Ahad, 4 Disember 2011



The Spirit of Lubok Kawah/Semangat Lubok Kawah

Posted: 04 Dec 2011 12:03 AM PST

The Spirit of Lubok Kawah/Semangat Lubok Kawah

Perjuangan Peneroka Felda diteruskan...

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 06:48 PM PST

Hari ini Biro Masyarakat Felda dan Orang Asal bersama-sama dengan Peguam-Peguam PKR telah dijemput oleh Peneroka-Peneroka Felda di Felda Keratong 10, Felda Chini Timur dan Felda Chini 3 untuk berdialog dan mengadakan ceramah.

Isu utama yang mereka bangkitkan adalah mengenai peratusan perahan KPG yang mereka dakwa bahawa Felda telah menipu dan memanipulasikan sejak berpuluh tahun yang lalu.

Peneroka-peneroka Felda Gugusan Keratong akan berkumpul di Felda Keratong 10 dan lebihkurang 400 orang Peneroka dari Gugusan itu sudah pun menandatangani borang Warrant to Act untuk diserahkan kepada Peguam R.Sivarasah selepas dialog diadakan di Keratong 10 jam 2.00 petang ini.

Manakala peneroka-peneroka Felda Chini Timur dan Felda Chini 3 serta Felda Gugusan Chini akan menyerahkan borang Warrant to Act untuk melantik peguam memfailkan writ saman terhadap Felda setelah Ceramah diadakan di Felda Chini 3 malam ini.

Lebih 500 orang peneroka-peneroka Gugusan Chini sudah pun menandatangani borang Warrant to Act untuk diserahkan kepada Sdr R.Sivarasa, Peguam dan Ahli Parlimen PKR mewakili kawasan Subang di Selangor.

Biro Masyarakat Felda dan Orang Asal yang akan hadir di Majlis-Majlis tersebut adalah Sdr Suhaimi Said, Pengerusi Biro, Sdr Rebin Birham, Setiausaha Biro, Sdr Man Kadir, Setiausaha Kerja Biro, Sdr Zabidie Abas, JK Biro, Sdr Zabidin Kasmawi, Sdr Rosni Arshad, JK Biro dan lain-lain; manakala 3 orang Peguam akan hadir iaitu Yb R. Sivarasa, Latheefa Koya dan T.Kumar.

Baham jadi calon rupa-rupanya boleh memecahbelahkan jika tidak ditangani dengan baik

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 06:32 PM PST

PKR Cabang Kuala Krau telah menamakan 8 nama untuk dipilih oleh pimpinan mewakili PKR untuk bertanding di DUN Jenderak.

Saya mengesorkan nama ini sebagai tuntutan demokrasi supaya pimpinan utama di Kuala Krau diberikan peluang untuk menjadi calon kerana didalam pandangan saya mereka layak.

Malangnya apabila saya mengambil tindakan sebegitu rupa-rupanya sudah ada pulak yang sudah termimpi-mimpi untu menjadi calon dan mulalah menjatuhkan imej rakan-rakan yang lain. Saya tidak menduga perkara ini boleh berlaku.

Ada yang sudah memberitahu rakan-rakan (diluar parti) bahawa merekalah calon yang akan dipilih oleh PKR Pusat dan meminta rakan-rakan mereka membantu; dan ada yang mengatakan bahawa beliau adalah pilihan wanita Pusat dan sudah menghebahkan kepada anggota-anggota parti yang lain.

Saya langsung tidak menduga perkara sebegini boleh berlaku. Sejak beberapa bulan yang lalu, didalam perjumpaan dengan PKR Pahang dan mesyuarat-mesyuarat PKR Cabang Kuala Krau, saya mengatakan bahawa saya tidak bersedia menjadi calon, dan saya harap golongan pelapis di Kuala Krau dapat menjadi calon, dan untuk bersikap adil, saya hantarkan 8 nama untuk dipilih oleh PKR Negeri/Pusat.

