Selasa, 29 September 2015



Anwar Ibrahim

Posted: 28 Sep 2015 07:13 PM PDT

Anwar Ibrahim

Press Statement: Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s Medical Treatment

Posted: 27 Sep 2015 08:12 PM PDT

Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim's Medical Treatment: A Rebuttal to claims by D-G of Health

28 September 2015

We refer to the statement by the DG of Health on 26th September 2015 claiming that the medical professionals are providing all necessary treatment for DSAI.

We strongly disagree. Urgent and essential medical treatment has been unreasonably delayed until the present day.

The D-G of Health claimed that there are 17 experts managing DSAI's medical treatment. However this is of no avail to DSAI as urgent surgical treatment continues to be delayed. DSAI's chronic right shoulder injury has worsened and has left him in a state of constant pain. This has been raised by DSAI, his family and lawyers ever since his imprisonment in February 2015.

It was almost 3 months before even an MRI was carried out to ascertain the exact condition of the shoulder, despite repeated pleas for treatment by DSAI. Since then the panel of doctors have told DSAI that surgery is required to the right shoulder. Despite more requests and pleas by DSAI's family and lawyers, he has yet to be taken to hospital for the surgical procedure.

The D-G of Health claimed that a senior physiotherapist has been assigned to him. However, DSAI only received physiotherapy about once a month and even this was at the prison itself where there are no proper facilities for physiotherapy to be carried out effectively. He should be taken several times a week to the hospital for intensive physiotherapy as recommended by the orthopaedic specialist.

Now with his worsening condition, surgery has become essential.

The DG now claims that they are allowing an orthopaedic consultant chosen by DSAI's family to give a second opinion. However this request was made much earlier by DSAI and family, and has never been allowed to date.

Why this unexplained delay?

We note that although 17 experts are said to be involved, the person in charge remains Tan Sri Dr S.Jeyaindran. Dr Jeyaindran was also a prosecution witness against DSAI in the sodomy prosecution.

What is equally worrying is that the Minister in charge has again appointed Dr S.Jeyaindran to examine DSAI now, when he is the very the same physician consultant who was involved in treating DSAI in 2003 during his then imprisonment. Even back then, DSAI had complained about the lack of adequate medical treatment for his back problem. Those complaints were very real because DSAI was flown immediately to Munich for complex surgery on his back upon his release in September 2004.

We therefore demand on behalf of DSAI and his family that:-

1. Dr S Jeyaindran be removed as the leader of the panel of experts and as DSAI's physician;
2. That DSAI be warded immediately, and allowed to consult the orthopaedic surgeon of his choice and that the surgery be carried out promptly.

Issued by,

Sivarasa Rasiah
N Surendran
Latheefa Koya

Lawyers for Anwar Ibrahim

Isnin, 28 September 2015



AMK Shah Alam

Posted: 27 Sep 2015 01:20 PM PDT

AMK Shah Alam

Posted: 27 Sep 2015 04:40 AM PDT

Jumaat, 25 September 2015



R Sivarasa - Ahli Parlimen Subang

Posted: 24 Sep 2015 11:19 PM PDT

R Sivarasa - Ahli Parlimen Subang

Soalan-soalan Parlimen YB Sivarasa, Ahli Parlimen SUBANG.

Posted: 24 Sep 2015 01:56 AM PDT

Mesyuarat Ketiga, Penggal Ketiga, Parlimen Ke-13 yang bermula pada 19 Oktober 2015

Soalan-soalan jawab lisan dan bertulis seperti berikut:

Soalan Jawab Lisan

1.Tuan R.Sivarasa [ Subang ] meminta  Menteri Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar dan/atau Menteri Luar Negara menyatakan usaha dan hasil pemerintah dalam menyelesaikan masalah jerebu yang dihadapi Malaysia pada peringkat serantau memandangkan Malaysia merupakan pengerusi ASEAN.

