 25 Jun 2012 08:01 PM PDT

 Former ACA director Abdul Razak Idris denies that Anwar ordered him to make SD

        We refer to the false allegations published in the NST and Berita Harian on 21st June 2012 that opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had ordered former ACA director of investigations Abdul Razak Idris to make a statutory declaration relating to the RM 3 billion allegation. En Abdul Razak Idris has now denied the allegation that he was ordered by Anwar to make the SD clearing him of wrongdoing. Abdul Razak Idris has communicated this fact to NST and Berita Harian. We have been given a copy of his message in which he says, " Saya pula bukan diarah oleh DSAI tetapi saya diminta oleh KP SPRM untuk elakkan beliau atau pegawainya disapina oleh DSAI sebagai saksi plaintif dlm civil suit terhadap NST yg didengar pd akhir Nov 2009." From the preceding, it is clear now that the UMNO- owned NST and Berita Harian published a blatant lie against Anwar in order to inflict political damage upon him. This campaign of libel and character assasination is of course carried out with the knowledge and approval of Prime Minister Najib and UMNO who own these two newspapers. This denial by En Abdul Razak Idris' gives clear proof of the underhand UMNO campaign to defame and villify Anwar Ibrahim. UMNO and its media have now been caught red-handed making a false statement of a very serious nature about Anwar.The opposition leader has through his solicitors today issued a demand to the NST and Berita Harian newspapers to publish with equal prominence Abdul Razak Idris' denial that he was ordered to make the SD by Anwar. Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim also claims damages and an undertaking that the false allegations will not be repeated.

 Issued by,


 25 JUNE 2012

Anwar Ibrahim

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 07:34 PM PDT

Anwar Ibrahim

‘Gov’t Downplaying Air Traffic System Problems’

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 12:47 PM PDT


PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar has lashed out at the authorities for downplaying alleged problems with the national air traffic control system by calling this "minor glitches".

She said the Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) had said "minor glitches" had been spotted in the 26.05 million euro (RM128.4 million) system installed nationwide, while the Transport Ministry has claimed that it is "performing well".

She said the statements are a far cry from complaints by Subang air traffic controllers that there are "clear weaknesses that render the system unstable".

In a June 13 letter to Nurul Izzah, DCA director-general Azharuddin Abdul Rahman said the regulatory body had held five meetings with the Italian radar systems provider, Selex Sistemi Integriti SpA, from January to May to "monitor improvements to the system".

Nurul Izzah had claimed that the Human Machine Interface (HMI) fitted to the National Air Traffic Control Centre (NATCC) has been defective since being installed on Dec 13 last year.

She based her allegations on documents she had received, the source of which could not be independently verified.

According to the documents, the NATCC director had sent out a memo to "all traffic controllers, in particular highlighting the inconsistency in cleared flight level".

A letter addressed to their director and dated Jan 4, had 11 signatories including NATCC's deputy director of air traffic control.

They complained that efforts to rectify the problems up to then were "very disappointing", and air traffic controllers had been advised to be cautious.

NATCC's systems coordinate air traffic over the entire country's airspace and any problems in the system would compromise flight safety.

Azharuddin explained that the DCA had began upgrading the Air Traffic Control (ATC) mechanism in stages under the Malaysia Air Traffic Services Modernisation Programme since 1992, with the latest being Sibu and Tawau where the radars were fitted in 2010.

"While the ATC system was being improved in stages, Selex was then given the Certificate of Practical Completion (CPC) on Dec 21, 2011… as stated under Clauses 44 and 47 of the conditions of contract, the contractor has to "make good any defects, imperfections, shrinkages or any faults whatsoever" during the Defects Liability Period which will take two years," the letter states.

"With that assurance from Selex though the CPC, the DCA used the new system. For your information, the new system before it was used by the DCA, was researched and a Safety Management System (SMS) was conducted as required by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO)."

Noting that safety is a "very important aspect", he said the software used in the ATC system had undergone a quality assurance process at the point of manufacture in Italy.

The letter further clarifies that the DCA is monitoring the "glitches" and as for the problems faced by the ATC in Subang, 78 percent have been resolved, 10 percent are being tested and 12 percent are being analysed at the Selex factory in Italy.

He also responded to Nurul Izzah's call for an audit on system, saying that the ICAO has conducted two audits on DCA and found it to be compliant with international specifications.