Sikap saya itu menjemput kerumitan, sehinggalah perkara ini dibawa kepada Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa PKR Cabang Kuala Krau semalam, dan saya telah "put a stop" dengan mengatakan bahawa perjuangan didalam PKR ini bukan perjuangan untuk kepentingan diri sendiri, tetapi perjuangan demi rakyat.

"Saya tidak mahu dengar lagi isu tentang siapa menjadi calon di Kuala Krau ini dibahaskan kerana kita sudah hantar nama-nama bakal calon itu ke PKR Negeri dan PKR Negeri sudah menghantar ke Pusat, maka biarlah pimpinan PKR yang menentukan. Dan sesiapa yang dipilih oleh Pimpinan, maka dialah yang menjadi calon, dan kesemua mereka yang sebelum itu disenaraikan sebagai calon yang dinamakan hendaklah menyokong calon tersebut. Ini adalah perjuangan parti dan perjuangan ini bukan untuk kepentingan diri sendiri tetapi perjuangan untuk rakyat.

"Saya nampak siapa yang benar-benar bekerja keras di Kuala Krau ini tanpa mengira samada akan menjadi calon atau tidak. Saya boleh membuat recommendation jika saya mahu, tetapi saya tidak mahu berbuat demikian, kerana takut nanti dituduh bahawa saya memihak kepada orang-orang tertentu.

"Saya memberi ingatan bahawa sesiapa selepas ini masih memainkan isu calon di DUN Jenderak ini akan kita dedahkan dan Pimpinan akan diberitahu bahawa orang itu tidak layak menjadi calon." Saya berhujah.

Nampaknya ingatan saya itu mendapat sokongan daripada mesyuarat Jawatankuasa yang bersidang semalam, dan saya gembira bahawa isu menjadi calon ini tidak lagi akan dibangkitkan oleh mana-mana pihak.

Organisasi PKR Cabang Kuala Krau terus diperkemaskan

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 04:42 AM PST

Organisasi PKR Cabang Kuala Krau telah diperkemaskan dengan mengadakan sedikit perubahan untuk pemegang-pemegang jawatankuasa utama.

Sdr Hafez Harun, Setiausaha Cabang telah dilantik sebagai Naib Ketua Cabang yang kosong, manakala jawatan Setiausaha Cabang ditugaskan kepada Puan Anita Karim dengan dibantu oleh Sdr Khalid sebagai Penolong Setiausaha.

Puan Nooryati Ghani menjadi Pemangku Ketua Wanita PKR Cabang Kuala Krau dan beliau turut melantik Pn Anita Karim sebagai Setiausaha Wanita.

Sdr Hafez Harun, selain menyandang jawatan Naib Ketua turut diberi tugas sebagai Ketua PACABA yang bertanggungjawab untuk mempastikan tugas-tugas PACABA dapat berjalan dengan baik, dan beliau terus mengumumkan jadual-jadual kursus untuk round kedua bagai PACABA-PACABA untuk DUN Jenderak.

Sdr Razak Hussain dilantik sebagai Pengarah Pilihanraya dan beliau dibantu oleh Sdr Azmi Zainon selaku Timbalan Pengarah Pilihanraya.

Puan Anita Karim bertanggungjawab menjadi Pengerusi Pengkalan Data manakala Puan Hendon Jaafar dilantik sebagai Pengerusi Bilik Gerakan.

Sdr Ahmad Bila Adam dilantik sebagai Pengerusi Logistik dan Sdr Ramli Idup sebagai Ketua Penerangan didalam organisasi Jabatan Pilihanraya PKR Cabang Kuala Krau.

Sdr Kin Kasim, selaku AJK PKR Cabang Kuala Krau dari Kg Penderas, sebuah perkampongan Orang Asal, memberitahu mesyuarat bahawa pihak sukarelawan dari Ranting Kg Penderas telah menyediakan 300 batang buluh untuk kegunaan memasang bendera.

Sdr Aliasyasak Idris, AJK Cabang yang juga menjadi Ketua Sukarelawan dari Ranting Felda Jenderak Utara akan menyediakan 100 batang buluh untuk kegunaan memasang bendera semasa PRU nanti.