2.Tuan R.Sivarasa [Subang] meminta Menteri Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau dan Air menyatakan jumlah wang tenaga boleh diperbaharui (Renewable Energy Fund) yang telah dikutip daripada pengguna elektrik oleh Tenaga Nasional Berhad bagi pihak Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) bagi tahun 2012, 2013 dan 2014 dan jumlah yang telah dibayar kepada penjana solar categori individu bersama institusi  non-profit  ( agama, ngo dsbnya ).

3.Tuan R.Sivarasa [Subang] meminta Perdana Menteri/ Menteri  Pengangkutan menyatakan sebab kita membuat pengumuman pengesahan serpihan-serpihan yang ditemui di Pulau Reunion sebagai sebahagian pesawat MH370  sebelum apa-apa pengesahan  daripada pakar-pakar syarikat  Boeing di Peranchis dan negara-negara lain.

4.Tuan R.Sivarasa [Subang] meminta Menteri Perushaan Perladangan dan Komoditi menyatakan sebab pihak FELDA membantah dan menghalang pengeluaran lesen menjual kelapa sawit oleh Lembaga Kelapa Sawit Malaysia kepada peneroka-peneroka FELDA yang sudah selesai semua hutang dan mendapat hakmilik tanah mereka.

5.Tuan R.Sivarasa [ Subang ] meminta Menteri Luar Negeri menyatakan samada Malaysia akan mendesak Sri Lanka menghormati dan melaksanakan sepenuhnya syor-syor Pejabat Pesuruhjaya Tinggi Hak-Asasi Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu termasuk penubuhan satu mahkamah istimewa hyrid ( special hybrid court) untuk membicarakan kes-kes jenayah perang yang dilakukan  dari tempoh 2002 ke 2011.

6. Tuan R.Sivarasa [ Subang ] meminta Perdana Menteri menyatakan pandangan tentang pendedahan bahawa agensi-agensi kerajaan Malaysia termasuk Jabatan Perdana Menteri telah membeli spyware  bernama Remote Control System (RCS) melalui syarikat tempatan di Shah Alam, Selangor, bernama Miliserve Technology daripada pembuat spyware bernama Hacker Team di Milan, Italy, dan telah menggunanya untuk mengintip beberapa rakyat Malaysia.

7. Tuan R.Sivarasa [Subang[ meminta Perdana Menteri menyatakan rasional pemerintah menamatkan perkhidmatan Tan Sri Gani Patail sebagai Peguam Negara secara tergesa-gesa pada 27 Julai 2015 sedangkan beliau sememangnya akan bersara pada 6 Oktober 2015.

8.Tuan R.Sivarasa [Subang] meminta Perdana Menteri menyatakan apakah harta pusaka yang diwarisi oleh beliau yang dirujuk dalam kenyataan Jabatan Perdana Menteri kepada New York Times yang disebut dalam rencana bertajuk ” Jho Low, Well Connected in Malaysia, Has an Appetite for New York ” bertarikh 8hb Februari 2015.

9.Tuan R.Sivarasa [Subang] meminta  Perdana Menteri menyatakan samada beliau telah dihubungi oleh wakil-wakil kerajaan Amerika Syarikat berkaitan dengan siasatan ”Grand Jury” di sana dalam tuduhah-tuduhan amalan rasuah yang membabitkan Perdana Menteri sendiri dan dua orang lagi, Riza Aziz dan Jho Low;

10.Tuan R.Sivarasa [ Subang ] meminta Perdana Menteri menyatakan punca “dana keluarga” atau “family wealth” yang dikatakan digunakan oleh anak tiri beliau Riza Aziz untuk membeli hartanah mewah di New York dan Beverley Hills bernilai tidak kurang daripada 60 juta USD dan juga untuk melabur beberapa ratus juta USD dalam industri filem di US. 

Soalan Jawab Bertulis
1. Tuan R.Sivarasa [Subang] meminta Perdana Menteri dan/atau Menteri Dalam Negeri menyatakan
a) untuk 12 inkues yang telah diselesaikan untuk kematian dalam tahanan polis 2009 sehingga September 2015 ( rujuk jawapan mesyuarat ketiga 2014 rujukan 7318 soalan 516, tiada tarikh),  keputusan dalam setiap kes dan samaada keputusan telah kenalpasti perlakuan jenayah dalam insiden kematian dan sekiranya ada, siapa
b) untuk 15 kes di mana magistret memutuskan tiada inkues diperlukan, senaraikan setiap kes dengan alasan untuk keputusan Magistret.

