Selasa, 24 Januari 2012




Posted: 24 Jan 2012 03:07 AM PST



Posted: 23 Jan 2012 08:45 PM PST


Posted: 23 Jan 2012 08:30 PM PST

The Spirit of Lubok Kawah/Semangat Lubok Kawah

Posted: 23 Jan 2012 11:30 PM PST

The Spirit of Lubok Kawah/Semangat Lubok Kawah

Posted: 23 Jan 2012 08:45 PM PST

Inilah suasana semasa disempurnakan perjumpaan Wanita Biro Masyarakat Felda dan Orang Asal pada 21hb Januari 2012 di Pejabat PKR Negeri Sembilan, Jalan Tampin, Seremban.

Tahniah kepada Wanita Biro Masyarakat Felda dan Orang Asal dan setinggi ucapan terima kasih kepada PKR Negeri Sembilan yang telah memberikan kerjasama yang sangat baik, dan terima kasih kepada YB Zuraida yang merasmikan perjumpaan tersebut.

Posted: 23 Jan 2012 08:35 PM PST

Inilah tenaga yang komited menyempurnakan aktiviti PKR Cabang Kuala Krau.  Seluas DUN Jenderak, kami selesai penampalan poster dan pengedaran rumah ke rumah didalam tempoh 3 hari.  Kerja-kerja ini meletihkan, tetapi menyeronokkan.

Pengalaman kami yang berbagai semasa menjalankan tugas.  Majoriti penduduk mengalu-alukan kerja-kerja kami walaupun sesetengahnya adalah terdiri daripada ahli-ahli parti lawan, tetapi mereka turut kagum dengan kesungguhan kami.

Namun ada juga seorang berdua yang mengambil sikap permusuhan yang melampau.  Pengalaman kami di Felda Jenderak Selatan, seorang Wanita veteran menyorak-nyorak kami setelah kami berlalu jauh dari rumahnya, tetapi apabila kami cuba menghampiri semula rumahnya, beliau meluru masuk rumah.

Di Kg Kuala Mai, seorang ahli UMNO menaiki motosikal, dengan ganasnya mengoyakkan poster yang kami pasang, dan apabila kami mahu pasang semula, dia dengan bongkaknya mengatakan kepada kami supaya tidak memasang di sebatang pokok di tepi jalan. Dan beliau mengatakan bahawa beliaulah orangnya yang mengoyakkan poster-poster itu.

Hanya dengan menyatakan bahawa kami kenal dia, dan tahu rumahnya, dan jika poster-poster ini dikoyakkan lagi, kami tidak teragak-agak akan melawat beliau di rumah beliau.

Orang UMNO yang pakai baju merah dengan cop UMNO ini terus balik ke rumahnya dan sebentar selepas itu dia keluar dengan kereta, dan saya lambai tangan saya kepadanya, dan dia pun turut lambai tangannya kepada saya.

Kami tidak bermusuh dengan dia, bahkan kalau tengok dari segi kehidupannya, dia bukanlah mempunyai kedudukan yang baik sangat dalam masyarakat Kuala Mai itu kerana beliau juga memakai van yang sudah usang!

Kalau turun padang, maka inilah yang sentiasa kita jumpa.  Pemimpin yang tidak turun padang, tidak akan bertemu dengan kejadian sebegini.

Lihat gambar diatas tu, inilah diantara kerja-kerja kami selain mengedarkan risalah rumah ke rumah.

Posted: 23 Jan 2012 08:10 PM PST

Pn Siti Khalijah binti Haji Mohammed, Pengerusi Wanita Biro Masyarakat Felda dan Orang Asal PKR Pusat, kini dilantik oleh YB Zuraida Kamaruddin, Ketua Wanita PKR Pusat didalam Jawatankuasa Wanita MPP Pusat. Diumumkan semasa YB Zuraida merasmikan Perjumpaan Wanita Biro Masyarakat Felda dan Orang Asal.

Ketika di Konvensyen Pakatan Rakyat di Alor Setar, Kedah, Siti telah memukau pemerhati dan perwakilan dengan pendedahan-pendedahan yang berlaku kepada Felda Cahaya Baru di Johor bagaimana peneroka-peneroka telah ditipu kononnya untuk menjadi jutawan dan akhirnya menjadi jutawan fakir.