PKR Cabang Kuala Krau telah menyediakan bendera-bendera parti yang mencukupi untuk PRU akan datang, banner-banner sedang disiapkan dan poster-poster calon akan segera diadakan sebaik sahaja nama calon untuk DUN Jenderak diumumkan oleh PKR Pusat.

Kami, PKR Cabang Kuala Krau, sudah bersiap sedia untuk berhadapan dengan Pilihanraya.

Kuala Krau kemaskan tenaga...

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 04:29 AM PST

Jam 10.00 pagi tadi telah diadakan perjumpaan Wanita PKR Kuala Krau dengan mendengar taklimat dari saya selaku Ketua Cabang cara-cara memperkemaskan organisasi wanita di cabang itu.

Wanita Kuala Krau ditaklimatkan betapa pentingnya mereka berganding bahu dengan tenaga lelaki untuk menjalankan kerja-kerja massa dan menjadi kewajipan tugas yang sangat penting untuk kaum wanita menggembeling tenaga di seluruh ranting-ranting PKR di Cabang Kuala Krau khususnya untuk berhadapan dengan PRU 13.

Aktiviti wanita bukan sahaja perlu diperkemaskan tetapi perlu diperbanyakkan kerana sesetengah aktiviti yang diceburi oleh kaum wanita itu tidak dapat dilaksanakan oleh kaum lelaki.

Kepimpinan wanita Kuala Krau perlu dipertingkat dan saya mencabar wanita Kuala Krau supaya memperkemaskan diri dengan pengetahuan dan mereka perlu menonjolkan diri agar pada Kongres Nasional yang akan datang mereka dapat diketengahkan untuk berucap di Kongres Wanita dan Nasional.

Wanita perlu berani, yakin diri dan berilmu. Mereka mampu berucap didalam mana-mana Majlis sekalipun jika mereka telah mengumpulkan maklumat-maklumat dan fakta-fakta.

Sdr Haji Mohd Saludin Omar, Pengerusi Tetap PKR Cabang Kuala Krau turut memberikan pandangan beliau di Majlis itu agar wanita PKR Kuala Krau boleh menjadi tenaga yang kukuh dan disegani.

Anwar Ibrahim

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 07:34 PM PST

Anwar Ibrahim

Seleweng RM250 Juta Jumlah Kecil Bagi Umno

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 10:42 AM PST


Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menyifatkan penyelewengan melibatkan RM250 juta bagi projek lembu adalah jumlah kecil bagi pemimpin-pemimpin Umno dan Barisan Nasional (BN).

Ini kerana katanya, mereka sudah biasa dengan penyalahgunaan kuasa duit rakyat melibatkan jumlah lebih besar seperti skandal Scorpene.

"Dana 250 juta, itu hanya kecil saja. Skandal Scorpene RM500 juta. Itu baru komisen," kata Ketua Umum KEADILAN ketika menyampaikan Ceramah Perdana, 'Malaysia Tanpa Umno' di Hulu Selangor semalam.

Akhbar Suara Keadilan sebelum ini pernah mendedahkan dua lagi bayaran komisen berjumlah RM32.5 juta, selain RM493 juta yang didedah lebih awal dalam proses pembelian dua kapal selam Scorpene.

Dua komisen itu terbongkar selepas pihak berkuasa Perancis memperoleh dokumen hasil serbuan ke atas DNCS, syarikat yang membina dan menjual kapal selam kepada negara-negara dunia ketiga termasuk Malaysia.

Sebelum ini, sebuah laman web Perancis, Rue89 mendedahkan, syarikat Perancis, Armaris tidak pernah membayar Perimekar RM493 juta, sebaliknya ia dibayar kerajaan Malaysia sendiri.

Dalam ceramah sama, Anwar turut menemplak amalan nepotisme Umno BN yang memberikan pelbagai peruntukan kepada kaum keluarga Menteri dan pimpinan Umno.