2. Tuan R.Sivarasa [Subang] meminta Perdana Menteri dan/atau Menteri Dalam Negeri menyatakan:
a) untuk 23 kes kematian dalam tahanan polis 2009 sehingga 2014 ( rujuk jawapan mesyuarat ketiga 2014 rujukan 7318 soalan 516, tiada tarikh) yang telah dirujuk kepada DPP, senaraikan status dan keputusan DPP untuk setiap kes; 
b) untuk 20 kes yang masih dalam siasatan, senaraikan setiap kes and menyatakan status siasatan kes tersebut.
c) untuk 6 kes yang dirujuk kepada Magistret, senaraikan setiap kes dan menyatakan apa maksud ” rujuk kepada Magistret” dan apakah hasilnya.

3.Tuan R.Sivarasa [Subang] meminta Menteri Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar menyatakan jumlah gunatanah hutan yang telah ditukar kepada tanah perladangan di setiap negeri bagi sepuluh tahun yang lepas.

4.Tuan R.Sivarasa [Subang] meminta Menteri Dalam Negeri menyatakan jumlah terkini tahanan-tahanan Akta Kesalahan Keselamatan (Langkah-langkah Khas) (SOSMA) samada yang didakwa ataupun tidak, mengikut pecahan warganegara, negeri asal, bangsa, jantina, umur, pertuduhan, tempoh ditahan dan tempat mereka ditahan sejak SOSMA diwartakan pada 22 Jun 2012 sehingga ke 30hb September 2015.

5.Tuan R.Sivarasa [ Subang ] meminta Menteri Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau dan Air menyatakan prestasi pengurangan kadar air tidak berhasil (NRW) di setiap negeri bagi tahun 2008 hingga 2014

Rabu, 23 September 2015



R Sivarasa - Ahli Parlimen Subang

Posted: 22 Sep 2015 11:13 PM PDT

R Sivarasa - Ahli Parlimen Subang

Salam Aidil Adha

Posted: 22 Sep 2015 09:35 PM PDT

Selasa, 22 September 2015



Anwar Ibrahim

Posted: 21 Sep 2015 07:08 PM PDT

Anwar Ibrahim

Media Statement: DS Anwar’s message to the public on 21 September 2015

Posted: 21 Sep 2015 01:49 AM PDT

DS Anwar Ibrahim conveyed the following message to the public through his lawyers on 21 September 2015:

“I welcome the round table gathering of representatives from PAS, KEADILAN, DAP and Amanah and NGOs expected to take place on Tuesday.

This is an important preliminary step in forging a representative, participatory and inclusive alliance of political parties, NGOs and personalities to bring much-needed change to the country.

The aim of the gathering is not simply to forge a political alliance; ours is a greater endeavour to save the country by uniting all forces committed to reform, justice and the rule of law.

From this prison, I sense the anxiety and concerns of the Rakyat on the economy and fall in currency, increase in racial rhetoric and the continuing 1MDB scandal which remains unresolved.

In this critical situation, we must set aside differences and move forward to forge a viable, just and democratic alternative to the current government.”

Fahmi Fadzil
Communications Director
Parti Keadilan Rakyat


Kenyataan Media: Perutusan DS Anwar pada 21 September 2015

Berikut merupakan perutusan DS Anwar Ibrahim yang disampaikan melalui peguam beliau pada 21 September 2015:

“Saya terima baik usaha rundingan meha bulat yang akan disertai wakil-wakil PAS, KEADILAN, DAP dan Amanah serta NGO-NGO pada Selasa ini.

Ini merupakan langkah awal yang penting bagi mewujudkan muafakat yang melibatkan semua pihak termasuk parti-parti politik, NGO dan individu-individu yang amat diperlukan demi membawa perubahan kepada negara.