'Absence of open tender'

However, Nurul Izzah retorted that the audits on DCA "do not calm public concern" as the fault is in the system and not with the regulator.

The letter however, fails to address why the project was not awarded through an open tender, when it was pointed out that Selex is embroiled in controversy, she said.

"It has also come to my attention that (the contractor) was given a 5+5 years maintenance contract for this system upgrade without an open tender being conducted. I am made to understand that for the Kuala Lumpur International Airport as an example, the length of maintenance contract for a similar service is three years," she said.

"Hence, Transport Ministry must explain the length and the lack of an open tender, if indeed this is the case."

According to an AFP report, Selex has been investigated since 2010 over allegations that it had been given no-bid contracts by the Italian civil aviation agency Enav.

Most recently, the probe led authorities to search the home of the Vatican's former de facto bank chief Ettore Gotti Tedeschi on June 6 for documents pertaining to the case.

Selex is also a wholly-owned subsidiary of Finmeccanica SpA, a defence company that is facing its own set of corruption allegations.

These range from claims that its former chairperson had created false invoices and slush funds to pay off politicians to allegations that its current chairperson had greased helicopter deals with India when he was the head of its subsidiary, AgustaWestland.

Finmeccanica and Selex have consistently denied any wrongdoing.

Skandal LRT Ampang RM960 juta

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 12:43 PM PDT


PKR akan membuat pendedahan setiap dua hari bermula hari ini mengenai apa yang didakwanya skandal pemberian kontrak pembinaan projek tambahan sistem LRT Ampang yang bernilai RM960 juta.

Pengarah Strategi PKR, Rafizi Ramli (kanan) berkata, projek tersebut yang didakwa dianugerahkan kepada syarikat yang tidak terpilih melalui proses tender terbuka, telah menjejaskan janji pentadbiran Najib untuk membanteras rasuah.

Berikutan itu, tegasnya, PKR akan membuat pendedahan setiap dua hari mengenai skandal tersebut yang bakal menguji komitmen Najib kepada usaha membanteras rasuah dan penyelewengan.

Katanya, pendedahan tersebut adalah juga sebagai balasan kepada tindakan Umno memutarbelitkan keputusannya menarik diri dari Kerajaan Selangor sebagai petanda wujud keretakan dalam pentadbiran kerajaan negeri itu yang ditunjangi PKR.

Sebaliknya, kata Rafizi, beliau mengambil tindakan tersebut untuk menumpukan perhatian merancang strategi pilihan raya PKR.

“Saya menasihati Datuk Seri Najib supaya menangani skandal ini dengan baik demi menjaga imej pentadbiran beliau,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.

Rafizi adalah individu yang memainkan peranan penting dalam mendedahkan dakwaan penyalahgunaan pinjaman mudah RM250 juta oleh NFC. milik anggota keluarga Ketua Wanita Umno, Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil.

Shahrizat tidak dilantik semula sebagai menteri pembangunan wanita,
keluarga dan masyarakat, manakala suaminya, Datuk Seri Mohamad Salleh Ismail didakwa dengan tuduhan pecah amanah jenayah berhubung pinjaman mudah RM250 juta kerajaan kepada NFC.

Berikutan ini,Najib mengambil alih kementerian berkenaan dan tidak melantik ahli parlimen wanita untuk portfolio tersebut.

Mengenai dakwaan skandal pemberian kontrak pembinaan projek tambahan sistem LRT Ampang, Rafizi mendakwa Najib campurtangan dalam tender terbuka untuk memastikan konsortium George Kent memenangi kontrak tersebut yang bernilai hampir satu bilion ringgit.

Beliau mendakwa, PKR mendapat maklumat yang rapat dengan kerajaan bahawa Najib sendiri campurtangan di dalam hal ini untuk memastikan kontrak tersebut dianugerahkan kepada George Kent, sedangkan beliau (Najib) pernah berjanji untuk berlaku telus dan memastikan semua kontrak besar dijalankan secara tender terbuka.