"Apa istimewanya anak menteri untuk dapat jawatan tinggi (dalam NFC), ingat dia nak pegang lembu?" kata Anwar merujuk kepada skandal lembu NFC membabitkan peruntukan lebih RM250 juta daripada kerajaan kepada keluarga Datuk Seri Shahrizat Jalil.

NFC adalah syarikat menternak lembu kebangsaan yang dimiliki keluarga Menteri Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat itu  dan menerima RM250 juta daripada kerajaan.

Setakat ini operasinya mengalami kerugian tetapi pada masa sama NFC didedahkan membeli dua buah kondominum mewah di Bangsar, membiayai percutian keluarga Shahrizat ke luar negara, dan pakej umrah.

Terbaru, NFC didedahkan membeli kereta Mercedes berharga RM534,622 serta dua bidang tanah berharga RM3,363,507 di Putrajaya.

Jadual Siri Rapat Umum Pakatan Rakyat

Posted: 02 Dec 2011 10:05 PM PST

Majlis Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat akan mengadakan siri Rapat Umum yang akan disertai oleh YB Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim,YAB Dato Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz,YB Dato Tuan Guru Hj.Abdul Hadi Awang dan YB Lim Kit Siang.

Berikut adalah butirannya:


Ahad 4 Disember 2011

Tempat: Perkarangan Stadium Melawati,Shah alam
Masa: 7.00 mlm – 12.00 mlm


Sabtu, 10 Disember 2011

Tempat: Perkarangan Kilang Weng Lee Sawmill,Beruas Perak
Masa : 7.00mlm – 12.00 mlm

Pulau Pinang

Ahad 18 Disember 2011

Tempat: Stadium
Masa : 7.00 mlm – 12.00 mlm

Umno Will Never Change: A Blessing Malaysia Now Has a Two-Party System

Posted: 02 Dec 2011 07:27 PM PST

Malaysia Chronicle

A leopard will not change its spots. Same goes for UMNO. In this case, UMNO leaders at its AGM will not cleanse all their past 'sins' to make it a party of choice for the Malays and other races in the coming general election. They use the AGM not to be meditative or introspective of their weaknesses as a political party, but choose to turn it into a political forum to childishly put down the Opposition.

This is a big letdown on their part. They are obviously on a defensive mode –- shielding the many issues affecting their leaders – personal, corruption and incompetency –- thinking that the delegates are 'village fools' who have come to listen to their side of the stories. They have under-rated the intelligence of the delegates and the people at large.

One delegate from Johore snapped: "We are talking the same old stories. We want to be defensive on everything even though we have done many wrongs. We are not admitting all our wrongdoings. We just don't want to admit our mistakes. This is not the way for UMNO to win the Malay hearts. The people are not happy with many things going on in the country."

The unpopular Youth leader

To most of the delegates, the present UMNO AGM is more of the usual rhetoric – race, religion and the perceived or tenuous 'threats' of other races to the Malays and their rights and privileges. They forget that like the Malays, the non-Malays too have their rights and privileges in this country.

The AGM seems to imprudently use the race platform to sock the Opposition on personal issues that their own leaders are worse at. They choose to deny interpolating on their leaders' wrongdoings but act like spotless saints preaching on the stage to 'mesmerize' the delegates into thinking that UMNO is 'God' and others are devils. Many in the audience though are not convinced with their daft rhetoric.

The unpopular Youth leader and his team, as customary, had all the uncouth words for the Opposition and the marginalized 'social groups' in society. The people just could not understand why they should despise others using lexis like 'pondan', 'anak haram' and 'bapok'. What have these 'socially ostracised' people done to harm UMNO Youth? Could this be the product of ill breeding on UMNO Youth's part?

The dim-witted Chief himself is trying hard to impress the top leadership but, unfortunately, in a very rough and ready manner. Little does he realise that his future and his chance of climbing up the political ladder in UMNO is already bleak. A delegate from Kedah had this to say of him: "If he were to contest for the same post again, he would lose."