Tujuan pertemuan ini bukan hanya untuk mewujudkan muafakat politik; usaha kita lebih dari itu, iaitu untuk menyelamatkan Malaysia dengan menggembleng tenaga semua pihak yang komited kepada reformasi, keadilan dan kedaulatan undang-undang.

Walau saya di penjara, saya tetap dapat merasai kerisauan dan kebimbangan rakyat terhadap isu ekonomi dan kejatuhan nilai mata wang ringgit, penggunaan retorik perkauman yang semakin meningkat dan skandal 1MDB yang tidak berkesudahan.

Dalam keadaan genting ini, kita perlu mengetepikan perbezaan dan maju ke hadapan untuk membentuk alternatif yang berdaya maju, adil dan demokratik berbanding kerajaan sedia ada.”

Fahmi Fadzil
Pengarah Komunikasi
Parti Keadilan Rakyat

Malaysia’s prime minister is a questionable ally

Posted: 20 Sep 2015 09:01 PM PDT

Washington Post

THE OBAMA administration has made a heavy bet on the Malaysian government of Najib Razak, whose majority Muslim nation collaborates on several key U.S. national security initiatives: counterterrorism, counterproliferation and balancing against China's regional ambitions. In December, President Obama invited Mr. Najib to a round of golf during his Hawaiian vacation, a rare show of friendship for a foreign leader.

Since then, however, Mr. Najib has been evolving into an increasingly unseemly pal. In February, the country's opposition leader, Anwar Ibrahim, was imprisoned on blatantly trumped-up charges, just under a year after the coalition Mr. Anwar led won the popular vote in national elections. That was the tip of a broader campaign to suppress the opposition; key leaders were indicted under a sedition law that Mr. Najib once promised to repeal, and a leading cartoonist was prosecuted for tweets. Mr. Anwar's daughter, parliament member Nurul Izzah Anwar, was recently told she was being investigated under an anti-terrorism law.

Then came the news that close to $700 million had been transferred to personal bank accounts of Mr. Najib before the 2013 election. The Wall Street Journal reported in July that Malaysian investigators believed the money came from companies linked to a troubled state investment fund headed by the prime minister. Mr. Najib responded with a brazen crackdown on those investigating the fund, firing a deputy prime minister and the attorney general and gutting a parliamentary investigative committee. Two newspapers that had been pursuing the scandal were shut down. When the opposition organized a massive protest demonstration last month, authorities banned the movement's signature yellow color.

Mr. Najib once positioned himself as a reformer who would lead a quasi-authoritarian state to genuine democracy. Now he is trying to consolidate his position by appealing to the worst currents in Malaysian politics: ethnic chauvinism and Islamic fundamentalism. In answer to the opposition, the ruling party, which relies on support from the majority Malay population, staged its own rally in which senior officials crudely attacked the Chinese and Indian minorities. Mr. Najib is meanwhile toying with the idea of allowing Islamic sharia law to be imposed in one province, a key goal of Malaysia's fundamentalists.

In a visit to Kuala Lumpur last month, Secretary of State John F. Kerry said he had "raised concerns" with Mr. Najib about freedom of expression and Mr. Anwar's imprisonment. But mostly the Obama administration is sticking with the sullied prime minister. In July, the State Department delivered a questionable promotion to Malaysia in its human trafficking ratings; Mr. Obama is still scheduled to visit Malaysia for an Asian summit in November. The administration appears to be counting on Mr. Najib to deliver Malaysia's support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, an Asian free trade deal that Mr. Obama hopes to make part of his legacy.

Nevertheless Ms. Nurul, who visited Washington this week, had a good question for the administration officials she met: "For all that you are investing in Malaysia, are you getting your money's worth?" Mr. Najib may cooperate with U.S. intelligence agencies and the trade representative, but his repression and pandering to racists and Muslim extremists risks destroying the foundations of the alliance. The next time Mr. Obama meets his golfing buddy, he ought to make that clear.