Former ACA Director Abdul Razak Idris Denies That Anwar Ordered Him to Make SD

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 06:45 AM PDT

We refer to the false allegations published in the NST and Berita Harian on 21st June 2012 that opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had ordered former ACA director of investigations Abdul Razak Idris to make a statutory declaration relating to the RM 3 billion allegation. En Abdul Razak Idris has now denied the allegation that he was ordered by Anwar to make the SD clearing him of wrongdoing. Abdul Razak Idris has communicated this fact to NST and Berita Harian. We have been given a copy of his message in which he says, ” Saya pula bukan diarah oleh DSAI tetapi saya diminta oleh KP SPRM untuk elakkan beliau atau pegawainya disapina oleh DSAI sebagai saksi plaintif dlm civil suit terhadap NST yg didengar pd akhir Nov 2009.” From the preceding, it is clear now that the UMNO- owned NST and Berita Harian published a blatant lie against Anwar in order to inflict political damage upon him. This campaign of libel and character assasination is of course carried out with the knowledge and approval of Prime Minister Najib and UMNO who own these two newspapers. This denial by En Abdul Razak Idris’ gives clear proof of the underhand UMNO campaign to defame and villify Anwar Ibrahim. UMNO and its media have now been caught red-handed making a false statement of a very serious nature about Anwar.The opposition leader has through his solicitors today issued a demand to the NST and Berita Harian newspapers to publish with equal prominence Abdul Razak Idris’ denial that he was ordered to make the SD by Anwar. Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim also claims damages and an undertaking that the false allegations will not be repeated.
Issued by,

Bagaimana Permulaan Kerugian Mendadak MAS

Posted: 24 Jun 2012 11:40 PM PDT

Rakaman #meetanwar Di Perak 23 Jun 2012

Posted: 24 Jun 2012 11:35 PM PDT

Deep and Dirty: Malaysia’s Submarine Scandal

Posted: 24 Jun 2012 11:02 PM PDT

From Asia Sentinel

Leaked prosecution documents show a pattern of official misdeeds in two countries

A two-decade campaign by the French state-owned defense giant DCN and its subsidiaries to sell submarines to the Malaysian ministry of defense has resulted in a long tangle of blackmail, bribery, influence peddling, misuse of corporate assets and concealment, among other allegations, according to documents made available to Asia Sentinel.

Some of the misdeeds appear to have taken place with the knowledge of top French government officials including then-foreign Minister Alain Juppe and with the consent of former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, according to the documents, comprising 133 separate files and hundreds of pages. They were presented to the French Prosecuting Magistrate at the Court de Grand Instance de Paris in May and June of 2011. French lawyers have begun preparing subpoenas for leading Malaysian politicians including Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, the current Defense Minister, Ahmad Zaki Hamad and several other figures.

The documents were sent anonymously to Asia Sentinel via a circuitous route that took them to Brussels, Belgium; Lagos, Nigeria; Brazzaville,Congo; Libreville, Gabon; then to Leipzig, Germany and finally to Hong Kong. The documents, written in French, can be found in a collection in Asia Sentinel’s Scribd account.

The documents were compiled as a result of a raid on April 7, 2010, when scores of investigators from the anti-organized and financial crime unit of the French Directorate of Judicial Police swooped down on DCN's offices at 19 rue du Colonel Pierre Avia in Paris's 15th Arondissement, and four other locations, demanding that stunned officials give them access to safes, files and computers. They collected thousands of documents that form the bulk of the files delivered to Asia Sentinel.

Together, they present a damning indictment of Malaysian officials whose goal was to steer a €114.96 million (US$114.3 million at current exchange rates) payment through a private company called Perimekar Sdn Bhd, wholly owned by Abdul Razak Baginda. Razak Baginda was then the head of a Malaysian think tank called Malaysian Strategic Research, which was connected with the United Malays National Organization, the country's biggest political party.

The payment appears to have been in violation of the OECD Convention on Bribery, which France ratified on June 30, 2000. On Sep. 29, 2000, according to document D00015, DCNI, a DCN subsidiary, "took corrective actions" after France joined the bribery convention. Contracts concluded after that date were to be routed to Eurolux and Gifen, companies held by Jean-Marie Boivin, DCN's former finance chief, and headquartered in Luxembourg and Malta respectively Boivin is being investigated for having played a central role in the "corrective actions," with what were described as "outlandish commissions" traveling through the welter of companies that he established in tax havens around the world. Among the documents is one that shows Boivin paid to send Razak Baginda on a jaunt to Macau with his then-girlfriend, Altantuya Shaariibuu, a Mongolian national who was later murdered by two of Najib's bodyguards.