They yap on Malay survival thinking that only UMNO could represent the Malays. They fail to realise that PAS has become a more popular party among the young and educated Malays. They woof at the Chinese considering them as a big threat to the Malays when they themselves are working with MCA and Gerakan Chinese parties.

Just because a Chinese from DAP is helming a thriving Penang they try to bilk the delegates into thinking that soon a Chinese will eye for the prime minister's post. UMNO will never underscore the fact that Penang never had a chief minister other than a Chinese since Merdeka. Thus, all the hue and cry at the AGM is just a hypocrisy.

Helps make the Opposition stronger

The delegates at the AGM will prefer not to touch on money politics, corruption, financial leakages at all levels of governance and management, the poor state of the country's economy, the feudal mindset of the Malays and the many social problems faced by the Malay race. These, startlingly, are not central to party leaders and delegates. They prefer to adopt to worthless rhetoric tinged with emotions and hatred for others. By bashing the Opposition is not going to drag UMNO out from quicksand. It only helps make the Opposition stronger.

The rhetoric on Chinese threats on Malay power is not going to sell either. Malaysians in general realise that no Chinese or Indian is interested in becoming the prime minister of the country. It is not the solemn ambition of any non-Malay in this country to become the prime Minister. Their heartfelt aspiration is to see a serene Malaysia for all the people to cherish. Let an accomplished and righteous Malay lead them.

A delegate from Melaka had this to say: " We should have spent more time debating on how to resolve the many social problems facing the Malays rather than condemning the Opposition or the Chinese. By attacking the Opposition we are actually giving credits and more sympathy for them using our platform."

Only one state headed by Chinese

UMNO AGM is again used to offend the non-Malays. An Indian Muslim Youth leader of UMNO from Penang bleated with hot air, despising the Chief Minister (CM) of Penang with all the disparaging words he has picked up from his parents. He must have forgotten that Penang was also under a Chinese CM since Merdeka and there has not been a slightest whinge on this issue before this. Why the yelping and bellowing now when the majority Muslims in Penang are comfortable with the present State Government?

UMNO is indeed giving the wrong impression to the people that the Chinese will take over the country if UMNO is weak This is a weird and unfounded theory by UMNO rumour mongers and it has offended the Chinese who MCA and Gerakan are trying hard to woo for UMNO.

UMNO is bound to lose more votes in the coming general election for this irrational statement by its nutty leaders. UMNO is ignoring the fact that Malaysia is what it is now in terms of economic development hugely due to the diligent Chinese. The illustrious city landscapes in the country are Chinese contributions to the nation. The economy of the country is flourishing immeasurably due to the assiduous Chinese.

The Chinese do not disguise themselves to become 'Malays' or UMNO members to achieve economic progress. This is unlike what the people on the ground observe is happening within UMNO. UMNO is now taken over by pseudo-Malays disguising themselves as the 'Indigenous' people. This, supposedly, is more of a threat to the real Malays and the Indigenous than the unpretentious Chinese or Indians.

The next general election will most probably see the Opposition taking over the government with a simple majority. UMNO or the Malays have nothing to fret about. The country will still see only one state headed by a Chinese CM and that is in Penang. Penang has been traditionally headed by a Chinese and the progress of the state goes well without saying. All other Malaysian states – in all probability – will be headed by Malay CMs or Menteri Besar.

So in this circumstances, will there be any difference between Barisan and the Opposition political status quo in the country? The only difference will be that the Opposition would, by all accounts, be more competent, responsible and transparent in governance of the country, as already seen in the present four states controlled by them.

The modern Malays are aware of this. Thus UMNO's inane rhetoric on the Chinese or DAP threat does not carry weight at all. This publicity stunt by UMNO will make them lose more votes to the Opposition in the next general election. They have failed to grasp the fact that DAP to PAS and PKR is more or less analogous to what MCA and Gerakan are to UMNO; PAS and PKR will be akin to UMNO –- representing the majority Malays. A delegate from Sabah rightly said: "When we are politically wrong we need to have it corrected and diligently find solutions to ensure that the other races are not offended. A two-party system augurs well for the country. This is a wake-up call for all parties. The best party will be the people's choice."