Bergerak bersama-sama Biro Masyarakat Felda dan Orang Asal PKR Pusat, Siti Khalijah akan membawa jawatankuasanya ke seluruh rancangan Felda dan perkampongan Orang Asal didalam misi perjuangan membela nasib peneroka-peneroka Felda dan Generasi Baru Felda dan Orang Asal.

Posted: 23 Jan 2012 08:00 PM PST

Tidak syak lagi, inilah wajah seorang pemimpin wanita yang hebat.  Tidak syak lagi, wanita ini akan menerajui Malaysia.

Beliau dilahirkan didalam keluarga politik.  Beliau melihat/merasa kesenangan apabila ayahnya menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri.  Beliau melihat/merasa kesusahan apabila ayahnya dipenjarakan, ayahnya dihina dan diaiibkan.

Beliau dibesarkan dengan pengalaman yang pahit/manis.  Beliau adalah puteri Reformasi dan beliau adalah pejuang rakyat.

Inilah Perdana Menteri Malaysia masa depan!

Posted: 23 Jan 2012 07:51 PM PST

Inilah jalan di Kg Seboi, sebuah perkampongan Orang Asal di Kuala Krau, mengikut kata Bakar Panjang, Ketua PKR Ranting Kg Seboi, beliau pernah memohon supaya jalan ini diperbaiki semasa beliau berada dalam UMNO dulu lagi, tapi sejak bertahun-tahun jalan ini tetap tidak diperbaiki.

Macam mana nak sokong UMNO, Kerajaan UMNO langsung tidak memperdulikan kedudukan Orang Asal. "Ini isu jalan, lihat pula padang bola, macam kubang kerbau, lihat pula kehidupan orang kampong ni, dhaif, miskin dan langsung tidak diperdulikan oleh Kerajaan UMNO/BN; nak jadi Negara maju, dan rakyat berpendapatan tinggi; itu hanyalah dongengan bagi kami penduduk Orang Asal ni.  Sebab itu kami mahu berubah menyokong Pakatan Rakyat kali ini."

Posted: 23 Jan 2012 05:36 PM PST

"Letak Jawatan" bukanlah perkara mainan!

Posted: 23 Jan 2012 03:56 PM PST

Letak jawatan bukanlah perkara mainan. Setentunya letak jawatan itu menjadi agenda yang terakhir bukan setiap kali buka mulut kerana tidak bersetuju dengan sesuatu maka hemburan bahasanya ialah letak jawatan.

Didalam Parti, MATC adalah kemuncak kepada aktiviti tahunan di peringkat Cabang. Semua anggota yang aktif dan sayang parti akan hadir MATC melainkan berlaku kematian, kemalangan dan lain-lain perkara yang menghalang kehadiran.

Apabila seseorang ahli itu tidak hadir MATC, tetapi namanya masih dinaikkan sebagai pemerhati kepada Kongres Nasional mewakili Cabang, ahli itu sewajarnya bersyukur. Apa tah lagi jika ketidakhadirannya mempunyai agenda supaya MATC Cabang itu gagal dan hasratnya itu dinyatakan kepada seorang AJK yang lain.

Menyaksikan bahawa namanya tidak tersenarai sebagai perwakilan di Kongres, dia terus mengamuk walhal namanya terselit di senarai Pemerhati. Dia enggan menerima hakikat bahawa dia bukan seorang perwakilan tetapi seorang pemerhati. Walaupun dipujuk oleh rakan-rakan dan sekretariat Kongres, dia tetap menggunakan bahasa kasar, dan terus meninggalkan Kongres dan terus mengambil tindakan letak jawatan dari jawatannya didalam Cabang.

Kita pujuk dia, dan akhirnya dia menarik balik perletakan jawatannya.

Ini bukan kali pertama dia letak jawatan, setiap kali ada perbedaan pendapat dengan mana-mana AJK Cabang, dia letak jawatan.

2 hari lepas, dia juga letak jawatan kerana isu yang amat remeh-temeh. Seroang AJK tidak sempat mengambilnya dirumah dan tak sempat juga mengambilnya di Kuala Krau, kerana AJK itu sudah terlewat sangat untuk menjalankan tugas di Felda Jenderak Utara. Dia terus mengamuk, dan letak jawatan.