FBI Probes Malaysia Development Fund

Posted: 20 Sep 2015 08:56 PM PDT


U.S. opens money-laundering investigation amid international 1MDB probe; Malaysia police arrest critic of prime minister

The FBI has opened an investigation into allegations of money-laundering related to a Malaysian state investment fund, a person familiar with the matter said.

The scope of the investigation wasn't known. It is the latest in a series of international investigations related to the fund that have been revealed in the past several weeks.

The international investigations center on entities related to 1Malaysia Development Bhd., which was set up by Prime Minister Najib Razak in 2009 to help drive the economy. The fund is having difficulty repaying more than $11 billion of debt and is at the center of investigations that are destabilizing the government.

A Malaysian government probe found that nearly $700 million moved through banks, agencies and companies linked to 1MDB before being deposited into Mr. Najib's alleged private bank accounts ahead of a close election in 2013, the Journal reported in July.

The source of the money is unclear, and the government investigation hasn't detailed what happened to the funds that allegedly went into Mr. Najib's personal accounts. Malaysia's anticorruption body in August said the funds were a donation from the Middle East. The donor wasn't specified.

Mr. Najib has denied wrongdoing and denied taking money for personal gain.

Late Friday, a former member of Malaysia's ruling party who had raised questions about money transfers to the Malaysian prime minister was arrested on charges of attempting to undermine democracy, his lawyer Matthias Chang said.

The arrest of Khairuddin Abu Hassan, who remained in custody on Saturday, prevented him from traveling to New York where he planned to urge U.S. authorities to investigate the transfers, Mr. Chang said.

A spokeswoman for the FBI's New York office said that no agent in the office had arranged to speak with Mr. Khairuddin or had any previous contact with him.

Two of the transfers were made through the Singapore branch of a Swiss private bank and routed via Wells Fargo & Co. Wells Fargo declined to comment.

The Swiss attorney general's office has opened criminal proceedings against two unidentified executives of 1MDB on suspicion of corruption and money-laundering. It has frozen tens of millions of dollars in Swiss bank accounts, officials said in August.

Last week, 1MDB said none of its executives or board members were the subject of criminal proceedings by the Swiss attorney general's office, and that none of its accounts were frozen there.

Authorities in Singapore also have frozen accounts linked to 1MDB and are investigating allegations related to the fund. 1MDB said none of its accounts were frozen and that it was ready to assist any investigations subject to advice from the appropriate Malaysian authorities.


Isnin, 21 September 2015

Dewan Pemuda PAS Bagan Datoh

Dewan Pemuda PAS Bagan Datoh


Posted: 20 Sep 2015 08:26 AM PDT

Sabtu, 19 September 2015



Suara Sri Andalas

Posted: 18 Sep 2015 11:21 PM PDT

Suara Sri Andalas

Jemputan Media Ke Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Cabang Kota Raja

Posted: 18 Sep 2015 12:55 AM PDT


Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera,

JEMPUTAN MEDIA - KEADILAN Kota Raja akan mengadakan Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Kali Ke-7 di peringkat Cabang, Angkatan Muda dan Wanita seperti butiran berikut:

Tarikh       : 19 September 2015 (Sabtu)
Masa         : 4.00 petang
Tempat     : Dewan Serbaguna Klang Jaya, Jalan Selampit 26, Taman Klang Jaya, 41200 Klang
Perasmi    : YB Haniza Talha, ADUN Taman Medan, Ketua Wanita KEADILAN Selangor

Tarikh      : 19 September 2015 (Sabtu)
Masa        : 8.00 malam
Tempat     : Dewan Serbaguna Klang Jaya, Jalan Selampit 26, Taman Klang Jaya, 41200 Klang
Perasmi    : YBhg. Sdr Mohd Radzlan Bin Jalaludin, Naib Ketua Angkatan Muda KEADILAN Malaysia
YB Tn. Shuhaimi Bin Hj Shafiei, ADUN Sri Muda, Setiausaha Politik Kepada Menteri Besar Negeri Selangor

Tarikh       : 20 September 2015 (Ahad)
Masa        : 10.00 pagi
Tempat     : Dewan Serbaguna Klang Jaya, Jalan Selampit 26, Taman Klang Jaya, 41200 Klang
Perasmi    : YAB Tn. Azmin Ali, Menteri Besar Negeri Selangor

Sehubungan dengan itu, Tuan / Puan dijemput hadir membuat liputan.


