Isnin, 22 September 2014



R Sivarasa - Ahli Parlimen Subang

Posted: 21 Sep 2014 11:22 PM PDT

R Sivarasa - Ahli Parlimen Subang

Isu perlantikan MB Selangor

Posted: 21 Sep 2014 09:46 PM PDT

Adakah nasihat DYMM Sultan Nazrin bahawa raja-raja secara rasmi melantik (dan tidak memilih) perdana menteri-perdana menteri, menteri besar-menteri besar dan ketua menteri-ketua menteri difahami dengan betul di Selangor?

Dalam syarahan umum di Hotel Raffles di Singapura pada 27 Julai 2004 anjuran Institut Pengajian Asia Tenggara (Institute of South-East Asian Studies), Raja Nazrin Shah (sekarang DYMM Sultan Nazrin Shah Perak) dalam penjelasan terperinci mengenai sistem raja berperlembagaan Malaysia dengan jelas berkata seperti berikut (dalam Bahasa Inggeris):

“The Agong formally appoints ( but does not select) the Prime Minister…. Correspondingly, the Rulers at State level appoint the Chief Ministers.”

Kata-kata DYMM ialah pernyataan mudah difaham mengenai prinsip utama bahawa sokongan majoriti di dewan undangan adalah pra-syarat asas bagi pelantikan Menteri Besar sebagaimana yang diperuntukkan dalam Perkara 53 (2) (a) Perlembagaan Negeri Selangor. Dalam mentafsirkan peruntukan yang sama dalam perlembagaan negeri Perak dalam kes Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin v Zambry Abdul Kadir [2010] 2 CLJ 925, Ketua Hakim Negara Ariffin Zakaria memetik dengan kelulusan penyataan berikut yang dibuat oleh Presiden Mahkamah Rayuan Raus Sharif seperti berikut (dalam Bahasa Inggeris):

“The DYMM Sultan of Perak in exercise of His Royal Prerogative under Article XVI(2)(a) of the Perak State Constitution is at liberty to appoint another Menteri Besar to replace Nizar. But His Royal Highness must appoint someone who has the command and the confidence of the majority of the members of the Legislative Assembly” (penekanan kami)

Kenyataan undang-undang ini merangkumi prinsip asas politik - bahawa rakyat yang memilih pemimpin yang dipilih mereka dan dalam sistem raja berperlembagaan Malaysia, bahawa ia adalah majoriti wakil rakyat yang kemudiannya memilih perdana menteri mereka, menteri besar atau ketua menteri sebagai mana yang berkenaan. Dan, secara konvension atau amalan, di Malaysia dan di negara-negara lain dengan sistem yang sama, ia adalah parti-parti politik yang menguasai majoriti di dewan undangan yang dipilih yang memilih nama baru perdana menteri, atau menteri Besar atau ketua menteri untuk negeri-negeri.

Ia juga jelas dalam pernyataan undang-undang ini bahawa sokongan majoriti mesti ditunjukkan pada masa pelantikan itu.

Laporan media mencadangkan bahawa tiga ADUN, Iskandar Samad, Dr Ahmad Yunus Hairi (kedua-duanya dari PAS) dan Azmin Ali (Timbalan Presiden PKR) baru-baru ini “ditemuduga" di Istana berhubung dengan pelantikan sebagai bakal Menteri Besar Selangor. Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, Presiden PKR yang telah secara terbuka menunjukkan sokongan majoriti 30 ADUN-ADUN bagaimanapun masih menunggu dengan sabar untuk mengadap DYMM Sultan Selangor.

DYMM Sultan Selangor sudah tentu akan menerima nasihat undang-undang mengenai tugas- tugas dan kuasa-kuasa beliau di bawah Perlembagaan Negeri.
Sebagai penasihat undang-undang kepada PKR, saya kata sekali lagi sebagaimana ramai yang lain telah menyatakan, kedudukan undang-undang adalah jelas. Saya berbuat demikian kerana, dengan anggapan ia adalah benar bahawa ketiga-tiga ADUN-ADUN telah sesungguhnya telah "ditemuduga" untuk jawatan Menteri Besar, maka soalan yang serius timbul sama ada DYMM Sultan Selangor sedang dinasihatkan dengan betul mengenai kedudukan perlembagaan yang benar.

Dalam kes Perak pada 5 Februari 2009, calon Barisan Nasional bagi Menteri Besar Zambry dapat menunjukkan kepada DYMM Sultan Perak selepas mengadap dengan kehadiran 30 ADUN-ADUN lain bahawa dia mempunyai sokongan majoriti 31 ADUN-ADUN dan Nizar, yang penyandang Menteri Besar, telah kehilangan majoriti dengan sokongan hanya 28 ADUN- ADUN selepas tiga ADUN-ADUN PR mengalih sokongan kepada BN. Mahkamah Persekutuan dengan itu memutuskan bahawa DYMM Perak telah melantik Zambry dengan betul mengikut Perlembagaan Negeri dan undang-undang.

Adalah jelas kepada fakta yang tidak disangkalkan di ruang awam untuk keadaan Selangor yang tiada di kalangan tiga calon-calon yang kononnya setakat ini telah mengadap DYMM Sultan Selangor telah memenuhi syarat asas sokongan majoriti. Calon-calon PAS yang namanya telah dikemukakan hanya oleh parti mereka hanya boleh yang terbaik menuntut sokongan daripada 13 ADUN-ADUN.