No threat to the Malays

What is the difference between UMNO and the Opposition then? The Opposition has to go all out to prove that they can manage the country better than UMNO –- with fairness, competence, transparency and accountability. They have thus far proved this in the four states controlled by them – Penang, Selangor, Kedah and Kelantan. They will then make sure that their report books are ad infinitum endorsed as 'good' in the annual Auditor's General's Reports. What apprehends UMNO presently is that it will soon lose its monopoly on power and thus the gravy train. UMNO is up to monopolistic politics when the present generation of Malaysians feel that it is not right. The people now earnestly wish for a two-party system for the country. The emergence of the Opposition is thus a blessing for the country, as today the people have an option. They will decide which party should lead them best.

UMNO's rhetoric at the AGM on Chinese threats to the Malays is downright racism. It only depicts how desperate UMNO can be. They have become fidgety seeing the success of Penang under its new stewardship where even the Malays there are in favour of the humble yet effective management shown by the headship. UMNO for that matter is not the only party that represents the Malays. PAS and PKR have a big share of Malay supporters too. Even DAP has today garnered significant Malay votes for its mature politics.

If the Chinese or Indians do not vote for UMNO they could still vote for PAS or PKR. It makes no difference, as all these parties also numerically represent the Malays. What they wish are capable and virtuous Malays to lead the country, not opportunists who get into politics to bamboozle the people and enrich themselves. The Chinese and Indians, as such, are no threat to the Malays as they have lived in this country for many years understanding the sensitivity and social set up of the nation. No Chinese or Indian in this country is keen or ambitious to become the prime minister – they are not interested. They know that the existing social milieu does not favour this in a Malay majority Malaysia and they do not mind it at all. In this context, they are much wiser than UMNO to understand the circumstances.

Game of racial incitement

UMNO leaders have failed to see how leaders are chosen from minority ethnic groups in some countries. Malaysia has yet to mature or evolve into a democracy as found in the US or India. President Barrack Obama of the US and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India represent the minorities by race in their respective countries and yet they are leaders to people of other majority ethnic groups.

The people are willing to accept a leader from even minority groups, as politics is in the main not based on race or religion in these countries. Political parties that bank on religion or race supremacy seldom win elections. They just cannot sell if race or religion is used to confidence trick the people. The people are more mature in this sense.

The Chinese and Indians in Malaysia are not the least worried if the prime minister does not come from their ethnic group. Neither do they have any ambition to create a prime minister from their ethnic group. Being the minority, they only want to see a fair government and they do not mind working under capable and upright Malay leaders.

The Malays today in general do understand this political equation. Let UMNO alone play with this game of racial incitement that the Chinese are ambitious to have a prime minster from their ethic group and that the Constitution has to be amended to prevent this from becoming a reality. UMNO know that they are already in quicksand, so they are trying hard to get hold of any straw they could to save them from becoming a flightless dodo bird.

Alas, in Malaysia it's always the scare tactic UMNO is using to distance the Malays from other races. UMNO is still focussing on this antiquated brand of politics to survive –- failing to comprehend that this modus operandi is becoming less effectual these days. UMNO leaders may have grown to savour this brand of politics all these days. But the young Malays out there are not keen to adopt this kind of approach to politics and thus they turn to PAS, PKR or DAP for an entirely new political paradigm. As such, today UMNO is loosing support from the young Malays.

We are still divided

UMNO has forgotten the country's history for their own expediency or perhaps they have a selective memory of history. Most Chinese and Indians of today –- including those people who came from close neighbouring countries before and after Merdeka –- are the second or third generation people of Malaysia. They have naturally evolved into inheriting a Malaysian identity. Born and bred here, they do not show loyalty to the countries their great-grand parents came from. UMNO politicians would prefer to deny this historical fact to gratify their disciples and for their political mileage.