Anwar Ibrahim

Posted: 18 Sep 2015 07:09 PM PDT

Anwar Ibrahim

Malaysia Fund 1MDB’s Missing Money Problem Grows

Posted: 17 Sep 2015 11:33 PM PDT


Mystery deepens around fund set up by Prime Minister Najib Razak

Questions around a troubled Malaysian state investment fund and missing money in the Middle East have widened to include as much as $1 billion more.

The Wall Street Journal reported last week that officials in Abu Dhabi were trying to understand why a $1.4 billion transfer that the fund, 1Malaysia Development Bhd., said it made to a counterparty in the Middle Eastern emirate wasn't received. Now, those officials are questioning a further $993 million that 1MDB reported it paid to the Abu Dhabi fund, the International Petroleum Investment Co., but which also appears to be largely missing, people familiar with the matter said.

Officials from 1MDB and IPIC didn't respond to requests for comment.

The questions deepen the mystery around 1MDB, which was set up by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak in 2009 to invest in Malaysia's economy. The fund is now struggling to repay more than $11 billion in debt and is at the center of a corruption scandal that is destabilizing Mr. Najib's government.

Earlier this year, a Malaysian government investigation found almost $700 million entered the prime minister's private accounts through entities linked to 1MDB ahead of a close election in 2013. The source of the money is unclear, and the government investigation hasn't detailed what happened to the funds that went into Mr. Najib's personal accounts. Malaysia's anticorruption body in August said the funds were a donation from the Middle East. The donor wasn't specified.

Attempts to reach Mr. Najib weren't successful. He has denied any wrongdoing or taking money for personal gain.

The link to the Abu Dhabi fund came in 2012, when it agreed to guarantee $3.5 billion in bonds issued by 1MDB to fund the purchase of some power plants. In return, IPIC was given options to buy a stake in those power assets. But last year, both sides agreed to end that deal with 1MDB agreeing to buy back the options for an undisclosed price.

1MDB said it made a transfer of nearly $1 billion to an IPIC subsidiary in November as partial payment for the options, according to copy of a draft report by Malaysia's auditor general that was reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

Neither the financial records of IPIC, nor its wholly-owned subsidiary Aabar Investments PJSC, for 2014 mention of the receipt of the money. They say only in a footnote that as of the end of 2014, 1MDB owed IPIC $481.3 million in outstanding payments for the options. No substantial amount of money was received by IPIC, the people familiar with the matter said. It isn't clear how IPIC arrived at the $481.3 million figure and how it relates to the nearly $1 billion transfer 1MDB says it made to IPIC.

The missing $1 billion is the second payment that 1MDB reported it made and IPIC said it didn't receive. Financial statements from 1MDB and a report by the Malaysian auditor general, which is one of a number agencies investigating 1MDB, show that the fund made a separate payment of $1.4 billion to IPIC. That payment was described as collateral for the loan guarantees that Abu Dhabi provided on the bonds issued by 1MDB. Last week, the Journal reported that payment also was missing and that Abu Dhabi officials were looking into it, according to people familiar with the matter.

The 1MDB fund said last week that it stood by its audited financial accounts and that its auditor, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Ltd., had made "specific and detailed" inquiries into the collateral transfer before signing off on the accounts. Deloitte declined to comment.

On Aug. 14, the Swiss attorney general's office opened criminal proceedings against two unidentified executives of 1MDB and against what it called persons unknown for suspected corruption and money laundering. It also has frozen tens of millions of dollars in Swiss bank accounts. Swiss authorities on Tuesday said Malaysia has agreed to allow its prosecutors to question witnesses.