Azmin adalah dalam keadaan yang luar biasa kerana namanya tidak dicadangkan secara rasmi oleh mana-mana pihak dan beliau sendiri telah secara terbuka menyatakan sokongan untuk Wan Azizah dan menyokongnya dalam bentuk suatu akuan berkanun bersumpah. Pada masa ini, Azmin juga, tidak dapat secara terbuka menunjukkan sokongan majoriti.

Saya merayu kepada DYMM dan penasihat-penasihat undang-undangnya untuk mengambil kira tafsiran yang jelas yang diletakkan di atas peruntukan yang sama di dalam Perlembagaan Perak oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam memutuskan siapa yang dilantik Menteri Besar Selangor yang baru.

Jika Wan Azizah dinafikan pelantikan beliau sebagai Menteri Besar yang baru, ia sepatutnya perlu ada sekurang-kurangnya penjelasan mengenai peruntukan Perlembagaan Negeri yang mana sedang digunakan untuk menghalang beliau daripada dipertimbangkan untuk dilantik dan mengapa.

Sivarasa Rasiah
Ahli Parlimen PKR untuk Subang
21 September 2014

Appointment of the Mentri Besar

Posted: 21 Sep 2014 08:18 AM PDT

Is HRH Sultan Nazrin’s advice that the rulers formally appoint ( and do not select ) prime ministers, menteri besars and chief ministers properly understood in Selangor?

In a public lecture at the Raffles Hotel in Singapore on 27.7.2004 organised by the Institute of South-East  Asian Studies, Raja Nazrin Shah ( now HRH Sultan Nazrin Shah of Perak ) in his exposition on the Malaysian monarchy lucidly said as follows:

“The Agong formally appoints ( but does not select) the Prime Minister…. Correspondingly, the Rulers at State level appoint the Chief Ministers.” 

HRH’s words were a simple restatement of the key principle that majority support of the state legislative assembly is a fundamental precondition for the appointment of the Menteri  Besar as provided for in Article 53(2)(a) of the Selangor State Constitution.  In interpreting the identical provision in the Perak state constitution in the case of  Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin  v Zambry Abdul Kadir [2010] 2 CLJ 925, Chief Justice Ariffin Zakaria  quoted with approval the following statements made by the President of the Court of Appeal Raus Sharif as follows:

“The DYMM Sultan of Perak in exercise of His Royal Prerogative under Article XVI(2)(a) of the Perak State Constitution is at liberty to appoint another Menteri Besar to replace Nizar.  But His Royal Highness must appoint someone who has the command and the confidence of the majority of the members of the Legislative Assembly” ( our emphasis)

This legal statement encapsulates a fundamental political principle – that it is the people who elect their elected leaders and in the Malaysian system of constitutional monarchy, that it is the majority of the elected representatives who then select their prime minster, menteri  besar or chief minister as the case may be.  And, conventionally,  in Malaysia and in other countries with a similar system, it is the political parties who command the majority in the elected legislative assembly who select  the name of the next prime minister, or menteri besar or chief minister for the states.

It is also clear in this statement of the law that majority support must be demonstrated at the time of the appointment.

Media reports suggest that three ADUNs, Iskandar Samad, Dr Ahmad Yunus Hairi ( both from PAS)  and Azmin Ali ( Deputy President of PKR ) were recently ‘interviewed” at the Istana in relation to a prospective appointment as Menteri Besar of Selangor.  Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, President of PKR who has publicly demonstrated a majority of 30 ADUNs however still waits patiently for an audience.

HRH the Sultan of Selangor will of course be receiving legal advice as to his duties and powers under the State Constitution. 
As a legal advisor to PKR, I point out again as many others have done, the settled  legal position. I do so because, assuming it is true that all the three ADUNs have indeed been “interviewed” for the Menteri  Besar  position,  then serious questions arise as to whether  HRH Sultan of Selangor is being properly advised as to the proper constitutional position.

In the Perak case on 5th February 2009, the Barisan Nasional candidate for Menteri Besar Zambry was able to demonstrate to HRH Sultan of Perak in an audience with the presence of 30 other ADUNs  that he had majority support of 31 ADUNs  and that Nizar, the incumbent  Menteri  Besar, had lost the majority with support of only 28 ADUNs after three PR ADUNs crossed over to BN. The Federal Court therefore ruled that HRH of Perak had properly appointed Zambry in accordance with the State Constitution and the law.

It is obvious on the undisputable facts in the public domain for the Selangor situation that none of these three candidates purportedly granted audiences so far by HRH Sultan of Selangor have fulfilled the fundamental condition of majority support.  The PAS candidates whose names were submitted only by their party can at best claim the support of 13 ADUNs.   Azmin is in an unusual situation as his name was not even formally proposed by any party and he himself has publicly declared support for Wan Azizah and affirmed it in the form of a sworn statutory declaration.  At this point in time,  Azmin too, is not able to publicly demonstrate majority support.  
I appeal to HRH and his legal advisers to take into account the clear interpretation placed upon the identical provision in the Perak Constitution by the Federal Court in deciding who to appoint as the next Selangor Menteri Besar.

If Wan Azizah is to be refused her appointment as the next Menteri  Besar, there ought to be at the very least an explanation of which  provision of the State Constitution is being invoked to prevent her  from being considered for the appointment and why.

Sivarasa Rasiah, PKR Member of Parliament for Subang

21st September 2014


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