It was in 1957 that we achieved independence. The British agreed to give independence to Malaya with the proviso that the three major races could work out a cordial solution to uphold unity and harmony in the country. The Chinese and the Indians were given the rights to citizenship and the Malays were endowed with their special rights as stipulated in the Constitution. Most of those migrants from China, India, Indonesia and many other regions have sired children in this country and they have all been destined to stay here.

The country has multi-racially evolved since. Politically, UMNO being the spine of Barisan Nasional (BN) has failed to achieve what is ideal for a progressive country after 54 years of independence. We are still divided by the types of school our children attend to, the types of schools meant for people of different ethnic groups and the opportunities given to certain ethnic groups in the country. Many have also abused or misused these privileges. More could be done to the country if the national education policy is genuinely carved to cater for all Malaysians to be racially united. UMNO has failed to address this issue at the AGM.

Political and economic woes

UMNO AGM is again cagey when it comes to addressing the political and economic woes facing the country due to the lack of confident, competent and knowledgeable leaders among them. They vehemently deny that UMNO's political fallacy has made many Malaysians still economically divisive by race and religion. They should admit that UMNO politicians have failed the country in many ways – social and economic –- with their own para-holistic ways of dealing with many national issues because of their unrelenting race agenda. This fallacy has to be corrected but leaders and delegates at the UMNO AGM were too inhibited to debate on this.

They have failed to note that the electorate today have deemed race-centric political parties as no more the right prescription for resolving the political and economic woes facing the country. The people would want to see a generation that will invariably call themselves as Malaysians – Bangsa Malaysia as defined by Mahathir –- and not Malay, Chinese, Indian or Others. Perhaps, UMNO does not prefer this altruistic notion due to its hidebound approach to racial politics.

Alas, there are still some unfashionable politicians in UMNO who still fish on narrow racial and religious issues to stay in power. This, they can sell no more, as the general perception of Malaysians has changed. The present generation Malaysians abhor racial or religious tones to politics, as they would prefer a new neutral podium to express their grievances and political views.

People of one nation

UMNO AGM has year in, year out spelt that the 'Malay' race as the definitive race of this country – despite the fuzziness of this term to anthropologists. This is when the lexis 'Malay' is so arbitrarily defined that people are confused who the right 'Malays' are and who are making use of the 'Malay' status for economic and political benefits.

It is even devious to say that the present generation of 'non-Malays' – born and bred in this country –- should be treated as second-class to any other race in the country when they have irrefutably shown their loyalty to this country. These people have learnt the definitive language of the country; they are also relatively immersed culturally and their loyalty to the King and country is unquestionable. Only their religion may differ in most cases. Should religion then be a stumbling block for national integration?

Indeed, Malaysians of all races today have involved into a nation of people who share the same values –- contributing to the social and economic wellbeing of the country. They have shielded the country against undesirable elements and fortified the country from dissident groups to bring peace for all and sundry. Many have even sacrificed their lives for the country. The Malays should be grateful to these people, and vice versa.

All Malaysians born in this country hence should be regarded as people of one nation. This, perhaps, is the Opposition's stand as opposed to UMNO's stemmed brand of politics. The Opposition ostensibly sees that the people of this country could politically and economically work together to see that there is no more political beliefs that prop up race and religious extremism. Political chauvinism as promoted by UMNO is actually perceived by the people at large as to benefit a few power hungry politicians. This cannot be tolerated by the present generation Malaysians.

As opposed to UMNO's brand of politics, Malaysians would want to see all be treated the same irrespective of their race, creed, religion or political affiliation for the country to progress. UMNO AGM, regrettably, is too deep in emotive rhetoric that they have become sightless to reality. They could not see the benefits of having all races living and working together in a nation of people faithful to the country.

UMNO AGM has again failed the people's expectation

When the people are ready for a two-party system the UMNO AGM is still narrowing its perspective on political monopolism. They have not got off the worn out racial tracks and keeps on referring to people of other races as not the 'chosen people'. UMNO has failed to recognize that divide and rule –- the colonial way of race containment –- will not work anymore in this country as people have become much wiser now and know better their basic rights as human beings – thanks to the unyielding pressure from human rights groups and also the role of Internet that has made the world we live in 'free' and borderless.