Authorities in Singapore also have frozen accounts linked to 1MDB and are continuing to probe the fund. The Malaysian fund said it was ready to assist any investigations subject to advice from the appropriate Malaysian authorities.

AMK Shah Alam

Posted: 18 Sep 2015 01:08 PM PDT

AMK Shah Alam

Posted: 18 Sep 2015 10:27 AM PDT

Jumaat, 18 September 2015



Anwar Ibrahim

Posted: 17 Sep 2015 07:06 PM PDT

Anwar Ibrahim

The Malay Supremacy Gambit — How Far Will It Go Under Najib Razak?

Posted: 17 Sep 2015 06:40 PM PDT


In Malaysia, the 3Rs – race (the Malay race), religion (Islam) and royalty (the Malay Sultans) – ideology (code word for Malay supremacy) and strategy has underpinned the ruling party's grip on the Malaysian community. Since the twelfth general election in 2008, however, the efficacy of this ideology and strategy appear to be on a downward slide, especially among urban Malaysians. The critical question now is: What extent will the prime minister and the leaders of UMNO use the politics of Malay supremacy to remain in power?

One of the most outspoken is the Sungai Besar United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) division chief, Datuk Jamal Md Yunos, who is organizing a "red shirt" rally for Sept. 16 (which coincidentally is Malaysia Day) to teach the Democratic Action Party (DAP) Chinese not to be rude to Malays. He has also warned non-Muslims to avoid Kuala Lumpur. Already rumors are spreading and the recent Low Yat riot comes to mind.

But the story is rapidly evolving. After fierce criticism from a wide spectrum of society, including from former UMNO stalwarts and public disavowal from prominent Malay associations,  the 'theme' has now changed. It appears that it is no longer Himpunan Maruah Melayu (Rally for Malay Dignity), but rather a Himpunan Rakyat Bersatu (Rally for Citizens Unity). Questioned for its legality earlier, the rally is now legal according to Malaysia's Inspector General of Police. It is now being organised by the Malay martial arts sports association, Pesaka (the National Silat Federation), whose chair is the former Malacca Chief Minister, and current UMNO senator, Tan Sri Mohd Ali Rustam.

Despite the cosmetics, the motive remains.

It's a common practice for leaders in the Malay community, especially from UMNO, to rally their supporters by appealing to race, religion and royalty; the symbols of Malay supremacy in Malaysia. Legitimate challenges within Malaysia's narrowly defined democratic space are interpreted as "humiliating Malays" by those at risk of losing power. This is entirely predictable and was seen most clearly at Malaysia's thirteenth general elections. It is important to note that its antecedents are likely in the creation of the Malayan state.

The force of this ideology was seen most vividly at Malaysia's third general election in 1969, when UMNO performed poorly and ethnic riots between Malays and Chinese took place on May 13. Accounts vary as to what actually happened, but the underlying message was that while Malaysia is a "democracy," power must always remain with the Malays, and preferably under UMNO. Otherwise, the loss of Malay supremacy would see them become marginalized within their own nation (as argued by their proponents).

Since then, the specter of May 13 is often raised for a host of different reasons, from justifying affirmative action for the Malays to banishing ideas for further democratization. Ironically, it is the DAP – the most successful opposition party and predominantly Chinese – that is always the reason given as to why another May 13 could happen.

The specter of May 13 is also commonly used by beleaguered UMNO leaders to rally their supporter. When UMNO was split in 1987, a certain UMNO Youth leader was alleged to have unsheathed a keris (Malay dagger) and reportedly vowed that the keris would be bathed in Chinese blood. UMNO general assemblies (including its Youth and Women's assemblies) are routinely filled with symbolism such as this, accompanied with cries of protecting and "ennobling" (memartabatkan) the Malay race, the Malay language, the Malay culture, the Islamic religion and the Malay Sultans.

The current Deputy Home Minister, Nur Jazlan, wrote the following in 2011:

The party has failed to offer new ideas to attract the young Malays to support its ideology, which in recent years has drifted more to the right. The prime minister, Dato Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak, through the concept of One Malaysia has tried to bring UMNO back to the center space of national politics, where race and religious tolerance is at equilibrium.