"A separate agreement sets other compensation consisting of a fixed amount independent of the actual price of the main contract," one document reads in reference to the payment to Perimekar. "This has been made to be consistent with [DCN's] internal rules and [its subsidiary] Thales and those of the OECD. The beneficiaries of these funds are not difficult to imagine: the clan and family relations of Mr. Razak Baginda. In addition, these funds will find their way to the dominant political party.” Malaysia's dominant political party was and is UMNO.

Malaysian Defense Spree

The story in essence began when Najib Tun Razak was appointed defense minister in Mahathir's cabinet in 1991 and embarked on a massive buildup of the country's military, arranging for the purchase of tanks, Sukhoi jets, coastal patrol boats – and submarines. That kicked off a stiff competition between French, German, Swedish, Russian and Dutch manufacturers, who in turn went looking for the most effective cronies of the Malaysian leadership to help them out. By 1995, according to document DC00078, DCN's subsidiary Thales was losing out to the German manufacturer Kockums AB, which was represented by Amin Shah, dubbed "Malaysia's Onassis" because of his business and shipping interests, who was close to then-finance minister Daim Zainuddin and was suspected of being a front man for Daim's interests.

French authorities seemed to counter by paying a "consultancy fee" according to a handwritten document called a “Consultancy Agreement" signed in Kuala Lumpur on Oct. 1, 1996 between DCN International representative Emmanel Aris and a Malaysian Army major named Abdul Rahim Saad. The purpose was "to reintroduce DCNI in the short list of tenders after it was rejected by the Government of Malaysia" on Dec. 14, 1995, according to the French documents.

The remuneration was to be paid in two lots, US$20,000 before Jan. 31, 1996, and US$80,000 after acceptance. Apparently it was successful. Rahim is now managing director of a company called ARS Sehajatera Sdn Bhd., which supplies logistical equipment to the Malaysian armed forces.

However, there are questions whether Rahim was ever paid. A memo found in the DCN files said he "expresses discontent and proclaims his support for the Agosta [the Spanish manufacturer of the Scorpenes for DCN] submarines since 1996 but he 'has not had any news from DCNI to date.' He says he organized shady activities to promote the French bid…He complains of not having been paid for his services."

Eventually, according to the documents, Amin Shah began to lose his influence with the government after Daim Zainuddin left his position as finance minister. DCN and its subsidiaries began casting around for other sources of influence within the Malaysian government.

An attempt to woo Tan Sri Razali Ismail, one of Malaysia's most distinguished diplomats, failed. "It was ultimately unsuccessful and Mr. Abdul Razak Baginda was chosen in his place," the documents note. "The role of the latter was to facilitate the submission procedure to the Malaysian government and the responsible ministers, in particular the Minister of Defense, with whom he claimed to have a close relationship."

According to Document D000112, "…Razak Baginda has maintained excellent relationships with the Defense Minister and Prime Minister. Moreover, his wife, Mazlinda Makhzan, is a close friend of the Defense Minister's wife. Thus, Baginda has become the center of the network. Both companies are at the center of this network: Terasasi, related to Baginda, and Perimekar, which was initially controlled by Mohamad Ibrahim Mohamad Nor," who was also close to Daim Zainuddin. However, with Daim stepping down as finance minister after a spat with Mahathir, Razak Baginda took over sole proprietorship of that company through his wife.

"The major defense contracts in Malaysia as in other countries require substantial money transfers to individuals and/or [political] organizations," the document noted. "In Malaysia, other than individuals, the ruling party [UMNO] is the largest beneficiary [rather than Perimekar, the company to which the commission was directed]. Consultants [agents or companies] are often used as a political network to facilitate such transfers and receive commissions for their principals."

The Heart of the Deal

Over the next few years, the documents show, as the contract came closer to fruition Razak Baginda and Najib maneuvered in France to get the best possible deal for themselves and UMNO, establishing a tangle of companies through which funds would ultimately pass.

Their activities included the founding of several companies including Perimekar in 2000 as a vehicle to funnel the €114.9 million commission to Razak Baginda and others, with Razak Baginda's wife the principal shareholder. The plan appears to have had the approval of Mahathir. A diplomatic cable to Foreign Minister Juppe said, "The company chosen by the government for the submarine project is…Perimekar. This choice is the subject of an official notification from the Malaysian Ministry of Finance to the Ministry of Defence… Note that this decision of the Ministry of Finance was taken while the Prime Minister himself held the post of Minister of Finance, after the departure of Tun Daim."