Dipujuk oleh rakan-rakan yang lain, akhirnya dia datang bertugas di Felda Jenderak Selatan, tapi dengan hati yang luka; dia memberitahu kepada seorang AJK yang lain, dia letak jawatan.

Pagi semalam, saya ajak dia bertugas di Kuala Krau, dan dia datang. Sesampai saya ke Pejabat PKR saya lihat Setiausaha Cabang sedang mengeluarkan air mata, dan menunjukkan kepada saya hantaran fb dari si dia yang menggunakan bahasa paling kasar seperti: "Saya bukan kuli batak awak..." kerana Setiausaha itu menghantar sms kepada semua AJK untuk turun padang, bukan hanya kepada dia, dan hantaran sms itu berlaku pada lewat malam.

Apabila dia sampai ke Pejabat PKR dia terus meninggikan suara, dan saya mengambil peluang untuk menenangkan dirinya, dan berkata: "Kita sesama ahli ni, kalau kita menegur, biarlah dengan teguran yang berhemah, kita bukan bermusuh." Dia terus melenting, dan dengan suara yang kasar dan kuat sehingga ramai orang di luar Pejabat terpinga-pinga kerana perayaan Tahun Baru Cina, orang cukup ramai di luar Pejabat; dia terus berkata: "Aku letak jawatan," dan terus menengking-nengking; dan tak lama lepas itu, dia (melalui anaknya, kerana dikatakan dia tidak tahu menulis dan membaca) menghantar fb dan mengatakan bahawa saya pilih kasih dan dia letak jawatan.

Cukuplah kita melayan kerenahnya, dan kalau itu yang dia mahu, iaitu dia mahu letak jawatan, maka saya tidaklah menghalangnya, dan saya selaku Ketua Cabang menerima perletakan jawatan itu.

Anwar Ibrahim

Posted: 23 Jan 2012 07:16 PM PST

Anwar Ibrahim

Appeal Against Anwar’s Acquittal: A Fatal Error — Kim Quek

Posted: 22 Jan 2012 09:49 PM PST

The Malaysian Insider

Prime Minister Najib Razak seems to have made a U-turn in his position on the much lauded acquittal of Anwar Ibrahim from the sodomy charge.

When the totally unexpected acquittal was stunningly announced on January 9, Najib together with senior Umno leaders were quick to bask in the compliments that poured in from around the world for finally having done justice to Anwar despite the preceding perverted process that was seen as plain political persecution.

Najib, in particular, seemed proud of this High Court verdict, citing it as proof of the transformation that he had brought to the country. In an interview published by the influential Wall Street Journal on January 13, he told interviewer James Hookway that this verdict "underscores the depth of the reform process". Najib said he was serious about the political reforms — to the extent of risking his chance of winning in the election.

Najib also expressed relief that the Anwar issue was finally over, and that the nation could henceforth tackle more serious issues such as the economy. He said:

"What is important now is that we move forward".

There is no mistaking from this conversation that the prime minister was seizing this much approved ending to the trial as a positive development that would propel his reform agenda. In fact, he even told Hookway that through these changes he hoped to open up a new chapter with the US as "a partner in promoting democratic politics and free trade across Asia and the Islamic Middle East."


With these words still ringing in the ears, it therefore came as a shock that the Attorney-General filed a notice of appeal against the Anwar acquittal on January 20. Even more shocking was Najib's complete dissociation with this appeal the next day. The New Straits Times quoted him as saying that the appeal was something strictly between the complainant and the Attorney-General, and has nothing to do with his government and Barisan Nasional (BN).

Extending this Najib rationale, it must follow that High Court judge Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah's decision to acquit and discharge Anwar should have even less to do with him, BN and the government. Then on what basis was Najib claiming that judge Zabidin's decision was proof of the extensive political reforms that he claimed he had carried out for the country?

Isn't it obvious that when Najib claimed the verdict as proof of his reforms, he was in fact telling the world that a) he had undue control over the investigative and judicial process, b) he realised it was wrong for exerting such control for illegitimate political purposes, and c) he had agreed to cease such interference as a step towards restoration of democracy and rule of law?

In fact the whole world knew as much that it was political persecution right from the very beginning of Anwar's ordeal 3½ years ago, when he was savagely arrested and subsequently charged without an iota of evidence, save the complainant's obviously dishonest claim. Otherwise, why should the whole world be shocked by the verdict?