But his message doesn't seem to resonate with the majority of the delegates and even among his bench of Supreme Council members, who may have come to a conclusion that another event of racial and religious strife in the country is the best way to retain Malay power.

The Deputy Home Minister concedes that the thinking at the highest levels in UMNO is that racial and religious strife can bring benefits to the party.

In cables leaked exclusively to The Sunday Age by WikiLeaks, several of Singapore's highest ranked foreign affairs officials – Peter Ho, Bilahari Kausikan and Tommy Koh  – raised serious concerns over key politicians in Malaysia, including the then-Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak.

The Sydney Morning Herald reported the following:

According to one cable detailing a meeting in Sept. 2008, Kausikan told U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense for East Asia David Sedney that "the situation in neighboring Malaysia is confused and dangerous," fueled by a "distinct possibility of racial conflict" that could see ethnic Chinese "flee" Malaysia and "overwhelm" Singapore.

"A lack of competent leadership is a real problem for Malaysia," Kausikan said, citing the need for Najib Razak – now Malaysia's prime minister – to "prevail politically in order to avoid prosecution" in connection with a 2006 murder investigation linked to one of Razak's aides.

"Najib Razak has his neck on the line in connection with a high-profile murder case," Kausikan said.

Ho's March 2008 assessment of Malaysia, given to another U.S. official, is also unflattering, and includes claims that former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has been "throwing stones" at his replacement, Abdullah Badawi.

"The political knives will be out for Abdullah's son-in-law, United Malays National Organization politician Khairy Jamaluddin, whom nobody likes because he got where he is through family ties," the cable records Ho saying. "As for … Najib Razak, he is an opportunist. Although he has not been critical of Singapore, he will not hesitate to go in that direction if it is expedient for him to do so. Najib's political fortunes continue to be haunted by the … murder scandal."

Prime Minister Najib Razak is under intense pressure to resign. To compound his already numerous problems, a recent documentary by Al Jazeera once again raises serious questions of his alleged involvement in the murder of a foreign national.

If Najib's supporters are of the opinion that sparking social unrest would be to his advantage, they may want to look back in history on how his father came to power.

If supporters of UMNO begin to think that such disturbances are likely to help it retain power in Malaysia, it would indeed be a frightening prospect, especially as divisions within the party have become all too apparent. Former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad appeared at a recent anti-government rally, urging UMNO's members of parliament to replace Najib and has condemned the 'red shirt' rally.

Those assessments made by Singapore's foreign affairs chiefs on Malaysia are increasingly looking spot on.

Nurul Izzah pins hopes on UN, US to take up Anwar’s case

Posted: 17 Sep 2015 06:38 PM PDT


Nurul Izzah Anwar, daughter of jailed former opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, is pinning her hopes on the United Nations or United States taking up his case, she said yesterday.

Anwar was convicted last year of sodomising an aide and jailed for five years, but his supporters regard the former deputy prime minister as a political prisoner held on trumped-up charges.

This week, Nurul Izzah was in Washington to meet officials from the White House, State Department and Congress to lobby on her 68-year-old father's behalf.

Current Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has been weakened by a corruption scandal, and Anwar's camp hopes international pressure will be the key to reopening his case."America needs also to understand the impact of allowing such an important voice like Anwar to be silenced just because of political considerations," Nurul said.

"And I think if we allow this authoritarian regime to hijack the agenda you will only see a worsening situation in terms of extremism."

Once an ally of former Malaysian strongman Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Anwar has already served jail time for sodomy but emerged to lead the opposition movement.

Washington has expressed its concern several times over his treatment, and in August, US Secretary of State John Kerry said he had taken up the matter directly with Najib.

Anwar's international legal team has filed a motion with the UN Security Council's human rights committee and hopes next month to be rewarded with a statement condemning his incarceration.

"Our hope is that between the UN opinion and the increased authoritarian consolidation under way in Malaysia… and Najib being under investigation… all these things together create the image of Najib as a man under siege," one lawyer said.