The French company appears to have had no illusions as to Perimekar's function. Documents note that "Perimekar was a limited liability company with a capital of MR5 million (€1.4 million) of which 1 million is available. It was created in August 1999 … it has no record of sales during 2000. Its ownership is in the process of restructuring."

As Asia Sentinel has previously reported, document D00087 shows that Najib demanded a US$1 billion "condition" for Perimekar Sdn Bhd's "stay in France." The notes, however, don't make it clear exactly what that means. The information is contained in a note faxed from Francois Dupont, the Asian representative of Thales International Asia, to his bosses but the notation in the documents presented to the court doesn't elaborate. Dupont indicated that a meeting with Najib on July 14, 2001 would take place with the above mentioned "condition" but it was not known if the meeting transpired.

Along the way, Jasbir Singh Chahl, one of Razak Baginda's associates at Perimekar, decided he hadn't been paid enough. In several memos to DCN, Jasbir Chahl demanded a full fourth of Perimekar's total €114.96 million. Despite several demands, there is no indication that Chahl has ever been paid. He has been subpoenaed as a witness in the case, but after first indicating to French lawyers that he would cooperate, he has since said he knows nothing of the affair. He is said to be extremely ill and suffering from some form of cancer.

Other documents made public by Asia Sentinel earlier show that at least €36 million flowed from the DCNS subsidiary to Terasasi Hong Kong Ltd., whose principal officers are listed as Razak Baginda and his father. Najib was defense minister from 1991 through the time when the submarines were delivered in 2002. Terasasi only exists as a name on the wall of a Wanchai district accounting firm in Hong Kong.

Photo Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim Di Program #meetanwar Edisi Ke 6

Posted: 24 Jun 2012 10:28 PM PDT

Photo Ihsan Yus Suara Keadilan

Photo-photo menarik sepanjang sesi #meetanwar edisi ke 6 di Ipoh Perak pada 23 Jun 2012. Program ini dianjurkan oleh Anwar Ibrahim Club (AIC) dan ia menjadi program utama kelab tersebut. Konsep Program berbentuk diskusi ini bertujuan membuka ruang pada anak muda untuk bertemu dan berinteraksi secara terus dengan tokoh itu. Sila Klik ke web kelab untuk mengetahui maklumat lebih lanjut tentang Anwar Ibrahim Club.



Anak Muda Kampung Nak Senang

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 11:49 AM PDT

Anak Muda Kampung Nak Senang

Aspan Alias di Senawang 29 Jun 2012

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 02:19 AM PDT

Tarikh : 29 Jun 2012, Jumaat
Masa : 9 mlm
Tempat : Taman Desa Melor (sebelah Balai Bomba Senawang)
Penceramah :
Dr Ahmad Suhaimi, Penyelaras SAMM
Ustaz Fakrulrazi, Penceramah Bebas
Fareedah Samad, Pengerusi Ameerah Malaysia
Pn Norwani Ahmat, Ketua Muslimat PAS Rembau

keADILan Kuala Pilah

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 09:42 AM PDT

keADILan Kuala Pilah

Posted: 24 Jun 2012 08:43 PM PDT

Parti KeADILan Rakyat, Gopeng * 务边人民公正党

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 09:24 AM PDT

Parti KeADILan Rakyat, Gopeng * 务边人民公正党

HANGAT: Isu SAR Taman Desa Aman, UMNO halau pelajar SAR bulan Mac 2012

Posted: 24 Jun 2012 10:56 PM PDT

UMNO telah menghalaukan pelajar SAR keluar dari Dewan Orang Ramai Pengkalan Pegoh (tempat SAR Sementara) pada bulan Mac 2012, dan pelajar-pelajar terpaksa berpindah ke perkarangan surau selama dua minggu. Punca sebenarnya berlaku penghalauan ini adalah kerana UMNO ingin menggunakan tempat dewan tersebut sebagai bilik gerakan mereka.  Mereka menghalau guru dan pelajar tanpa memberikan ruang belajar [...]


Posted: 25 Jun 2012 09:21 AM PDT


Rafizi Ramli: Apa Beza Reformasi Dengan Transformasi?

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 07:23 AM PDT

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