Instead of endlessly toying on race and parochialism, and solely defending the Malay rights UMNO AGM should have focussed on how the poor – irrespective of race or religion –- in the country could be given special help in order to uplift their economic well-being. The economic policy today has to be based on needs. The rich among all races do not need the 'crutch' but the poor of all races still need it.

UMNO's temperament is that it does not fancy other races to question the rights of the Indigenous people as stipulated in the Constitution but this should not be taken as a passport by UMNO to deny the other races of their rights and privileges as Malaysians.

A civilised society will not condone the fact that there are a 'chosen few' to be crowned as a superior people.

Islam does not condone this doctrine either, as it is against the fundamental rights of the human race.

The UMNO AGM has again failed the people's expectation of the party to lead a multi-racial Malaysia into the future. It's a blessing that we now have a two-party system.

Wee Choo Keong

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 03:18 PM PST

Wee Choo Keong

Thank God that meeting to sack Bashir was just a rumour!

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 07:38 AM PST

The scheduled meeting at 6 pm of today where Tan Sri Mokhtar has summoned Tan Sri Bashir Ahmad to attend did not materialise. It was just a rumour after all!  Was it just a rumour that was  to “discredit” Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar, who is one of those few honorable men left in the corporate [...]

Anak Muda Kampung Nak Senang

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 11:07 AM PST

Anak Muda Kampung Nak Senang

Kematian, pergaduan, kemalangan di PLKN, oh PLKN

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 06:24 AM PST

39 pelatih PLKN gaduh. KUALA KANGSAR , 2 Dis 2011 - Sepuluh pelatih Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN) Kem Desa Rimba, Sauk, di sini cedera malam kelmarin, dalam pergaduhan melibatkan 39 pelatih, sebahagian daripada mereka mengguna peralatan di kem sebagai senjata.

Mereka yang cedera dipukul dengan batang kayu, besi, tali pinggang dan beberapa peralatan lain.

Timbalan Ketua Polis Daerah Kuala Kangsar, Deputi Superintendan Guan Beng Kang berkata, kejadian itu hanya disedari jurulatih kem berkenaan kira-kira jam 11.30 malam.

Menurutnya, ketika membuat rondaan, jurulatih berkenaan terdengar bunyi bising dari arah asrama dan mendapati sekumpulan pelatih sedang bergaduh.

"Melihat kejadian itu, jurulatih yang bertugas memanggil beberapa jurulatih lain untuk meleraikan perbalahan di antara pelatih-pelatih berkenaan.

"Setelah diperiksa didapati 10 daripada mereka mengalami kecederaan di badan dan kepala. Malah, seorang pelatih yang hanya bertindak meleraikan pergaduhan turut menjadi mangsa serangan," katanya pada sidang media, di pejabatnya di sini, semalam.

Beliau berkata, semua pelatih sepatutnya pulang ke rumah pada hari ini (Khamis) kerana sudah tamat latihan dan kem akan ditutup pada jam 10.00 pagi.

"Bagaimanapun, 29 daripada pelatih yang disyaki terlibat itu ditahan untuk memberikan keterangan sebelum dibenarkan pulang, manakala 10 pelatih yang cedera dirawat sebagai pesakit luar di Hospital Kuala Kangsar.

"Polis turut merampas senjata yang digunakan, termasuk besi dan batang kayu yang diambil daripada palang almari," katanya.

Katanya, siasatan awal mendapati punca pergaduhan disebabkan perselisihan faham di antara pelatih-pelatih tersebut sehingga menimbulkan perasaan tidak puas hati.

"Kesemua mereka yang ditahan akan disiasat di bawah Seksyen 148 Kanun Keseksaan.

"Kes ini akan dirujuk kepada pihak berkaitan untuk siasatan selanjutnya," katanya.


Koleksi berita-berita kematian, kemalangan, pergaduhan dan lain-lain berkaitan PLKN di Blog Berita PLKN di http://beritaplkn.blogspot.com/

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