If the police had been fair and prosecutor and judge had conducted themselves above board, shouldn't the world have expected rather than shocked by the verdict?

It is high time that Najib and his colleagues moved out from their self-induced delusion that the people do not know. It is for their own good that do not misjudge the extent of the people's awareness of the truth in this Internet age of instant information.

If there is any message that we can read from this latest move to appeal against Anwar's acquittal, it is that this appeal is proving for the umpteenth time that Najib's words are not to be trusted; and it also shows up once again that his so-called political reform is more an illusion than reality.


Now, let us turn to the Attorney-General who seems to me to be trying to fish in muddy water in submitting the notice of appeal. Let me explain.

On the day that the A-G's Chambers submitted the notice of appeal on January 20, national news agency Bernama released a bulletin at 1936hrs, quoting an unnamed official in the A-G's Chambers as saying that “the trial judge was required under the Courts of Judicature Act 1964 to provide a written judgment to enable either the prosecution or the defence to file the notice of appeal within 14 days”. Bernama then quoted the unnamed official:

"After perusing the written judgment, they will decide whether to file the petition of the appeal."

However, two hours later, another Bernama news bulletin released at 2151hrs reported the A-G's Chambers making a different statement. Bernama stated:

"The Attorney-General's Chambers said today that the decision to file an appeal against the High Court's decision to acquit and discharge opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim was based on evidence and the law.

"It said that in making any decision, the department acts solely on the evidence and in accordance with the law, not influenced by any emotion or parties."

Bernama further quoted the A-G's Chambers' statement as saying:

"The decision to file this notice of appeal will enable this department to obtain the full written judgment of the learned judge and the record of the proceedings from the High Court; and accordingly will be able to appreciate the grounds considered by the learned judge in arriving at that decision."

It is obvious that the A-G's Chambers realised the mistake in the first statement for having only mentioned its decision to appeal as being dependent on the content of the written judgment, without the ritualistic recital of "fact and law" as its basis. The second statement was to make up for these deficits.

Even with this supplementary statement to add "fact and law" as its rationale for appealing, the A-G's Chambers continued to emphasise that what motivated the filing of notice was to avail itself of the chance to peruse the written judgment.

There is the unmistakable impression that the A-G would await the written judgment before making the final decision to appeal.

That begs the question: shouldn't the A-G's Chambers have a stand of its own, being the party which initiated the charge and laboriously built up the prosecution case? It should be more knowledgeable than anybody else on the strength and weaknesses of its evidence, and there is no reason why it cannot decide whether the verdict is fair or unfair without the full written judgment, unless of course it is waiting for an opportunity to pounce on any possible technical flaw in the written judgment.


The judge has made it clear that he was discharging Anwar because there was evidence of tampering in the only corroborating evidence of the trial — the DNA.

And he was fully justified to make that remark, as it was scientifically impossible for any sperm to have survived more than 100 hours for DNA identification under tropical room temperature as in the Anwar case, as rightly pointed out by the Australian DNA expert Dr Brian McDonald.

Does the A-G agree or disagree with this view?

If he answers in the negative, can he name one authority that would support his opinion?

If he answers in the positive, can he tell us why he is appealing?

And what "fact and law" he was talking about when the DNA evidence had already been exposed as fake?

Is it not obvious that by filing the notice of appeal, the A-G was in fact reserving his right to appeal in the hope that he might later find some technical loophole in the written judgment to knock out the verdict, hence the repeated emphasis on these documents as essential for its decision-making?

Does such unprincipled conduct that disregards justice befit the chief legal adviser to the King and the Cabinet, sworn to uphold the Constitution? Or is such conduct more reflecting that of someone who is faithfully continuing the undertaking to eliminate the chief rival of his political master?

The answer is self-evident from the earlier proceedings and now from the latest move to appeal against the acquittal.


It is indeed a tragedy for Najib and Umno that just as Justice Zabidin's judgment has opened up a small window of opportunity for Najib to make a baby step in his bumbling attempt to bring some reforms, that window is quickly shut with this opportunistic attempt to appeal.

Worse, it has now proven beyond reasonable doubt that Umno is beyond salvation.

And that is fatal for Umno, in the present ambience of people power sweeping away entrenched corrupt regimes — a tidal wave of change that has transformed the Middle East, swept across the region, and now already landed on Malaysian shores.

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